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This study shows how class advantage is transferred to the next generation through parental strategies that cultivate their children's transnational cultural capital from an early age. It combines the concepts of cultural capital and concerted cultivation and adopts a novel methodology, examining parental aspirations (PAs) and strategies from the perspective of the children. The data are derived from the life stories of Chinese global multiple migrants. The article shows that the cultivation of transnational cultural capital amongst elite and middle-class families in China is linked to traditional, neoliberal and non-materialistic PAs. It reveals how parental capital is related to their aspirations and shapes their use of six cultivation strategies. It also discusses the contradictions, dilemmas and disagreements relating to concerted cultivation; examines children's agency and places the findings within global and national contexts. The results provide insights into culturally specific class mechanisms of intergenerational reproduction of privilege in an era of globalization.  相似文献   
企业生产资源获取方式的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蔡禾 《社会》2005,25(6):81-93
一、问题的提出人类的经济活动随着时代的变迁和社会体制的差别会呈现出不同的特征。卡尔·波兰尼(Karl polanyi,1957)将人类的经济生产方式分为互惠经济、再分配经济和市场经济。市场经济的特征是生产者与消费者直接见面,价格和货币是其联系的桥梁;再分配经济的特征是生产者与消费者不直接联系,各种资源是政府按照权利关系进行分配;而在互惠经济中,生产者与消费者也直接见面,但是联系的桥梁是礼物和信任。李新春(2000)从契约安排的角度将经济活动中的契约形态分为原始契约、命令契约和法律契约。原始契约是靠血缘或非血缘社会关系网络来规…  相似文献   
在辽宁阜新,一盆盆蝴蝶兰姹紫嫣红,一串串木瓜光洁饱满,而把这些南方花果移植到寒冷北国的是台商刘宁诏。2002年4月,台湾兰花养殖繁育公司总经理刘宁诏来到阜新。经过一个月的考察,这位土生土长的台湾人得出结论:引种蝴蝶兰到辽宁在技术上是可行的,虽然还要克服一些水土问题,但是当时整个东北还没有蝴蝶兰,所以商机无限。同年9月,台资企业辽宁福龙生物科  相似文献   
战后,国际人权保护取得了较大的成就,却也还存在不少问题。要想摆脱困境,在国际人权保护中必须加强人权对话;坚持尊重国家主权和不干涉内政的原则;正确处理人道主义干涉与国际人权保护的关系;强化联合国的领导地位,完善国际干预机制。  相似文献   
Governance is a kind of holistic governance and the notion of governing holistically should be established. The holisticity of governance is reflected in the unity and coordination between value rationality and instrumental rationality, normative appeal and practical appeal as well as global governance and state governance. Global and state governances are two strategic considerations in contemporary China. Actively participating in global governance and rationally promoting state governance is the rational choice of contemporary China, which plays a unique and significant role in realizing the social transformation and national rejuvenation and modernization of contemporary China. Deepening state governance with the help of global governance and promoting global governance with the support of state governance is the basic idea and dimension of understanding and grasping the interaction, coordination and overall planning between the two. The restrictions and effects of global governance on state governance are mainly reflected in such considerations as objects, mechanisms, concepts and interests of governance, and modernization of state governance system and improvement of governance capacity can promote and deepen global governance in a more effective way.  相似文献   
蔡乾和  陈磊 《创新》2016,(5):49-56
美国技术创新计划(TIP)支持有科技优势的中小企业进行目标明确的变革性技术研发,以促进中小企业的技术创新和提升美国的竞争力。它的资助与管理具有支持企业面向国家需求的变革性研究、设立专门的咨询委员会、坚持以同行评议进行项目遴选等基本特点,以及具有把扁平化的组织管理与跨办公室工作模式相结合、自上而下与自下而上相结合、实行全过程管理与结果管理相结合等工作机制。它为我国科技计划管理改革带来的重要启示在于要面向国家产业需求,支持和引导中小企业的变革性技术研究;倡建中小企业创新联盟,鼓励高校、科研院所为中小企业服务;加强后评估研究工作,重视影响评估对科技计划管理的作用。  相似文献   
中国人口终身迁移状况分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
“出生地”是用来收集人口迁移信息最常用的调查项目之一。中国以往的人口普查中一直缺少这一调查项目 ,这使得利用出生地资料对人口迁移状况进行分析在国内一直是个空白。中国第五次人口普查在中国人口普查史上首次调查了人口的出生地信息。本文主要根据第五次人口普查提供的出生地资料 ,对中国各省人口的终身迁移水平、流向以及不同年龄人口的终身迁移状况进行了初步分析。  相似文献   
Cognitive Radio Networks (CRNs) have paved a road for Secondary Users (SUs) to opportunistically exploit unused spectrum without harming the communications among Primary Users (PUs). In this paper, practical unicast and convergecast schemes, which are overlooked by most of the existing works for CRNs, are proposed. We first construct a cell-based virtual backbone for CRNs. Then prove that SUs have positive probabilities to access the spectrum and the expected one hop delay is bounded by a constant, if the density of PUs is finite. According to this fact, we proposed a three-step unicast scheme and a two-phase convergecast scheme. We demonstrate that the induced delay from our proposed Unicast Scheduling (US) algorithm scales linearly with the transmission distance between the source and the destination. Furthermore, the expected delay of the proposed Convergecast Scheduling (CS) algorithm is proven to be upper bounded by $O(\log n + \sqrt{n/\log n})$ . To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study of convergecast in CRNs. Finally, the performance of the proposed algorithms is validated through simulations.  相似文献   
This article proposes a methodology for the application of Bayesian networks in conducting quantitative risk assessment of operations in offshore oil and gas industry. The method involves translating a flow chart of operations into the Bayesian network directly. The proposed methodology consists of five steps. First, the flow chart is translated into a Bayesian network. Second, the influencing factors of the network nodes are classified. Third, the Bayesian network for each factor is established. Fourth, the entire Bayesian network model is established. Lastly, the Bayesian network model is analyzed. Subsequently, five categories of influencing factors, namely, human, hardware, software, mechanical, and hydraulic, are modeled and then added to the main Bayesian network. The methodology is demonstrated through the evaluation of a case study that shows the probability of failure on demand in closing subsea ram blowout preventer operations. The results show that mechanical and hydraulic factors have the most important effects on operation safety. Software and hardware factors have almost no influence, whereas human factors are in between. The results of the sensitivity analysis agree with the findings of the quantitative analysis. The three‐axiom‐based analysis partially validates the correctness and rationality of the proposed Bayesian network model.  相似文献   
本文由指数函数的特性直接推导P_0(1)公式;在详细讨论种种可能情况及相互关系的基础上;利用微分方程法得到k≥1时的证明。  相似文献   
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