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刚刚闭幕的党的十七大,其主题和灵魂是高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜.大会报告指出:"中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,是当代中国发展进步的旗帜,是全党全国各族人民团结奋斗的旗帜."这是我们党站在新的历史起点,着眼我国改革开放和社会主义现代化建设全局,总结历史、立足现实、面向未来得出的科学结论.学习和把握十七大精神,关键是坚定不移地高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜.  相似文献   
当胡适、陈独秀等新文化派人物提出“文学革命”的口号、掀起新文学运动以后,章士钊从文学的形式到文学的内容都对新文学运动的主张提出了激烈的批评。章士钊与新文化派在文学思想上的分歧主要是由于双方的社会变革思想不同而引起的。新文化派的社会变革思想属于激进型,主张彻底改造现实和与传统决裂;章士钊的社会变革思想属于渐进型,主张新旧调和,反对除旧布新。由于章士钊的新旧调和论具有鲜明的保守色彩,所以章士钊在批评新文学运动过程中所提出的文学主张基本上是保守的。  相似文献   
共同但有区别责任是国际环境法的重要原则,在平衡不同国家环境保护的利益与责任中有重要作用,然而此原则在具体的实施中却受到了重重阻却。“智猪博弈”原理对全球环境保护的效率与均衡提供了一种新的思路,其在效率主导与利益均衡的基础上,对共同但有区别的制度建设提供了一条新的途径。  相似文献   
柠檬桉流胶病初期病斑红褐色。内皮层腐烂呈黄褐色,边缘开裂。病斑深达木质部后,胶液从裂缝或病斑脱落处流出。惟病植株叶黄枝枯,生长逐渐衰退至死。从20余株病树上取病斑60个,逐个分离,经接种、再分离证明病原是Cytospora eucalypti 和 Macrophoma eucalypti 两种,主要是 Cytospora eucalypti。两种病菌均以菌丝体、分生孢子器在病树的病皮中越冬,雨水传播、伤口侵入。在林中活立木上接种,气温25℃时,Cytospora eucalypti 潜育期为21~28天,Macrophoma eucalypti 的为14~21天。用内吸杀菌剂治疗病斑效果好,保护树皮免受损伤是预防该病的根本途径。  相似文献   
经柯赫氏证病律验证,引起银木树皮腐烂病的病原是樟属茎点霉菌(Ph-oma cinnamomum)该病菌为害银木的主干,主枝和侧枝,尤以苗木、幼树受害重,常造成大量死亡。亦可为害樟树、黑壳楠等樟科的其他树种。病菌从伤口或皮孔侵入,以菌丝体、分生孢子器在病皮中越冬,风雨传播。采用70%甲基托布津可湿性粉剂500~1000倍液、50%多菌灵可湿性粉剂400~800倍液等内吸性杀菌剂治疗,效果好。选择排水良好的圃地育苗、加强苗木的抚育管理,避免对枝干造成伤害,以及采用保护伤口、防止冻害等有效措施,利于预防此病害的发生,以确保苗木的质量和栽植成活率的提高。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an outlier-detection approach that uses the properties of an intercept estimator in a difference-based regression model (DBRM) that we first introduce. This DBRM uses multiple linear regression, and invented it to detect outliers in a multiple linear regression. Our outlier-detection approach uses only the intercept; it does not require estimates for the other parameters in the DBRM. In this paper, we first employed a difference-based intercept estimator to study the outlier-detection problem in a multiple regression model. We compared our approach with several existing methods in a simulation study and the results suggest that our approach outperformed the others. We also demonstrated the advantage of our approach using a real data application. Our approach can extend to nonparametric regression models for outliers detection.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate walking and health among woman age 75 yr or older, in the associations between the highest step up performed without support by an individual and balance, walking, and health among women age 75+. Records of the highest step, balance, walking, and health were made for 307 women age 75-93 yr living in the community. Eighty percent managed to climb steps higher than 20 cm. There was a statistically significant negative relationship between age and stair-climbing capacity. The highest steps registered were significantly and independently associated with a short time on the timed up-and-go test, long functional reach, low body weight, lack of perceived difficulty walking outdoors, low number of "missteps" when walking in a figure of 8, longer time in one-leg stance, ability to carry out tandem stance, no walking aids outdoors, and not being afraid of falling. These variables together explained 67% of the variance in the step-height score.  相似文献   
桉树种类繁多,不同树种的生态特性不同,对环境的适应能力各异。根据树木的生长表现是树种特性、环境条件和栽培管理的综合反映的原理,对川西平原及盆地西北部平坝、丘陵地区生产性栽培的六种桉树进行适应性观察、设置样地进行生长测定。在分析比较各树种的适应性及抗性,生长进程及生长速率、树高、胸径、冠幅等生长量的基础上,选择二叶桉为该地区城乡四旁绿化的主要树种;赤桉、蓝桉等作为营造速生用材林、薪炭林等的一般绿化树种;柠檬桉则为适宜小气候条件下的环保及风景林树种。按照树种的生态特性、生长发育规律、胸径与冠幅的相关关系、为确定推广发展的桉树树种选择相应的立地条件,在四旁绿化中实行科学合理的树种配置、栽植和养护管理,以发挥其快速生长的优势及其生产、防护和美化作用。  相似文献   
We analyze the role of pricing and branding in an incumbent firm's decision when facing competition from an entrant firm with limited capacity. We do so by studying two price competition models (Stackelberg and Nash), where we consider the incumbent's entry‐deterrence pricing strategy based on a potential entrant's capacity size. In an extension, we also study a branding model, where the incumbent firm, in addition to pricing, can also invest in influencing market preference for its product. With these models, we study conditions under which the incumbent firm may block the entrant (i.e., prevent entry without any market actions), deter the entrant (i.e., stop entry with suitable market actions) or accommodate the entrant (i.e., allow entry and compete), and how the entrant will allocate its limited capacity across its own and the new market, if entry occurs. We also study the timing difference between the two different dynamics of the price competition models and find that the incumbent's first‐mover advantage benefits both the incumbent and the entrant. Interestingly, the entrant firm's profits are not monotonically increasing in its capacity even when it is costless to build capacity. In the branding model, we show that in some cases, the incumbent may even increase its price and successfully deter entry by investing in consumer's preference for its product. Finally, we incorporate demand uncertainty into our model and show that the incumbent benefits from demand uncertainty while the entrant may be worse off depending on the magnitude of demand uncertainty and its capacity.  相似文献   
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