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In this paper, we consider two types of population policies observed in practice: birth limits and birth taxes. We find that both achieve very similar equilibrium solutions if tax revenue finances lump-sum transfers. By reducing fertility and promoting growth, both birth policies may achieve higher welfare than conventional education subsidies financed by income taxes. A birth tax for education subsidies can achieve the first-best solution. The welfare gain of the first-best policy may be equivalent to a massive 10–50% rise in income, depending on the degree of human capital externalities and the elasticity of intertemporal substitution.   相似文献   
“两课”作为思想政治理论课 ,在提高大学生思想道德素质中发挥着主渠道作用。但“两课”作为人文社会科学在当前素质教育中也能发挥其重要作用。我们应全面认识“两课”的学科特点 ,努力通过教学 ,使“两课”在全面提高大学生素质教育中发挥更大的作用  相似文献   
合伙人资格是起草中的<合伙企业法>所面临的具有较大争议的问题之一.本文通过对西方相关立法的分析及国内现行相关立法的评价,提出我国合伙企业的合伙人资格的基本框架自然人是合伙企业的基本合伙人;法人企业只能作有限合伙人;非法人企业既可作合伙企业的有限合伙人,也可作合伙企业的无限合伙人;禁止自然人和非法人企业的双重或多重合伙.  相似文献   
宿州市水资源可持续利用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水资源的短缺和水质恶化已成为宿州市社会经济发展的制约因素之一。本文探讨了宿州市水资源和水环境存在的问题。作者认为加强水污染防治,提高节水意识;加强法规建设,实行一体化管理,优化产业结构,调整工业布局,推广清洁生产;加强宣传教育,提高全民水环境保护意识等,是实现宿州市水资源可持续利用的重要举措。  相似文献   
在诗歌<别离辞·莫伤悲>中,约翰·邓恩进行了别离与情爱的哲学思辨,由此说明情侣间应该把他们的别离看成只是躯体上的离别,而非精神上的分离.精神爱情之美是本诗的思想感情线索,贯穿着全诗的语言表述和信息传送,也决定了全诗的主题思想和整体美感.  相似文献   
近年,成都会展业发展迅速,多种会展经济形态得到全面发展,展览场馆数量较足,政府主导大型展会以及多层次的会展人才培养体系对会展业快速发展提供了必要的保障。然而,成都会展业仍然存在着品牌化和国际程度不高、场馆规模小和利用率较低、政府管理理念仍需创新、"产学研"结合不紧密等问题。本文通过分析当下成都会展业的绩效与不足,希望能为优化成都会展经济的产业结构、促进会展产业的转型和品牌升级提供有益的参考。  相似文献   
本文以民族地区特色小镇发展为目标层,针对其“重申报、轻发展”问题,选取环境资源、资本资源、基础设施、特色产业发展、政府支持和民生改善作为准则层,再细分为14个中间指标和45个执行指标,构建“目标层-准则层-指标层”评价体系。接着,运用模糊综合评价将这一评价体系应用于广西中渡镇。研究表明,中渡镇依托“一体两翼”资源,主推“旅游+”复合发展模式,特色产业亮点突出,但淡、旺季明显,特色产业效益有待提升,可优化游客结构和来源地,打造一体化“旅游带”,提振区域知名度。民族地区特色小镇发展评价体系的应用,要强化特色,避免同质性发展,结合政策优势构建更“接地气”的评价体系。  相似文献   
研究了稀土对3种水生动物的毒性及对浮游植物光合作用产氧的影响。结果表明:水蚯蚓、枝角类的48h中间忍受限度(TLm)值分别为4648mg/L和1336mg/L,安全浓度分别为1108mg/L和308mg/L。鳙乌仔在155mg/L浓度时,96h全部存活。稀土还有明显的促进浮游植物光合产氧的作用,水中喷洒12mg/L的稀土可提高光合产氧量4608%。  相似文献   
The new reality of networked publics on social media calls for crisis communication practitioners and researchers to understand the narratives generated by publics on social media during organizational crises. As social media publics possess diverse, unique characteristics and communicative needs during a crisis, they form interpretative communities and co-create various symbolic interpretations of the crisis. Extending the public-centric and narrative perspective to the context of social media crises, we examined what crisis narratives were constructed by social media publics (i.e., multiplicity) and how these narratives changed by crisis stages (i.e., dynamics). Using topic modelling based on large-scale Twitter data of the Chipotle E. coli crisis (N?=?40,610), we identified ten narratives subsumed under two themes (i.e., sharing-based and conversation-based) based on publics’ social constructions of their perceived risks and crisis experience. On the one hand, sharing-based narratives, heavily impacted by publics’ shared media coverage, reflected media crisis narratives and salient risk perceptions aligning with the news agenda. On the other hand, conversation-based narratives, fueled by publics’ opinion expression and emotional venting, demonstrated publics’ interpretations of their experience with the organization in the crisis with less salient but more diversified risk perceptions. Crisis managers are recommended to produce and deliver compelling narratives resonating with different groups of social media publics during crises.  相似文献   
柳宗元主张"统合儒释",融合百家.在"释"方面,他对天台、净土、律、禅诸宗都有评论.以往的学者注意到他一方面撰写大量禅师碑文,一方面对禅宗的教理颇有微词,并将产生这种矛盾的原因归结为柳宗元在义理上认同天台宗,从而拒斥与之矛盾的禅宗.但这一解释不尽充分,不仅是因为佛教名理繁复,单凭义理断定并不可靠;而且如此则无法解释柳宗元为何大量撰写禅师碑文.其实,柳宗元对禅宗的批评与台禅两宗法统上的矛盾有关,他对两宗的态度是从"正统”和"旁传”的角度出发而非义理上的简单认同和排斥.同时,通过与李华的碑文比较可以看出,天台九祖荆溪湛然主导的教风转变是如何影响到了奉佛文人的信仰态度.  相似文献   
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