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Being raised by a single mother is one factor that has been suggested as contributing to the plight of African American males. Yet few studies have focused specifically on African American single mothers' experiences with raising sons. This qualitative study explored the following questions: (1) What are the experiences of African American single mothers in the raising of their sons? (2) What coping strategies do African American single mothers use in the raising of their sons? Two rounds of unstructured open-ended interviews were conducted with 11 African American single mothers of at least one son. Implications for family therapy based on the interviews are presented.  相似文献   
A 2-week summer program for adolescent girls featuring awareness of nontraditional career choices was provided via a cooperative plan from a public school system, a community college, and a university. The program included 80 hours of activities: business and industry visitations, technical and trade shop “hands-on” activities as well as self-concept building experiences. Upon completion, a majority of the participants reported confidence in learning about and choosing an occupation, and clearer ideas about possible occupations for themselves. Implications of these results for career development practices and research are described.  相似文献   
Child care work has developed separately from social work in Ireland and is seen as a predominantly female role. This article sets this analysis in the context of Irish Society and traditions and argues for a higher status for childcare workers. Readers in other countries will find many parallels especially as regards the relationship between the status of child care work and the status of women.  相似文献   
Despite the feminist critique of the assumptions implicit in the ideology of motherhood, relatively little empirical work has been done on women's own experience of this role. This research note uses data from a small scale intensive study of 51 married or cohabiting mothers aged 20-42 years old, whose oldest child was 15 years old, and who were randomly selected from medical records in a lower middle class area of North London. Building on Boulton's (1983) conceptualization, it differentiates between three aspects of this role (namely their commitment to it; its perceived identity enhancing/ destructive character and the positive/negative quality of their interaction with their children). These women's experience of the mother role was then assessed on these dimensions - using rating scales and anchoring examples (which are illustrated here). This research note suggests that even within this relatively homogenous lower middle/upper working class sample, the experience of motherhood was extremely varied: with less than half of the sample experiencing it positively at all three levels. An attempt is made to explain this variation.  相似文献   
Attachment theory: Application to clinical practice with adults   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
An application of attachment theory to clinical practice with adults is based on psychoanalytic-object relations theory, expanding and emphasizing the influence of affectional bonds with others. The role of the therapist is to provide the conditions in which to explore current and past experiences, especially those related to attachment, separation and loss, helping patients reappraise and reconstruct their inner representations of attachment relationships with others.  相似文献   
The worldwide growth in formal youth mentoring programmes over the past two decades is partly a response to the perception that young people facing adversity do not have access to supportive relationships with adults and positive role models in their communities to the degree they once had. Formal mentoring programmes facilitate the development of a friendship or ‘match’ between an older volunteer and a young person, with the objective of supporting the young persons’ personal and social development. Drawing on 66 semi‐structured interviews with young people, parents, mentors and caseworkers associated with nine youth mentoring matches in the Big Brothers Big Sisters Programme in Ireland, this paper analyses the forms of social support evident in the mentor–mentee relationships and highlights how the mentoring relationship was perceived to have impacted on the well‐being of the young people participating. The findings reflect the consensus in the mentoring literature that close, well‐established mentoring relationships have the potential to bring about meaningful change in the lives of young people.  相似文献   
Female genital mutilation (or femalecircumcision) has been experienced by over 100 millionwomen in sub-Saharan Africa and the Nile valley.Efforts to suppress the practice were made in theearlier decades of the present century, especially bymissionaries in Kenya in the 1920s and early 1930s.Successful indigenous opposition to this activity ledto a cultural relativist attitude toward FGM beingdominant among governments and international bodiesfor the next half century. This situation has changedover the last 20 years as the women's movement has ledan attack on the practice, so that by the mid-1990sall relevant major international bodies andgovernments without exception had committed themselvesto its suppression. Nevertheless, efforts to counterFGM have often been weak and there has been littleevidence of their success. This paper draws on acontinuing research program among the Yoruba peopleof southwest Nigeria to show not only that FGM hasbegun to decline but that this occurrence can beexplained wholly by programs organized by theMinistry of Health and women's organizations. Thefocus of this paper is on the determinants of thischange. These are shown to be: (1) a reduction inceremonies associated with the practice, (2) itsincreasing medicalization, (3) indigenous secularcampaigning based on the provision of information, and(4) a focus on individuals, especially women. There islittle belief that the campaign is an assault on theculture, but rather a growing feeling, especiallyamong those influenced by it, that it would be moreappropriate once such a campaign has begun for it tobe whole-hearted rather than lukewarm.  相似文献   
Short Notices     
Allen G. Debus (ed.), Medicine in Seventeenth Century England. A Symposium Held at UCLA in Honor of C. D. O'Malley (1974), xiii+485 (University of California Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles and London, £8.50).

R. Quinault and J. Stevenson (eds.), Popular Protest and Public Order (1974), 242 (Allen and Unwin, £5.25).

Michael S. Cross (ed.), The Workingman in the Nineteenth Century (1975), xii+316 (Oxford University Press, Toronto, paperback £3.80).

Charles Rearick, Beyond the Enlightenment. Historians and Folklore in Nineteenth‐Century France (1974), xiv+206 (Indiana University Press, Bloomington, £3.65).

Malcolm I. Thomis, The Town Labourer and the Industrial Revolution (1974), vi + 247 (Batsford, £4.00, paperback £2.00).

John Woodward, To Do The Sick No Harm. A Study of the British Voluntary Hospital System to 1875 (1974), xii + 221 (Routledge & Kegan Paul, £5.50).

Alison Ravetz, Model Estate: Planned Housing at Quarry Hill, Leeds (1974), xvi + 251 (Croom Helm, £5.50).

Sergio Columbeanu, Granges exploitations domaniales en Valachie au XVIIIe siècle (Wallachian great estates in the eighteenth century) (1974), 199 (Editura Acadcmiei Republicii Socialiste Romania, Buearest, paperback Lei 8.75).  相似文献   
In Nichomachean Ethics Aristotle identified three moral spheres associated with human communication: speaking with decorum, conversation, and social conduct. Each sphere has a corresponding virtue. The virtue in speaking with decorum is truthfulness, the virtue in conversation is eutrapelia (refined, playful wit), and the virtue in social conduct is friendliness. Eutrapelia is gained in part by education and in part by personal experience. One learns to habituate oneself in conversation to avoid the excessive vice of bomolochos and the deficient vice of agroikos. A communicator enacts phronesis to deliberate good communicative choices, relying on one’s awareness of ethics, tact, and ingeniousness. Eutrapelia functions in dialogue to reveal unexpected connections in language, to open new interpretations in linguistic speculation, to negotiate meaning in the play of language, and to potentially shift one’s horizon of understanding about the content under consideration. Enacting eutrapelos as both refined humor and keen insight offers a place of respite that allows one to engage in the playful seriousness that is the hermeneutic work of dialogue.  相似文献   
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