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Patriota and Lemonte [24] introduced a quite general multivariate normal regression model. This model considers that the mean vector and the covariance matrix share the same vector of parameters. In this paper we present some influence assessment for this model, such as the local influence, total local influence of an individual and generalized leverage which are discussed. Additionally, the normal curvatures for local influence studies are derived under some perturbation schemes.  相似文献   
Starting with longitudinal data on two cohorts of women living in the Alpes-Maritimes in 1982 (a sample of 1,500 women in total) we try to establish the role of the spatial distribution of opportunities at a number of key stages in the life cycle: marriage, birth of first child, making professional use of qualifications, confrontation of a situation of professional risk and professional mobility during the years immediately following the completion of studies. The underlying hypothesis is that control of social location often depends on the control of spatial location.  相似文献   
明清之际,从中西亚来华的伊斯兰教传教师对回族经堂经师的宗教学理有较大影响。一个明显的特点是苏非思想所占比重较大,这种思想经过经师的承传,影响遍及大江南北。这种全局性的、长期的影响贯穿了中国格迪目和苏非门宦伊斯兰教经学教育的始终。记录中国早期经堂教育弥足珍贵的《经学系传谱》中就有大量的苏非式神秘事迹。  相似文献   
高校参与科教兴农的机制--美国赠地院校的启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在联邦政府的大力支持下,美国赠地院校不仅率先开展高等农业教育,而且通过建设农业试验站、合作推广部和深入基层的推广服务网络,在美国科技兴农体制中处于中心地位,在农业科技研究、开发、应用推广教育和服务等方面扮演主导角色.我国政府应充分重视和大力支持高校在科技兴农中发挥重要作用.高校应通过积极革新,将科技兴农作为学科发展和服务社会的重要内容.  相似文献   
利用给电子有机和无机配位体的交换反应和金属卤化物与羰基金属阴离子的复分解反应,合成异核原子簇具有反应条件温和易于控制,收率较高的特点。本文描述Fe_3(CO)_9(C_2H_2)_3等11个原子簇的合成方法,配位状态与簇核的结构。  相似文献   
周作人的闲适散文为中国现代散文的形成和发展做出了重要的贡献。作为中国现代文学史上最有影响的散文家,周作人的闲适散文有一个突出成就为同时代作家所不及,那就是思想性突出。若忽视思想性,必将导致周作人阅读和接受的庸俗化,但片面强调思想性而淡化他的艺术性,也将使我们不能正确地评价其在现代散文史上的贡献。正确的态度应该是在充分研究其思想的前提下,把握这种闲适散文的独特品格,这是我们今天阅读周作人散文时所特别要注意的。  相似文献   
强烈的公益性和复杂的私益性是民事诉讼应具有的两种理念,在尊重当事人意思自治的私益诉权时,不能否认检察机关为了国家、社会公共利益而在民事诉讼中享有的公益诉权。检察机关在中国法制体系中的检察监督权是《宪法》明确赋予的,它是一种广义的监督权,存在于民事诉讼的任何阶段。有必要在中国的民事诉讼法中建立广泛而全面的检察监督机制,切实有效地维护国家、集体和个人的合法权益。  相似文献   
We consider the situation in which a buying organization deals with a discrete quantity discount schedule offered by a selling organization. Furthermore, the buying organization can negotiate with the selling organization about the lot size and purchase price, but does not know the underlying function that was used by the selling organization to determine the quantity discount schedule. In this paper, we provide an analytical and empirical basis for one general quantity discount function (QDF) that can be used to describe the underlying function of almost all different quantity discount types. We first develop such a QDF analytically. Among other things, this QDF enables buying organizations to calculate detailed prices for a large number of quantities. We subsequently show that the QDF fits very well with 66 discount schedules found in practice. We discuss that the QDF and related indicators can be a useful tool in supplier selection and negotiation processes. It can also be used for competitive analyses, multiple sourcing decisions, and allocating savings for purchasing groups. Additionally, the QDF can be included in research models incorporating quantity discounts. We conclude the paper with an outlook on further QDF research regarding the characterization of commodity markets from a demand elasticity point of view.  相似文献   
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