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賈文昭同志的“试談文艺理論中的几个爭論問題”一文,就十年来文艺理論中几个主要問題的爭論情況作了簡要的叙述,并表示了自己对这些問題的看法。这些看法大部分是正确的,但对典型問題的理解,却是錯誤的。作者虽然在叙述中批判了修正主义的人性论观点,但是自己的認識仍然是人性論的,超阶級的。这主要表現在对典型形象的共性和所謂时代典型、民族典型的理解上。作者写道:典型是鮮明的个性与充分的共性的統一。所謂共性是什么呢?作者概括了三种說法:1.共性是一定社会力量的本质;2.共性即一个阶級的阶級性;3.共性可  相似文献   
袭人与平儿同为贾府有影响的大丫头。袭人一心一意地侍奉贾宝玉,千方百计讨其欢心,并为其前程着想,深得主子们的垂青。平儿对贾琏和王熙凤是一身侍二主,且能于二人的矛盾嫌隙之中,左右平衡,使之立于不败之地。除了二人的品性德行均为宽厚仁慈,思想较能远虑近忧而外,再就是二人的处事待人方法都较为妥贴得体。所以较之其他奴婢们的下场为佳,由此可以体味到作者塑造"贤袭人"与"俏平儿"用以警示世人的深意之所在。  相似文献   
取双五次样条函数为位移试函数,给出了矩形悬臂板横向弯曲问题的加权残值解,算例证明该法精度高,收敛快,简便,实用。  相似文献   
天昊 《快乐青春》2011,(6):71-71
一个贼抢我朋友的项链时,我朋友抓住那个贼的领子试图制止他抢劫,但没成功,项链还是被贼抢去了。事后,警方让她描  相似文献   
演化语言学是以达尔文演化论为基础的语言学,主要关注语言的起源与发展的问题。语言起源与演化是一个跨学科的研究课题,语言演化的研究不只限于语言学领域,还广泛涉及其他许多相关的学科。近年来,包括生物学、遗传学、分子人类学、神经科学、认知科学、考古学、人类学、数学和计算机科学等在内的诸多学科都参与到语言演化问题的研究中来,跨学科的合作便演化语言学迅速兴起。未来演化语言学的发展仍有赖于学科之间的通力合作。中国学者也需要积极利用我国丰富的语言、文化资源,参与到语言演化研究中来,演化语言学大有可为。  相似文献   
现代汉语中,钞主要指钱币,而抄多表书写、抢掠等动词义。历史上钞和抄的词义交错纷繁,钞由用以叉取的金属器具引申出书写、劫掠等动词义;魏晋时抄作为钞的另一种书写形式出现,至唐宋逐渐替代了钞的词义;宋代钞成为指代纸币的专有名词。  相似文献   
刘天 《民族学刊》2016,7(6):85-89,121-123
In 2012 , State Ethnic Affairs Com-mission of the People’ s Republic of China( hereaf-ter SEAC ) announced an outline concerning the protection and development of‘ethnic minority vil-lages with special characteristics ’ . The develop-ment of such villages is one of the important tasks of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission:this devel-opment aims to foster the conservation of ethnic culture and to accelerate the development of the ethnic areas in which these villages lie. On Sep-tember 23 , 2014 , the State Ethnic Affairs Com-mission announced guanyu minming shoupi zhong-guo shaoshu minzu tese chunzhai de tongzhi ( No-tice on the Naming of the First Group of China ’ s Ethnic Minority Villages with Special Characteris-tics):340 villages in total were inscribed into the list of this so-called ‘First Batch ’ , among which four villages of Sichuan province were included:( i) Jiefang village of Haqu in Leshan, ( ii) Mutuo Village of Maoxian in Aba, ( iii) Shangmo Village of Songfan in Aba, and ( iv) Guza Village of Seda in Ganzi. With the support of the so-called‘Poverty Al-leviation Policy’ , tourism in ethnic minority villa-ges has been booming; however, this has also re-sulted in a new series of related problems that need to be addressed. Tourism development obviously had reduced regional poverty. Since the 1980s, the promotion of economic development through tourism in the ethnic areas ( with a corresponding improvement of people ’ s living conditions ) has been widely accepted by society. Also in the prov-ince of Sichuan the ‘poverty alleviation through tourism’ policy has led to economic growth and has reduced the poverty of the people in the ethnic mi-nority areas. From 2011 to 2014, the SEAC has invested 57. 8 million Yuan in the development of ethnic minority villages in Sichuan province. This has led to the implementation of 73 projects and has benefited around 100,000 people, 7 indige-nous ethnic groups, and 11 prefectures and munic-ipalities in Sichuan. It seems that this‘poverty al-leviation through tourism ’ ( hereafter PATT ) has resulted in good economic and social effects. Ethnic minority villages in Sichuan share sim-ilar challenges: ( i) a low level of production and productivity,economic backwardness, simplistic e-conomic infrastructure, cultural narrow-minded-ness, a low level of education and personal devel-opment, and a fragile condition of local nature and cultural surroundings. Moreover, tourism has since deeply altered previous development models for these regions: this has also brought many new problems, like e. g. how to correctly distribute the newly acquired economic benefits and profits, as well as cultural and environmental protection is-sues. Many of these problems seem to be only tran-sitional;however, these challenges do ask for the necessary tweaks of the PATT policies. This article thus tries to review the model of PATT as imple-mented in the ethnic villages of Sichuan. The arti-cle explores its different stages/aspects:( i) adap-tation of goals, ( ii) the changing role of the gov-ernment, ( iii) an evolving profit model for local people, and ( iv ) evolving local talent discovery and activation. The first aspect of PATT is the change of the development goals. At first, the priority is to get rid of poverty through tourism. To initially boost local tourism, the government must make major in-vestments: enhancement of the basic infrastruc-ture, creation of a touristic brand and initial adver-tising for the ethnic villages. However, when the PATT has been effectively implemented, and reached a mature stage of development, i. e. the village has become relatively popular and annual