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1949年是国共两党决定胜负的关键之年,年末的川西战役为最后一次大决战。四川西部地区聚集了国民政府近百万的军队,蒋介石亲自坐镇成都指挥,准备与人民解放军在此决一胜负。但是川西会战以国民党的惨败而告终,蒋介石仓皇逃离成都,近百万的国民政府军队在不到半个月的时间内土崩瓦解,或起义、或投降、或被俘,仅少数人逃往西昌方向,次年3月前被全部消灭。蒋介石的川西大会战计划之所以幻灭,其原因是多方面的,本文重点考察其中一个重要原因,即四川地方实力派刘文辉、邓锡侯、潘文华等人发动的彭县起义对战局的影响。彭县起义的发生,打破了蒋介石的计划,迫使蒋介石迅速撤离大陆,飞往台湾,导致麇集川西的国民政府军队群龙无首,指挥失措;刘、邓、潘的起义部队配合人民解放军拦截南逃的国民政府军队,并积极开展统战工作,从而产生了"蝴蝶效应",致使蒋介石的川西战役防线彻底瓦解。  相似文献   
中国城市史学科是一个新兴学科,其研究队伍处于年轻化、高学历化、高职称化的态势,其研究机构和学术团队建设在近年得到较大发展,新型人才培养也得到相关机构的高度重视。中国城市史学科在“十三五”期间有很大发展,不仅突出表现为国家社科基金立项的中国城市史课题远超“十二五”期间的立项数,更表现为发文量和专著出版有着较佳的表现。基于全国哲学社会科学工作办公室组织的“十四五”规划调研所获相关数据,结合文献资料,文章对近年来中国城市史学科所取得的成绩、存在的不足和薄弱环节进行了分析,对未来的前沿问题和重点研究领域进行了探讨。  相似文献   
在中国古代城市史上,辽代城市具有重要的地位和作用,同时也具有时代特色。辽代城市的兴起与辽国的建立有着直接的关系,并随着农耕文明与游牧文明的不断交流、融合而得到较大的发展,最终形成了以五京道为基础的五大区域城市等级体系。本文首先从自然地理环境、社会经济变迁的角度,探讨了影响辽代城市兴起的诸多因素,并以此来考察农、牧文明之间的交流、交融对城市的影响;其次分两大阶段对辽代城市的兴起过程进行了分析,尤其是重点研究了辽代城市的数量,并提出辽国兴起发展的过程也就是城市兴起发展的过程,国家在城市兴起发展过程中起着重要的作用;而在国家力量的作用下可以看到农、牧文明融合的影响。  相似文献   
十九世纪末二十世纪初,近代知识分子登上历史舞台,他们对启迪民智、开通风气、反对封建思想文化、传播资产阶级文化有较深刻的认识,并提高到社会变革本原的高度,为此进行了大量启蒙宣传活动,从而打破了封建思想文化一统天下的局面,推动了中国近代化的进程和辛亥革命的发生。  相似文献   
何一民 《民族学刊》2016,7(3):41-53,110-114
Although the Republican era of China did not last very long, it was a significant period in which China transformed from an agricul-tural to an industrial era, and from a traditional so-ciety to a modern one. During this period, not only did the politics and economics change dramatical-ly, but also the lives of urban residents. Although Xinjiang is located in the western frontier area of inland China, since the Qing dynasty, its politi-cal, economic and cultural connections with inland China gradually increased. Xinjiang is not an iso-lated region, it actually is located in the central ar-ea of Asia. So, its openness is very pronounced. Even though during the Republican era, inland China was gripped in the chaos of war, Xinjiang’s political, economic and cultural connections with the inland were never broken. Although sometimes the central government’s control in Xinjiang was not so strong, the central government’s policies had always impacted strongly on Xinjiang. In addition, due to the continuous migration of the inland popu-lation ( especially intellectuals, and political and military people) into urban areas, such as Dihua in Xinjiang during the Republic era of China, the politics, economics and culture of inland China had a big impact on the lives of Xinjiang urban res-idents. Moreover, Xijiang is neighbors with Rus-sia. Since the middle of the 19th century, Russia, whose industrialization and modernization occurred earlier and faster than China’s, often made political and military invasions, as well as cultural infiltra-tion, into Xinjiang. After the founding of the Sovi-et Union, its influence on the cities of Xijiang gradually increased. Especially during the period when Sheng Shicai managed Xinjiang, the influ-ence of the Soviet Union on Xinjiang was the stron-gest. In addition to political influence, economic and cultural influences became more pronounced, and numerous industrial and cultural products made in the Soviet Union were imported into Xin-jiang. This had a dramatic impact on the urban residents of Xinjiang. As a political, economic and cultural center of Xinjiang, Dihua was alive with many Russians who engaged in political, economic and cultural activities. Hence, their direct or indi-rect influence on the lives of Dihua residents was stronger than in other cities. At present, the research on Xinjiang during the Republican era of China mainly focuses on the political and economic domains , and less attention is paid to its urban life. However, the changes of modernization are not only reflected in the aspects of politics and economics, but also in the field of social life. Hence, to strengthen the research on the changes in social life in urban areas of Xinjiang during the Republican era of China is significant. The Republican era of China was an important pe-riod for Xinjiang society. Although if we compare it with the urban areas along the eastern coastal ar-ea of China, the impact of western culture on the lives of urban residents in Xinjiang during this pe-riod was not so strong, and the changes in social life also reflected multi - ethnic characteristics. The changes in urban life in Xinjiang were also an important part of the changes following China’s modernization. It reflected a both generalization and a diversity of the urban changes created by China’s modernization. In addition, one should note the impact of the changes in Xinjiang’s urban life during the Republican era on that of Xinjiang during the latter half of the 20th century. Thus, it is very necessary to conduct a research on the lives of Xinjiang’s urban residents during