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蒙古国的民族问题与民族政策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蒙古国的民族构成以蒙古族为主,占总人口的90%以上,蒙古族内的十几个部族虽然在方言、风俗习惯和服饰上有所差别,但能自由交流。哈萨克、乌梁海、图瓦、霍屯等突厥民族只占6%多一点。蒙古国民族问题的主要表现是哈萨克族的迁徙问题。在1991-1992年间就有4.1万人迁居到哈萨克斯坦国。迁徙的主要原因:一是蒙古国历届政府对民族理论和民族宗教政策的研究落实不得力;二是受国际大气候的影响,泛民族主义意识抬头。针对这种情况,蒙古国政府采取了协商解决一切问题的方针,及时出台了一些政策法规,收到了较好的成效。  相似文献   
贺建风  李宏煜 《统计研究》2021,38(4):131-144
数字经济时代,社交网络作为数字化平台经济的重要载体,受到了国内外学者的广泛关注。大数据背景下,社交网络的商业应用价值巨大,但由于其网络规模空前庞大,传统的网络分析方法 因计算成本过高而不再适用。而通过网络抽样算法获取样本网络,再推断整体网络,可节约计算资源, 因此抽样算法的好坏将直接影响社交网络分析结论的准确性。现有社交网络抽样算法存在忽略网络内部拓扑结构、容易陷入局部网络、抽样效率过低等缺陷。为了弥补现有社交网络抽样算法的缺陷,本文结合大数据社交网络的社区特征,提出了一种聚类随机游走抽样算法。该方法首先使用社区聚类算法将原始网络节点进行社区划分,得到多个社区网络,然后分别对每个社区进行随机游走抽样获取样本网 络。数值模拟和案例应用的结果均表明,聚类随机游走抽样算法克服了传统网络抽样算法的缺点,能够在降低网络规模的同时较好地保留原始网络的结构特征。此外,该抽样算法还可以并行运算,有效提升抽样效率,对于大数据背景下大规模社交网络的抽样实践具有重大现实意义。  相似文献   
Endpoints in clinical trials are often highly correlated. However, the commonly used multiple testing procedures in clinical trials either do not take into consideration the correlations among test statistics or can only exploit known correlations. Westfall and Young constructed a resampling-based stepdown method that implicitly utilizes the correlation structure of test statistics in situations with unknown correlations. However, their method requires a “subset pivotality” assumption. Romano and Wolf proposed a more general stepdown method, which does not require such an assumption. There is at present little experience with the application of such methods in analyzing clinical trial data. We advocate the application of resampling-based multiple testing procedures to clinical trials data when appropriate. We have conjectured that the resampling-based stepdown methods can be extended to a stepup procedure under appropriate assumptions and examined the performance of both stepdown and stepup methods under a variety of correlation structures and distribution types. Results from our simulation studies support the use of the resampling-based methods under various scenarios, including binary data and small samples, with strong control of Family wise type I error rate (FWER). Under positive dependence and for binary data even under independence, the resampling-based methods are more powerful than the Holm and Hochberg methods. Last, we illustrate the advantage of the resampling-based stepwise methods with two clinical trial data examples: a cardiovascular outcome trial and an oncology trial.  相似文献   
He  Xiao  Zhang  Furong  Zhao  Hongdan  Li  Jie 《Social indicators research》2022,160(2-3):909-933
Social Indicators Research - China has experienced an increasing number of “drifting elderly” (elderly inter-province migrants because of non-employment reasons) due to urbanization and...  相似文献   
本文将抽样调查资料与人口普查资料相结合,利用多种统计方法、多方案推算苏州市独生子女存量规模以及未来各年数量,并据此测算了未来各年政府可能的配套奖励性支出。研究结果表明:独生子女大规模进入婚育年龄将势必引起政策生育率的上升,未来各年政府用于独生子女家庭及其父母养老等计划生育政策奖励性支出将逐年增加.财政负担日益加重。建议政府对计划生育配套奖励政策适时进行调整,由现行的提供物质奖励向提供优质服务和社会保障转变。  相似文献   
A cumulative sum control chart for multivariate Poisson distribution (MP-CUSUM) is proposed. The MP-CUSUM chart is constructed based on log-likelihood ratios with in-control parameters, Θ0, and shifts to be detected quickly, Θ1. The average run length (ARL) values are obtained using a Markov Chain-based method. Numerical experiments show that the MP-CUSUM chart is effective in detecting parameter shifts in terms of ARL. The MP-CUSUM chart with smaller Θ1 is more sensitive than that with greater Θ1 to smaller shifts, but more insensitive to greater shifts. A comparison shows that the proposed MP-CUSUM chart outperforms an existing MP chart.  相似文献   
There are relatively few discussions about measurement error in the accelerated failure time (AFT) model, particularly for the semiparametric AFT model. In this article, we propose an adjusted estimation procedure for the semiparametric AFT model with covariates subject to measurement error, based on the profile likelihood approach and simulation and exploration (SIMEX) method. The simulation studies show that the proposed semiparametric SIMEX approach performs well. The proposed approach is applied to a coronary heart disease dataset from the Busselton Health study for illustration.  相似文献   

For monitoring systemic risk from regulators’ point of view, this article proposes a relative risk measure, which is sensitive to the market comovement. The asymptotic normality of a nonparametric estimator and its smoothed version is established when the observations are independent. To effectively construct an interval without complicated asymptotic variance estimation, a jackknife empirical likelihood inference procedure based on the smoothed nonparametric estimation is provided with a Wilks type of result in case of independent observations. When data follow from AR-GARCH models, the relative risk measure with respect to the errors becomes useful and so we propose a corresponding nonparametric estimator. A simulation study and real-life data analysis show that the proposed relative risk measure is useful in monitoring systemic risk.  相似文献   
This study investigated anger expression during toy removal (TR) in 92 young Chinese children, two to five years of age, and its relations to their persistence in responding to obstacles during two challenging tasks with highly desirable goals [TR and locked box (LB)] and one challenging task with a less desirable goal [impossible perfect circles (IPC)]. Anger expression during TR was positively associated with persistence during TR and LB but not during IPC. The results highlighted the positive effects of anger in the development of persistence.  相似文献   
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