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在全国性舆论事件越来越多的新媒体时代,社会对司法公正的关注度越来越高。特别是近两年,大量的网络负面舆论影响到了法院的独立审判。为引导与应对网络负面舆论,应从司法公正关注度、网民围观评论、民间舆论领袖、媒体报道商业化及外媒关注、法院信息公开不到位与舆论引导能力欠缺5个方面,结合实务案例分析找出相应的引导与应对措施。  相似文献   
针对Ziegler-Nichols算法设计的PID控制器阶跃响应不理想,不具有灵活性等缺点,提出基于粒子群算法与改进 Ziegler-Nichols算法的PID整定方法。采用粒子群算法优化了Ziegler-Nichols算法中的幅值和相角,设计了具有更好性能 指标的PID控制器。实验结果表明采用该方法进行参数整定后的PID控制器响应速度较快,降低了系统的超调量。  相似文献   
通过对8种林业类高校学报2003-2010年载文量与内稿率变化的统计,分析此类学报目前稿源的组成变化情况;对载丈量与3年影响因子和总被引频次、内稿率与3年影响因子之间作相关分析,探讨稿源变化趋势与期刊质量的关系。  相似文献   
认知框架是体现人类经验知识的网络结构,在具体场景中某些要素得以突显,以实现信息传递的有效性和经济性.在语篇识解中,框架知识能促进语篇整体意识的形成.从框架构建的角度来探讨框架理论在大学英语教学过程中的重要作用.  相似文献   
持续创新是企业获取持久竞争优势的源泉。基于企业生态系统理论的视角,可以看出:企业技术联盟具有企业生态系统的开放性、自组织性、竞争合作和协同进化的特征,能够汇集合作各方的核心资源优势,通过联盟的自组织结构,对资源进行整合,联盟内部通过分工协作、优势互补,形成一个紧密合作的团体,提高核心竞争力,实现单个企业无法完成的技术创新活动,最终导致企业持续创新。  相似文献   
藏族是一个基本上全民信仰藏传佛教的民族。在藏传佛教复杂的神灵谱系中存在着大量特色鲜明、地位显赫的女性神灵。千百年来,她们被藏族人民赋予了各种各样的神圣功能。以丰实的藏汉文资料为依据,从女性主义的视角,追溯藏传佛教女性观的思想渊源,并通过女性神灵信仰阐释藏传佛教中蕴含的复杂的女性主义文化内涵。从q-可以看出,这种女性主义文化理念对现实生活中藏族女性社会角色的建构产生了深刻影响。  相似文献   
文章试图通过分析外源型农技推广组织与农村社区长达10年互动的社会过程来呈现非先赋性信任再生产的逻辑。分析发现,外源型农技推广组织实现由外而内并不是从“外人”变为“自己人”的线性嵌入,而是在“深嵌则依附”与“浅嵌则独立”之间寻找契洽共存的身份认同与行动空间的过程。虽然外源组织囿于乡土社会中内外有别、关系本位的特性,但是其反以“关系”为策略,基于“利益”与“情感”两个维度在场域关联的空间中差序性嵌入,通过高频的人情交往和利益交换在核心家族和区位格局的次级群体上建立自身的核心圈和亲近层,借助增产增量建立组织声誉来扩散村庄整体的互惠网络,将小院院所开放成半公共空间以生产着“生-熟”的信任格局,采取差序分利和模糊雇工来平衡环境依赖和组织独立,以实现从客人到帮手、从帮手到伙伴的身份转变,最终建立组织的合法性身份与行动的合情性空间,在“能否行动”的基础上推动“行动顺畅”成为可能。这种“伙伴”身份的建立过程也再生产着具有伦理性质的信任关系,此类非先赋性的多主体、多维度、层层推进的信任结构,是外源组织嵌入乡土但是不囿于乡土的切实选择。基于此,文章认为,外源组织由外而内的实现不只是一种嵌入过程,更是一种总体性信任结构的生产过程。  相似文献   
我国在能源法治建设方面相对滞后,在《能源法》起草过程中广泛借鉴和合理移植国外先进和有益的立法经验已经成为共识。虽然立陶宛在能源和能源资源状况以及能源产业和能源消费结构方面与我国差异明显,但2002年立陶宛《能源法》在处理能源领域基本法与特别法关系以及若干具体制度方面仍然对我国《能源法》的起草具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
This paper studies the continuous connected 2-facility location problem (CC2FLP) in trees. Let \(T = (V, E, c, d, \ell , \mu )\) be an undirected rooted tree, where each node \(v \in V\) has a weight \(d(v) \ge 0\) denoting the demand amount of v as well as a weight \(\ell (v) \ge 0\) denoting the cost of opening a facility at v, and each edge \(e \in E\) has a weight \(c(e) \ge 0\) denoting the cost on e and is associated with a function \(\mu (e,t) \ge 0\) denoting the cost of opening a facility at a point x(et) on e where t is a continuous variable on e. Given a subset \(\mathcal {D} \subseteq V\) of clients, and a subset \(\mathcal {F} \subseteq \mathcal {P}(T)\) of continuum points admitting facilities where \(\mathcal {P}(T)\) is the set of all the points on edges of T, when two facilities are installed at a pair of continuum points \(x_1\) and \(x_2\) in \(\mathcal {F}\), the total cost involved in CC2FLP includes three parts: the cost of opening two facilities at \(x_1\) and \(x_2\), K times the cost of connecting \(x_1\) and \(x_2\), and the cost of all the clients in \(\mathcal {D}\) connecting to some facility. The objective is to open two facilities at a pair of continuum points in \(\mathcal {F}\) to minimize the total cost, for a given input parameter \(K \ge 1\). This paper focuses on the case of \(\mathcal {D} = V\) and \(\mathcal {F} = \mathcal {P}(T)\). We first study the discrete version of CC2FLP, named the discrete connected 2-facility location problem (DC2FLP), where two facilities are restricted to the nodes of T, and devise a quadratic time edge-splitting algorithm for DC2FLP. Furthermore, we prove that CC2FLP is almost equivalent to DC2FLP in trees, and develop a quadratic time exact algorithm based on the edge-splitting algorithm. Finally, we adapt our algorithms to the general case of \(\mathcal {D} \subseteq V\) and \(\mathcal {F} \subseteq \mathcal {P}(T)\).  相似文献   
This article presents findings on immigrant entrepreneurship in Australia. The relationship between the entrepreneurial start‐up motivation, co‐ethnic preferences and entrepreneurial capabilities of established immigrant businesses are explored. We analyse data collected with a self‐administered survey questionnaire from 157 immigrant entrepreneurs in Melbourne's suburbs. Our findings show that immigrant entrepreneurs who report a high level of individual achievement as their start‐up motivation also report high levels of entrepreneurial capabilities in terms of opportunity recognition, managerial innovativeness and proactiveness. Immigrant entrepreneurs who are highly influenced by co‐ethnic preferences on staff employment and customer targeting report higher opportunity recognition than those who have a co‐ethnic preference on suppliers. We provide important insights and explanations for these findings and their implications for Australian immigrant entrepreneurs and policymakers.  相似文献   
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