the Republican era of China. Xinjiang has been a multi-ethnic area since ancient times, a fact which contributes the ethnic diversity that characterizes the social life of Xin-jiang cities. During the Republican era, the mate-rial life of the various ethnic groups living in Xinjiang’s cities changed successively due to the impact of external cultures, and the wave of mod-ernization. However the changes to the material lives of the various ethnic groups were different. The content of material life is very broad. General-ly speaking, it comprises people’s daily life, inclu-ding clothing, food, shelter and transportation, all of which are regarded as basic essentials for peo-ple. In a period of scarcity of goods and materials, material life became the most important thing for most of the public. Hence, changes with regard to material life, to a large extent, is reflected in the changes in the social lives of urban residents. Generally speaking, compared with the situa-tion in the Qing dynasty, the clothing in Xinjiang cities such as Dihua exhibited a big change. How-ever , this change displayed multi-ethnic and diver-sified characteristics. Concerning the food culture of Dihua urban residents during the Republican era of China, it reflected more open, inclusive and mutually influential features. In other words, the existence of a diversified food culture and diverse development was an important characteristic of the time. Concerning shelter during this period, a big change in Dihua’s urban style was that some mod-ern buildings co-appeared alongside traditional style buildings, no matter whether it was in the pri-vate space or public space. Moreover, the trans-portation mechanisms also changed during this pe-riod. Roads for cars appeared in Dihua, which opened the gate for Xinjiang’s automobile age. During the Republican era of China, most ur-ban residents in Xijiang’s cities, such as Dihua, kept their traditional customs. However, there were also some changes due to the influence of ex-ternal cultures—these changes were presented as the characteristics of pluralism, diversity and a mixture of the old and new. Multiple ethnic groups concentrated in an area in the eastern zone line of the northern foot of Mount Tianshan. During the process of history, the different ethnic groups formed their own cultures and religious beliefs. In the Republican era of China, the various ethnic groups lived in harmony most of time, and the plu-ralism and inclusiveness of cultures gradually in-creased. Generally speaking, the lives and cus-toms of the Han in Xinjiang cities, such as Dihua during the Republican era of China, were almost same as those of the Han in inland China. On one hand, they kept many of their traditional customs;yet, on the other hand, they also gradually accept-ed some new ones from external cultures. The eth-nic minorities, such as the Uygur and Hui, were deeply influenced by Islamic religious culture. Their religious cultural life exhibited almost no change during the Republican era of China, and they, for the most part, maintained their tradi-tions. During this period, in keeping with the gradual consciousness of ethnic equality, although various ethnic groups kept their own traditions, and they did not reject each others’ traditions, and instead, there was some mutual exchanges among them. This made the urban culture more diversi-fied . Not only were the festivals of the Uyghur pop-ular among themselves, the Han were also invited to participate in them. Moreover, the Han’s festi-vals, especially the Spring Festival, Lantern Festi-val and others, were also gradually accepted by other ethnic groups, and, for example, the Uy-ghur, Hui, Mongolian and Kazakhs, and others all participated in these festivals. In the middle and latter period of the Republican era, the urban cul-ture of Xinjiang exhibited a sense of openness. Within the basis of maintaining their own ethnic cultural traditions, each ethnic group showed an opened attitude to new cultures, and, hence, ur-ban culture became more diversified and rich. During the time when agriculture was more dominant , traditional cities lacked of public cultur-al spaces. Hence, Buddhist monasteries, Taoist temples and mosques became the sites for organi-zing public cultural activities in the urban areas. Since modern times, the public cultural spaces in urban areas have experienced a great change. Parks, as a new mode of public space, began to appear successively in some important cities. At the end of the Republican era of China, the public cultural space of Dihua had been further expand-ed. In 1948, there were four such kind of public cultural sites in Dihua, such as Zhongshan Park, Hongyan Lake, Shuimo River, and Wulabai. In addition to these, the cinema