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One of the more burdensome tasks confronting hospital administrators and defense counsel in hospital liability cases is attempting to protect sensitive or confidential information contained in hospital records. Plaintiffs' counsel continue to refine and broaden document requests as they become more sophisticated and experienced, learning about additional categories of documents that may be helpful to their cause. There are conditions that protect documents from discovery, but the rules of privilege are complicated and are frequently misunderstood.  相似文献   
External forces continue to dictate the necessity of delivering high-quality health care along with methods of proving that the claimed quality is attained. Gone are the days when both the institution and its practitioners could answer quality questions simply by stating that they were delivering excellent health care to their patient population. The federal government, via the Health Care Financing Administration, and the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) are mandating that institutions prove, without question, that they are delivering health care of the highest quality. The essential key to attaining these goals is cooperative private practitioners.  相似文献   
Health care cannot survive in its present form. It is becoming unaffordable for a large share of the country's population. Its quality and effectiveness inexplicably vary between communities and across time. With all these problems, the process of health care can be understood. All that are needed are good, basic data; its access, management, and analysis; and then presentation of facts and observations. Together, these functions describe the translation of data into information--the field of medical informatics. Information about such management concerns as clinical efficiency (which largely is related to appropriateness and cost-effectiveness) and about the realities of day-to-day medical practice can be used to improve the value of health care. Informed decision making is based solely on confidence that, given the right information and understanding, we can all make the right decisions. The right decisions mean better patient acceptance and satisfaction, a sense of value enhancement by payers, and support of the Hippocratic tradition.  相似文献   
Summary The theory of the low-level equilibrium trap asserts that an increase in income stimulates population growth sufficiently so that the additional people 'eat up' the 'surplus' over subsistence, and hence drive the level of income back to subsistence. Originally the theory referred primarily to mortality, but nowadays its application is to fertility. In the long-run equilibrium context in which the theory is ordinarily presented, the fact that the long-run elasticity of fertility with respect to income is negative in less developed countries fatally contradicts the accepted version of the trap. But to give every chance for trap theory to be meaningful, the paper presents a period-by-period analysis, embodying larger-than-observed positive elasticities during the early years and the logically necessary counterbalancing negative elasticities during the later years. These elasticities are combined with consumption and production figures for various age groups to estimate the effect in each year after the windfall, and altogether. The results show that even under assumptions not charitable to the conclusion of this paper, additional children do not even come close to 'eating up' the increase in income which induced their births, so that the trap theory is falsified.  相似文献   
Recent environmental changes have brought about modifications in the strategic planning practices of multinational businesses. These modifications in the strategic planning practices were studied through the medium of in-depth interviews with planners in a number of concerns. Of the several changes observed, predominant are the shortening of time horizons and the increase in flexibility. Equally noteworthy is the surprising lack of change in the social concern of a number of the organizations. This article summarizes a study of the effects of environmental changes on multinational-business planning.  相似文献   
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