numbers of tourists have reached a stable good lev-el, the goals must be adapted: economic develop-ment should change to sustainable development. The new goals would be a combination of local tourism and local related industries, such as handi-craft products, catering and other hospitality busi-nesses etc. When all of this takes place, the eth-nic villages and areas seem to be able to arrive at a green and sustainable development path. The second stage is the change of the role of government. As said, in the beginning large in-vestments in infrastructure, tourism marketing and publicity are needed. In this start-up stage, the village needs quite a lot of human and material re-sources. Without the financial and human aid of the government, it’ s very hard to change a local ethnic minority village into a tourist destination. Hence, the government should play a supportive role during the initial stages of tourism develop-ment, while taking the local villagers ’ will and ethnic culture into consideration: the government should consult with the villagers and encourage the villagers’ participation in the whole development process. When indeed the PATT reaches a mature phase, the local people can take over. By then the locals have gained much experience;their attitudes and business skills have sufficiently improved so the government can take a step back, leaving the villagers to further develop the villages by them-selves. The third aspect is an ‘evolving profit model for local people ’ . During the initial stages of PATT, it’ s all about developing basic tourism pro-jects: at this moment, the main profit models for businesses rely on ( a) ethnic culture projects with distinct characteristics, ( b ) establishing high quality modes of the tourists route, and ( c) pro-moting the unique name and fame of the villages. However, when PATT reaches a mature stage, the villagers themselves must further develop and maintain their unique brand and fame. As said, the government takes a step back while local peo-ple are to develop new related sustainable profit models. The fourth issue is the further evolution of‘local talent discovery and activation ’ or‘talent mechanisms’ . Before the initial stages of PATT in Sichuan, the local villagers of the ethnic minorities had been engaged in traditional agriculture for many years;hence it was difficult for them to tran-sition into modern industries such as tourism and hospitality. Moreover, there were very few locals who had any knowledge of this tourism/hospitality industry. E. g. only some elderly people conducted simplistic tour guide practices for tourists: they were unable to provide any in-depth explanations of the traditional ethnic customs and culture due to language barriers. Thus, outsiders ( including gov-ernment staff and tourism professionals ) had to come in and provide advanced concepts, methods, and training. More importantly, a new ‘local tal-ent team’ had to discover and activate local people with tourism talents/abilities. This allowed for a genuine local tourism industry to come into exist-ence and further evolve. However, when PATT reaches a mature stage, the government should re-turn the economic benefits back to the local people and give them the dominant right to further self-de-velopment. A newly developed professional middle class will then allow the local people to further de-cide on the future of the ethnic villages. After the initial ‘local talent discovery and activation ’ , a more mature ‘talent mechanism ’ should be formed. Led by the best local talents, people from all circles should be encouraged to take part in the further development of the local villages and areas:this allows for greater stability and continuity, while new talents can develop more. This article has analyzed the implementation and adaptation of PATT in the province of Si-chuan, including the ( i) adaptation of goals, ( ii) the changing role of the government, ( iii) an evol-ving profit model for local people, and ( iv) evol-ving local talent discovery and activation. Howev-er, the development of ethnic minority villages still seems to face many difficulties and challenges, and need to be studied and discussed more.  相似文献   
激烈的市场竞争和技术创新的复杂性使企业与高校必然要走向协同.校企合作技术创新系统要素间协同发展的因素可分为外部因素和内部因素两种.校企合作技术创新的协同发展要求高校要加强与企业的联系和交流;企业要将市场需要及发展趋势传导给高校;要健全校企合作技术创新的政策服务体系,建立多元化、多渠道的科技投入体系,加强与之相关的法律法规建设.校企合作技术创新系统的有序运行是系统内各要素协同作用的结果.  相似文献   
从行为金融学的视角出发,以股票市场中的亲缘关系与信息传递为切入点,根据中国股民亲缘关系密切的特点,对传统 DHS 模型做出适当改进,并通过对波动率及期望收益水平的理论分析,论证亲缘关系对股票市场动量效应、反转效应影响。得出结论,随着亲缘关系的普及和信息透露程度的增加,证券价格将被抬升至一个更高的水平。  相似文献   
邓周平教授从事科学技术哲学研究已有十多年,且研究成果较为可观,累计发表论文10篇,并提出过一系列富有创建的新思想。眼前邓周平教授所著《科学技术哲学新论》这本长达40余万字的专著由商务印书馆2010年8月出版,是他对自己多年研究心得的系统梳理。  相似文献   
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