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新媒体以时尚潮流、高科技等商业包装形式持续地向大学生灌输西方社会文化价值观,与国内官方、高校争夺话语权,形成对主流文化意识形态的冲击。大学生追求公平正义、诚信不欺的信念,社会主义核心价值观在他们的价值观中居于中心地位。要建立生态补偿机制,维护文化意识形态安全;加强理性引导,推进问政制度建设;发挥情感动员的积极影响,推进大学生网络参与的良性发展,这是推进高校社会主义核心价值观教育的有效途径。  相似文献   
沈宁 《民族学刊》2016,7(6):8-13,93-94
Western theories on cultural herit-age have been developing continuously in ceaseless debates, and these theories have experienced dif-ferent stages of emerging, evolution and decon-struction. At the same time, a reconstruction of‘cultural heritage theories ’ is now being imple-mented and even has gained a certain achieve-ment. Indeed, at present ‘museums ’ have be-come the playgrounds for the reconstruction of new theories: museums are being transformed from a‘palatial ’ heritage protection institutes into ‘an-thropocentric’ cultural service institutes by means of ‘audience engagement’ . Museums increasingly implement the reconstruction of cultural heritage theories. From the 8 th to the 12 th of August 2016 a training project on ‘audience engagement ’ -hos-ted both by the British Council and the Chinese Museums Association-took place in the ‘National Museums Liverpool’ group. Due to its preeminent geological position, professional teams of special-ists, and audience-oriented working mechanisms, the National Museums Liverpool has become a new paradigm for the world of museums. However, be-hind these visible developments, a process of cul-tural heritage studies has been providing a strong support and guidance. Going back to European ideology from the late 18thto 19th century, the ‘past’ was seen as an ob-ject to be studied, pursued, protected, or even re-built ( designing past landscapes, old buildings, and memorials) . This ideology became the starting point of ‘Eurocentric heritage studies ’ . Due to this background, initial heritage studies have been branded with phrases as‘Eurocentrism’ ,‘author-itativeness’ , and ‘sanctification ’; this view has affected a large number of museums in the world. However, heritage studies have been adjusting and evolving. Post-modern heritage theories questioned issues like ‘centralization ’ and ‘authoritative-ness’ , and instead refocused on concepts like‘people’ , ‘democracy ’ , and ‘pluralistic socie-ty’ . The advocacy of‘cultural diversity’ and sup-port of expressions of‘intangible cultural heritage’ are practical applications of this new development in heritage theories. Taking the National Museums Liverpool as a case, the first characteristic of this museums group is the easy accessibility of the location of the muse-ums:several museums are situated just besides the sea as well as close to the city shopping center. Still, other museums are located on the opposite side of this area, yet it is only a 20-minutes walk between the two sides. A second characteristic is a special ‘managerial/administrative mechanism ’ that allows all museums to be run in a certain way;at the same time curators remain at the core of the teams that conduct the projects in the museums. A third trait is that the museum audience remains the main focus of all operations in the‘National Muse-ums Liverpool ’ . The case of National Museums Liverpool shows that ‘museums ’ have become an important place for reconstructing ‘cultural herit-age theories’. By means of ‘free admission’ and ‘audience engagement ’ , the museums’ function has changed from a ‘sacred place for collecting, researching