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六十年代初期以来,对经济人类学理论来说,发生了几件重要的事。第一是引用马克思主义理论的人类学家人数增加。目前,在英国发表经济人类学论文的马克思主义杂志至少有四种:《辩证法的人类学》、《经济与社会》、《人类  相似文献   
我们可以通过模仿成功创业家的五个核心态度来理解根本的企业问题,从而点亮创业之旅。  相似文献   
The health status of the population of Poland is analyzed for the postwar period, with emphasis on the 1980s. Trends in mortality, and particularly in excess male mortality, are described and compared with other European countries.  相似文献   
"In the first half of the article, a broad account of content and procedures is given. In conduct of individual surveys, the achievements of the World Fertility Survey were based on thoroughness rather than technical superiority. The later aspects of the program, including analysis, archiving, and data dissemination, were more innovative and represent models of excellence for similar future enquiries. In overall terms, the program is judged to be an expensive success. In the second half of the article, two methodological issues are discussed in more detail: the collection of retrospective birth histories and the translation of survey instruments into local languages." Comments by Anthony G. Turner (pp. 768-9), Kweku T. de Graft-Johnson (pp. 769-70), Burton Singer (pp. 771-2), and Joel E. Cohen (pp. 772-4) are appended.  相似文献   
In 1992, the author led a participatory rural appraisal (PRA) exercise for a community fisheries project in Kagera region, on the western side of Lake Victoria, Tanzania. The PRA team visited four settlements: the prime harbor settlement on Kerebe Island; N'toro beach, in Bukoba district, near the Ugandan border; Chamkwikwi landing site in Muleba district; and Buzirayombo bay settlement in Biharamulo district in the south. This article draws on that research, to give an outsider's analysis of the ways in which AIDS was changing livelihoods in poor fishing and farming communities. On the lakeshore and islands, adults were falling ill and dying. This loss of men and women in their prime was causing major economic and social stresses for the single parents, grandparents, and orphans whom the authors met. They showed resilience and adaptability in the face of this threat to their already precarious livelihoods. The article ends by suggesting ways in which development policy makers and practitioners should support livelihoods in the era of AIDS.  相似文献   
蒙古学家杰里迈亚·柯廷(JEREMIAH CURTIN)在蒙古学研究的历史中应占有一席之地,他曾写了三本大部头的有关蒙古学的著作。这些著作都是在他1906年逝世以后才出版的。第一部书《蒙古人的历史》,于1908年在伦敦出版,全书426页。当时的美国总统西奥多·罗斯福以优雅的文笔为该书写了长达7页的前言。第二部书《蒙古人在俄国》,于1908  相似文献   
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