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Arland Thornton Georgina BinstockMohammad Jalal Abbasi-Shavazi Dirgha GhimireArjan Gjonca Attila MeleghColter Mitchell Mansoor MoaddelYu Xie Li-shou YangLinda Young-DeMarco Kathryn M. Yount 《Social science research》2012,41(5):1053-1068
Scholars and policy makers have for centuries constructed and used developmental hierarchies to characterize different countries. The hypotheses motivating this paper are that such social constructions have been circulated internationally, are constructed similarly in various countries, and follow the social constructions of elite international organizations, such as the United Nations. This paper uses data from 15 surveys in 13 diverse countries to study how developmental hierarchies are understood in everyday life. Our research shows that most people have constructions of developmental hierarchies that are similar across countries and are similar to the developmental hierarchies constructed by the United Nations. These findings suggest that developmental hierarchies are widely understood around the world and are widely available to ordinary people as they make decisions about many aspects of life. 相似文献
The analysis of clinical trials aiming to show symptomatic benefits is often complicated by the ethical requirement for rescue medication when the disease state of patients worsens. In type 2 diabetes trials, patients receive glucose‐lowering rescue medications continuously for the remaining trial duration, if one of several markers of glycemic control exceeds pre‐specified thresholds. This may mask differences in glycemic values between treatment groups, because it will occur more frequently in less effective treatment groups. Traditionally, the last pre‐rescue medication value was carried forward and analyzed as the end‐of‐trial value. The deficits of such simplistic single imputation approaches are increasingly recognized by regulatory authorities and trialists. We discuss alternative approaches and evaluate them through a simulation study. When the estimand of interest is the effect attributable to the treatments initially assigned at randomization, then our recommendation for estimation and hypothesis testing is to treat data after meeting rescue criteria as deterministically ‘missing’ at random, because initiation of rescue medication is determined by observed in‐trial values. An appropriate imputation of values after meeting rescue criteria is then possible either directly through multiple imputation or implicitly with a repeated measures model. Crucially, one needs to jointly impute or model all markers of glycemic control that can lead to the initiation of rescue medication. An alternative for hypothesis testing only are rank tests with outcomes from patients ‘requiring rescue medication’ ranked worst, and non‐rescued patients ranked according to final visit values. However, an appropriate ranking of not observed values may be controversial. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
La critique post-moderne de l'ethnographie nous a amenés àévaluer le travail que nous avons déjà effectué dans une localité rurale de lîle du Cap-Breton. Dans cette article, nous étudions l'ethnographie sous ses deux aspects: travail sur le terrain et production culturelle. L'observation participante classique s'effectue dans le contexte de relations asymétriques entre l'ethnographe et les membres des ‘autres' cultures. La monographie ethnographique classique a tendance à aggraver le problème en considérant les ‘autres' à la fois comme sujets et comme public. Cet examen nous amène à recommander qu'on mette davantage l'accent sur la participation de l'ethnographe à la vie de la collectivité, sur la réciprocité des relations et sur la responsabilisation. La participation des membres de la collectivitéà l'étude ethnographique, grâce à l'enregistrement des entrevues portant sur les histoires de vie, constitue la base de monographies à caractère polyphonique où se mêlent les récits des ethnographes et ceux des sujets. The postmodernist critique of ethnography has led us to evaluate our work in rural Cape Breton Island. In this paper we examine ethnography in terms of its duality: ethnographic fieldwork and cultural production. Traditional participant-observation proceeds in the context of asymmetries in the relationships between ethnographer and cultural ‘Others’. The traditional ethnographic monograph tends to compound the problem in the context of ‘Others' as both subject and audience. Our examination leads us to advocate increased emphasis on participation by the ethnographer in community life, on reciprocity and accountability. Participation by community members in the ethnographic process through recorded life history interviews provides a basis for a monograph formed by a polyphony of narratives by ethnographer and subjects. 相似文献
