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A statewide survey (response rate = 79.5%) of the emergency shelters designed for homeless individuals was conducted in Massachusetts to determine the prevalence of serious mental illness among residents and extent to which they received psychiatric services. An average prevalence rate of 22%, ranging from 1% to 70%, was reported despite the fact that 87% of the shelters restricted admission of those exhibiting severe behavioral problems. Nearly three-quarters of the shelters reported providing some mental health services as part of their program, and 80% had established ties with professional mental health agencies. Linkages with these mental health agencies greatly enhanced placement options for mentally ill persons. When queried on the most pressing community-based service needed for the homeless mentally ill, nearly two-thirds of the shelters reported a need for additional housing alternatives.  相似文献   
Librarians in the Metadata & Cataloging Department at the North Carolina State University (NCSU) Libraries embarked on a comprehensive project to document and review the Libraries' serials and electronic resources workflow with the goals of introducing greater efficiency, clarity, and simplicity into processes across the serials unit and of increasing training opportunities for department-wide understanding of the serials lifecycle. This paper examines the method used to observe and collect information about serials and electronic resources work, the process of synthesizing that information into a graphical representation of the serials lifecycle, and the workflow analysis undertaken to introduce improved serials processes. The value of the project is demonstrated through a discussion of efforts for workflow education, analysis, and improvement at the NCSU Libraries directly instigated by review of the process documentation by technical services staff members.  相似文献   
What does it take to get tenure in an academic discipline? The receipt of tenure has received less attention in the research literature on scientific careers than other career outcomes. To explain variation in the “risk” of receiving tenure, we theorize that the extent of specialization in scholars’ research programs should improve promotion prospects, especially for men. Using data on sociology PhD recipients in 1972–1976, we construct a measure of research specialization and add it to a traditional attainment model that includes productivity, visibility, and prestige of specialty area(s). We find that a high degree of specialization actually decreases promotion prospects, at least for men.  相似文献   
Enuresis is a common condition during the childhood years. Although distressing to both children and parents, enuresis often goes unreported. Because of its common occurrence, psychiatric nurses should become knowledgeable about enuresis and understand how to assess and treat it when appropriate.  相似文献   
This study presents findings of a formative evaluation of an innovative pilot program designed to reunify and reintegrate foster youth with complex mental and behavioral needs in residential treatment centers or therapeutic foster care with their families in the community. Data collection methods included in-depth structured case file reviews and semi-structured interviews with the youth, as well as their caregivers, Child Protective Services caseworkers, and pilot program staff. The participants provided important insights regarding system, program, and case-level barriers to the successful reunification of these youth back into the community. Training, practice, and policy recommendations are discussed.  相似文献   
This study explores rural and urban differences in the relationship between U.S. migration experience measured at the individual, household, and community levels and individual-level infant mortality outcomes in a national sample of recent births in Mexico. Using 2000 Mexican Census data and multi-level regression models, we find that women’s own U.S. migration experience is associated with lower odds of infant mortality in both rural and urban Mexico, possibly reflecting a process of healthy migrant selectivity. Household migration has mixed blessings for infant health in rural places: remittances are beneficial for infant survival, but recent out-migration is disruptive. Recent community-level migration experience is not significantly associated with infant mortality overall, although in rural places, there is some evidence that higher levels of community migration are associated with lower infant mortality. Household- and community-level migration have no relationship with infant mortality in urban places. Thus, international migration is associated with infant outcomes in Mexico in fairly complex ways, and the relationships are expressed most profoundly in rural areas of Mexico.
Robert A. HummerEmail:
Female juvenile offenders often engage in socially aggressive behaviors that make them more difficult to treat than male juvenile offenders. This social (i.e., relational) aggression may be developed or maintained through transactions with family members. To investigate this issue, we measured relational aggression in the family interactions of 140 adolescents divided by gender and offender status into four equal‐sized groups (female juvenile offenders, male juvenile offenders, female nonoffenders, and male nonoffenders). Adolescents and caregivers completed a family discussion task, and raters coded relationally aggressive behaviors at the dyadic level. Results showed that female juvenile offenders and their mothers directed more relational aggression toward each other than did mother–adolescent dyads in the other groups. Implications of these results for treatment and research are discussed.  相似文献   
Family relationships, social interactions, and exchanges of support often revolve around the household context, but scholars rarely consider the social relevance of this physical space. In this article the author considers social causes and consequences of household disorder in the dwellings of older adults. Drawing from research on neighborhood disorder and social connectedness in later life, she describes how network characteristics may contribute to household disorder and how household disorder may weaken relationships and reduce access to support. This is explored empirically by estimating cross‐lagged panel models with data from 2 waves of the National Social Life, Health, and Aging Project. The results reveal that household disorder reflects a lack of social support, and it leads to more kin‐centered networks and more strain within family relationships. The author concludes by urging greater attention to how the household context shapes—and is shaped by—the social interactions and processes that occur within it.  相似文献   
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