also played a very important role in the new entertainment life of the urban residents of Dihua. In 1944, Dihua had three movie theaters which were run respectively by the government, a businessman and a Russian. Movies had a very direct impact on the residents’ vision and mind, especially on the youth. A new movie sometimes would change some people’s view of life or the rules of their behavior. In short, the Republican era was a dramatic period of change during which China transformed from a traditional agricultural society to a modern industrial one. Following the changes in politics, economics and culture, people’s material life and cultural life were also changed. Due to the vast territory, and uneven political and economic devel-opment of China, the changes differed in various regions. Xinjiang is a frontier area in western Chi-na. Its communication with the outside world was not so convenient. Hence, compared with the east-ern coastal region, the degree of change in Xin-jiang was lower, and the speed of change was also relatively slower. However, this kind of change ac-cumulated over several decades, so, with time, the changes also became very noticeable. Howev-er , due to the uneven regional development in Xin-jiang, the changes in some cities were slow while in some they were fast. Compared with other places of Xinjiang, the changes along the eastern line of the northern foot of Mount Tianshan, and taking Dihua as the center, were faster and more obvious in the Republican era. On one hand, Di-hua was more strongly influenced by the politics, economics and culture of inland China; and, on the other hand, Dihua was also influenced more di-rectly by the politics, economics and culture of the Soviet Union With the combined role played by the both sources, the material life of the urban resi-dents of Dihua, including clothing, food, shelter and transportation, as well as the customs, and cultural entertainments, changed dramatically. This change was not only similar to that of inland cities, but it also reflected regional characteristics of Xinjiang—the characteristics of ethnicity and di-versity wee more pronounced. In addition, com-pared with Tibet which is also in the western fron-tier of China, the changes brought by the urban modernization in Xinjiang was more dramatic. This was directly connected with Xinjiang’s geographical location, natural climatic conditions, as well as its political, economic and cultural development. Al-though Xinjiang lies in the western frontier of Chi-na, its transportation connections with inland Chi-na and the outside world were more convenient than those in Tibet. During the Republican era, the railways, highways and aviation routes devel-oped relatively well, the Xinjiang’s economic, and cultural connections with both inland China and the Soviet Union were also relatively close. In addi-tion, an important natural condition which also created good conditions for the opening up of Xin-jiang is that the elevation of most areas of Xinjiang is not high—the average elevation is around 1000 meters. Hence, the natural geographical conditions promoted a population flow between Xinjiang and inland China, as well as between Xinjiang and the Soviet Union. Moreover, after the settling of Xin-jiang province at the end of the Qing dynasty, the feeldings and unity with inland China were ensured from an institutional aspect. It was just under such kind of background that the lives of the urban resi-dents living in the eastern zone of the northern foot of Mount Tianshan experienced a dramatic change, and presented a characteristic of ethnic diversity, pluralism and mixture of old and new.  相似文献   
城市史研究具有重要意义.首先城市史是世界历史的一个分支,城市史研究的一个重要任务,就是以文明发展为线索,勾勒出城市是怎样萌生、发展与逐渐成熟的进程,并揭示出这一进程即人类社会架构作为一个整体的运动与变迁的规律性与阶段性.其次,研究领域创新是推动历史学发展的重要途径,而深入开展城市史研究将会为历史学研究的发展带来新的活力.此外,城市史研究是联系过去与现在的桥梁,研究者可以站在历史与现实的交汇点来探讨和解决当今城市存在的问题,为城市发展战略的制定提供思路和提供可靠的历史及现实的依据,使决策更实际、更科学;同时,还为城市规划和建设提供有益的引导,并对城市历史文化起到传承作用.  相似文献   
清代民国时期西藏佛教寺院经济是西藏经济的重要组成部分。西藏佛教寺院经济的产生有其深刻的社会根源,是与历代中央政权扶持,西藏地方政权及贵族的支持有着密切的关系。清代民国时期西藏佛教寺院经济的发展,是和西藏政教合一的政权体制相适应的,同时也是建立在西藏独特社会经济发展的基础之上的。清代民国时期,佛教在西藏城市发展中起到重要作用,无论是在经济、城市空间布局上,还是在城市居民的思想精神上,都有着明显的宗教特征,留下了藏传佛教寺院和寺院经济的深刻烙印。  相似文献   
明代卫所军城是在继承原有城市的基础上,依托卫所制度建立的军事性城镇,主要分布在北边、沿海和内地民族聚居地区。卫所军城初兴之时,以军事功能为主,但随着历史的变迁,人口构成的异质化和经济、社会的发展,其功能也发生分化,其中部分卫所军城叠加了行政、经济和文化功能,演变成综合性城市。明代卫所军城的设置不仅对于明代政治、军事和社会产生了重要的影响,也对明代城市以及清代城市发展产生了深远影响。  相似文献   
轮船招商局是近代以来中国人创办最早的民族企业之一,至今已有150年历史。轮船招商局能够从最初的单一轮船运输企业发展为今天集轮船运输、金融、房地产等多元化经营于一体、享誉海内外的大型企业集团,重要原因就是时刻具有品牌思维,始终坚持品牌建设。轮船招商局企业品牌构成有三大要素:以与外资争利的爱国民族企业品牌塑造为核心要素,高举爱国大旗,在险象环生的竞争中击败对手获得成功;以官督商办特殊体制为基本要素,充分利用政府资源,积极为政府提供优质服务,重视向商民提供优质服务;以规模经济为支撑要素,突出主业做强做大,不断提升核心竞争力。轮船招商局通过不断完善品牌思维与品牌要素铸就了辉煌发展历程,其中的宝贵经验需要继续传承和发扬。  相似文献   
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