Many women with intellectual disability become the victims of sexual assault. Despite this, anecdotal evidence suggests that few cases are prosecuted. This qualitative study looks at the barriers that arise at the crucial first step toward the prosecution of a complaint - making a statement to the police. In this study, sexual assault workers and members of the New South Wales police service in the greater Sydney area, Australia, were interviewed to identify the barriers that arise when women with intellectual disability decide to make a statement to police following sexual assault. The study's findings demonstrate a need for greater awareness within the police service of police policies and procedures, and legislation, as well as greater co-operation between the police service and other organisations, which have an impact on the lives of women with intellectual disability. 相似文献
Georgina Ingall Mark Cropley 《Women and birth : journal of the Australian College of Midwives》2010,23(2):45-52
Smoking during pregnancy is widely known to increase health risks to the foetus, and understanding the quitting process during pregnancy is essential in order to realise national government targets. Qualitative studies have been used in order to gain a greater understanding of the quitting process and the objective of this systematic review was to examine and evaluate qualitative studies that have investigated the psychological and social factors around women attempting to quit smoking during pregnancy. Electronic databases and journals were searched with seven articles included in this review. The findings demonstrated that women were aware of the health risks to the foetus associated with smoking; however knowledge of potential health risks was not sufficient to motivate them to quit. Several barriers to quitting were identified which included willpower, role, and meaning of smoking, issues with cessation provision, changes in relationship interactions, understanding of facts, changes in smell and taste and influence of family and friends. A further interesting finding was that cessation service provision by health professionals was viewed negatively by women. It was concluded that there is a shortage of qualitative studies that concentrate on the specific difficulties that pregnant women face when trying to quit smoking. 相似文献
Carola Leicht Georgina Randsley de Moura Richard J. Crisp 《The Leadership Quarterly》2014,25(5):1025-1039
Exposure to counter-stereotypic gender role models (e.g., a woman engineer) has been shown to successfully reduce the application of biased gender stereotypes. We tested the hypothesis that such efforts may more generally lessen the application of stereotypic knowledge in other (non-gendered) domains. Specifically, based on the notion that counter-stereotypes can stimulate a lesser reliance on heuristic thinking, we predicted that contesting gender stereotypes would eliminate a more general group prototypicality bias in the selection of leaders. Three studies supported this hypothesis. After exposing participants to a counter-stereotypic gender role model, group prototypicality no longer predicted leadership evaluation and selection. We discuss the implications of these findings for groups and organizations seeking to capitalize on the benefits of an increasingly diverse workforce. 相似文献
Questions of bi identities can be invisibilized and overlooked by queer theorizing and LGBT studies. This article explores the ways in which complex performances of bisexuality can simultaneously encompass and deconstructively critique bi identity in a manner that embraces the “and” between bi and queer, offering important insights into how bi is lived, contested, and reaffirmed. Drawing on the BiCon and BiFest events in the UK, we argue that both the materialities (and supposed fixities) of bi erasures and exclusions and the fluidities that trouble the heterosexual/homosexual divides offer key insights into the spatial and temporal fixing and unfixing of identities. 相似文献
Georgina Born 《Journal for Cultural Research》2013,17(1-2):65-90
The BBC is an exemplary institution in the government of culture. In the context of the neo-liberalism of the 1990s it became also a key experimental site for the development of a new culture of government, one in which notions of markets, efficiency, accountability and audit were translated into the public sector. The focus of this paper is an analysis, based on ethnographic research, of the BBC's culture of markets, accountability and audit in the mid to late nineties. Indebted in part to the Foucauldian concern with the relations between forms of political rationality and specific technologies of government, the paper charts the substance and the anti-creative effects of these techniques. But it stresses also their contestability and negotiability, how they evoke ambivalance and coexist with diverse forms of resistance. In particular, through the case of the BBC, the paper sketches the contours of a sociology of reflexivity based on a more differentiated account of reflexivity than is found in the speculative, often normatively-directed writings of Beck, Giddens and Lash. It points to the layering of reflexivities in and around the contemporary BBC, and to the competing and antagonistic reflexivities that may inhabit any social space. 相似文献