and rescuing the past’ to an anthropo-centric service institute: museums have shifted from an organization of ‘sanctification ’ to one of‘secularization’ . With this development of cultural heritage the-ories, the traditional model of the museums has been reconstructed and renovated:it seems to have restored the voice of the general public and of cer-tain non-powerful groups to preeminence. In addi-tion, the bowuguan tiaoli ( Museum Regulations) issued by the State Council of China in 2015 says that‘education’ is the primary function of a muse-um. This redefinition of what a museum is sup-posed to be, actually reflects a guiding ideology of changing the museum’s traditional status and iden-tity. It also emphasizes the museum’s need for au-dience engagement. All of this challenges the museum’s traditional function of ‘collecting, pre-serving, researching, and displaying’ . New social functions, such as‘public education’ and‘public cultural service’ , are thus constantly emerging into a museum. Although different names have been given to these new functions, ‘audience engage-ment’ is at the core of them. Generally speaking, as international museums are slowly transforming - guided by cultural heritage theories-domestic museums will also gradually change their predomi-nant ‘sacred position ’ and shift into museums of‘decentralization’ . Anthropocentrism and‘service to the people’ will increasingly be the new identity of present-day museums.  相似文献   
牟宗三把道家哲学界定为境界形而上学,但他认为"道"不具有客观性、实体性和能动性.蒙培元认为老子的哲学是一种境界形态的哲学,提出"道"是实存或实在,但不承认"道"的独立性和本源性.实际上,在老子那里"道"是具有客观性和能动性的,也有独立性和本源性.但这并不影响他的哲学的境界形而上学意义.中西哲学差异主要在于,西方哲学的形而上学的"学"主要是在学问、学说意义上的,中国哲学的形而上学的"学"则凸显的是"觉悟"的意义;而且中国哲学所说的本体并未远离人而存在.  相似文献   
王均宁 《南方论刊》2022,(10):21-24
全面抗战初期,广东南路遂溪、廉江、北海等地以青抗运动的形式开展的抗日救亡运动,发出救国的怒吼,掀起抗日救亡的高潮,不仅展现了南路青年具有天下兴亡、匹夫有责的爱国情怀,敢于斗争、甘于奉献的使命精神,成为南路抗日救亡运动中最积极最活跃的力量;而且在中国共产党领导下,坚持正确的政治立场和政治方向,创造性执行抗日民族统一战线的政策,引导知识分子与农民群众相结合、城市青年与农村青年相结合,卓有成效地开展一系列的革命活动,在广大农村打下牢固的群众基础,积累丰富的历史经验,对于新时代进一步做好青年工作仍然具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
乌克兰危机爆发以来,世界地缘政治力量分化重组,中美俄在立场和战略上各有不同,三者间的能源博弈推动国际能源秩序深刻演变。美国和俄罗斯是此番能源博弈的主要利益攸关方,中国则是中美俄三边关系中的关键角色,并在国际能源治理中占据重要地位。当前,国际能源市场价格动荡,新一轮能源危机在世界蔓延,全球能源格局转型重塑,中国必须加快健全现代化能源供给体系,积极推进全球能源转型重塑。  相似文献   
国会两院制在20世纪初以前的宪法实践中居于主流地位,具体可分为贵族式、联邦式及民选式三种类型。其主要功能在于代表社会中的特殊团体,促进议事审慎,限制民选议院专断。清末各政治势力均偏好两院制。清末未成立的正式议会确定将采用两院制,而预备立宪阶段成立的资政院在经过官制改革、都察院改下议院等阶段后,最终被界定为准贵族式两院制。资政院的议员构成既有模仿日本之处,亦体现了清末中国独特的民族问题。最终,由于落实两院制不彻底,资政院未能发挥两院制功能,清王朝灭亡前后将未来的正式议会改为民选式两院制。  相似文献   
《刑法修正案(九)》增设虐待被监护人、看护人罪,该罪的增加改变了原虐待罪的第一款“告诉才处理”的模式;此外将虐待行为的主体也进行了扩大,由具有家庭关系的人员扩大至对未成年人、老年人、患病的人、残疾人等负有监护、看护职责的人。该罪已经历7年的司法实践,虽然在加强对未成年人、老人、患病的人和残疾人的保护方面起到了一定作用,但是在实践中却遇到了主体和犯罪对象认识不正确、“情节恶劣”难以把握等问题。针对司法实践中的问题,应出台相关司法解释,进一步明确虐待被监护、看护人的行为主体或者去身份化,明确解释该罪的犯罪对象,以及明确界定“情况恶劣”,这样既能够维护法律的权威和稳定,又能够有效打击虐待类犯罪,充分保证弱势群体的合法权益。  相似文献   
银行信贷作为房地产行业的主要融资来源,利率政策成为中国房地产市场去杠杆、防泡沫的主要工具之一。本文基于中国35个主要城市贷款利率的月度面板数据,研究发现首套房贷款利率的变动能够有效解释房地产价格的变动。另外,利率对房价的作用在城市层面具有明显的异质性,利率政策在敏感性较强的城市具有更强的调控效果。在2017年3月“最严”房市政策后,高利率城市房价对房贷款利率的变动更加敏感。本文的发现为利率调控政策来落实中央“房住不炒”要求提供了坚实的实证依据。  相似文献   
以罗伯托·罗西里尼与弗里兹·朗等人的电影为分析范本,主要讨论20世纪前半段中,各种诞生自科技中介之声的大众神话学与意识形态。无线电、收音机等科技产物在将声音与声源抽离的过程中,不但创造出前所未闻的时空环境,更打破了人类主客体之间的疆域。此科技之声的特性遂成为法西斯媒介理论中操控人心与人体的利器。  相似文献   
《海达·高布乐》是易卜生探讨人物性格和命运的代表作。该作品通过叙述框架下多个叙述人格的冲突,塑造了海达这一复杂从而引起不同解读的人物形象。海达是一位以自我为中心的悲剧人物,这不仅体现在她对周围人物带有主观认知的叙述中,也在周围人物对海达的多方面叙述中得到揭示。而剧中的其他人物也并非如海达这个叙述人格所描述的那样无趣和庸俗,相反,呈现在读者眼前的更多是正面形象。  相似文献   
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