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民国时期,随着政治实力的消长,各派势力像走马灯似的纷纷粉墨登场,其政策也一直处于频繁的游移与兴废之中。在这种社会大背景下,华北乡村的经济社会发展就处于一种极度不稳定状态,而租佃制实施过程中的一些弊端、农地的细化分割现象、农民离村多年后返村重新确认地产以及频发的自然灾害等因素直接导致了华北乡村土地纠纷的大量出现,这不仅折射了民国时期的土地经济实态,同时亦是华北乡村土地秩序的纷乱之源。在处理华北乡村土地纠纷、维系土地秩序的过程中,契约习惯具有重要作用,其所具有的特殊约束力不仅能使土地秩序自行调整,而且还可避免许多不必要的纷争,从而在一定程度上维系了土地秩序的较为稳定的格局。但契约习惯并不是万能的,当其无法维系土地秩序时,要使土地秩序免于纷乱、重新达于稳定,就必须求助于法律、依靠法院来裁决,而且这种裁决常常是强制性的。实践也证明,法院裁判在强制重构土地秩序以及稳定社会秩序方面的确具有不可替代的重要作用。  相似文献   
毛泽东的农业合作化思想产生于革命战争年代,建国后得到进一步发展。毛泽东认为合作化道路是人民得到解放、由穷变富的必由之路,并且认为中国农业通过合作化走向社会主义是唯一正确的道路。在毛泽东合作化思想指导之下进行的农业合作化运动,虽有失误,但具有不容否认的实践意义。  相似文献   
《当代中国的“显学”》评述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
《当代中国的"显学"》一书系侯且岸先生多年在史学园地辛勤耕耘的结晶,充分体现了作者的学术思想和独立品格。该书主要有三个方面的特点:一是重视对现实性比较强的问题的研究;二是重视历史人物思想的研究;三是重视学术史和学术方法论的研究。当然,该书也不可避免地存在一些疏漏,在体例与编排方面也仍有可改进之处,然瑕不掩瑜。  相似文献   
戴卫·戈德尔是继罗尔斯之后 ,对契约主义思想影响最大 ,同时也带来了最多争议的思想家之一。他从塑造理想市场的需要出发界说人的道德与理性 ,认为二者同市场的运行原则———有限制最大化是和谐一致的。道德与理性的一致性假设虽然能够有效解决市场分析中的市场失灵问题 ,但是 ,这一假设本身依赖于一个理想市场的优先存在。两个假设的相互依赖最终使得戈德尔的道德学说陷入了解释学的循环  相似文献   
Little is known about factors associated with child welfare case duration. Understanding factors associated with case duration may help stakeholders make more informed decisions about funding and service allocation and improve compliance with federal law. This study had two research questions: (1) What factors are associated with child welfare case duration? And (2) Do factors differ depending on whether children were placed exclusively with parents or with others (e.g. relatives and foster care) during the case? The study sample consisted of families (N = 874) with co-occurring child maltreatment and substance use in one midwestern state in the United States between 2007 and 2016. Linear regression models were used to identify correlates of case duration while controlling for child placement status. Overall, having a child under 1 year of age, benzodiazepine use, methamphetamine use and injection drug use were all associated with longer case duration, whereas marijuana use with no other substance use was associated with shorter case duration. Additionally, factors associated with case duration differed based on child placement status during the case. These findings suggest important heterogeneity in families involved with child welfare services and may allow for proactive mitigation of cases at greater risk.  相似文献   
在科学技术迅速发展、信息资源激增、知识老化周期大为缩短的新时期,新建本科院校必须对学生实施全面的信息素质教育,增强学生的信息获取能力、信息研究能力和信息道德能力,努力培养创新型应用人才。针对目前材料大类专业学生信息素质教育存在的问题,在材料大类专业构建由材料信息资源检索教学阶段、专业课教学阶段、科技创新及实践阶段、毕业设计阶段组成的四阶段信息素质教育体系,有助于提高学生的信息素质和创新能力。  相似文献   
In this paper, a Bayesian procedure to solve the control problem in Linear Control Systems , when the precision Matrices of the obstsrvaiional and systems errors are unknown, is proposed. Prior information on those matrices is required, A numerical example illustrates the procedure applied to models Which contain bivariate observations and bivariate state vectors.  相似文献   
A paucity of research has examined the individual and cumulative effects of conventional and expanded adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) on maternal functioning, especially among low-income Black mothers. Using self-report data from a subsample of Black mothers (N = 157) who participated in a larger study to evaluate the effectiveness of an urban public prekindergarten program in the mid-Atlantic region of the United States, we examined the prevalence of ACEs and the individual and cumulative effects of conventional (i.e., family trauma and dysfunction) and expanded (i.e., community stressors) ACEs on depression and health among low-income Black mothers. Findings indicated that Black mothers had more exposure to expanded than conventional ACEs. Hierarchical regression analyses revealed that experience of physical neglect was significantly associated with depression and physical abuse with compromised health, and perceived experience of racism was a predictor of depression and compromised health. More conventional and expanded ACEs were associated with clinical levels of depression and compromised health. Findings highlight the need for more research related to the impact of ACEs, especially expanded ACEs, on mental and behavioural health outcomes. Additionally, our findings indicate the need for more trauma-informed care to reduce and address the impact of individual and community-level adversities on low-income Black mothers.  相似文献   
劝工大楼事件发生后,上海官方与百货业职业工会就事件定性在媒体上进行针锋相对的论争.在事件处理过程中,百货业职业工会拒绝执行政府规定、动员店职员开展以国民政府为对象的抗暴斗争,展现出相当强的政治自主意识和组织能力.中国共产党对店职员的宣传动员、国民党政权合法性的逐渐丧失、构建职业生活正当性的内在诉求衍生出与国家政权“对抗、斗争”的工会形象.  相似文献   
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