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土地资源是人类一切活动的载体,是发展县域经济的基石,是推进县域经济发展的动力.发展县域经济既是贯彻十六大精神的战略要求,又是县域经济发展的客观需求,更是全面建设小康社会的重要举措.因此,必须紧紧抓住充分利用土地资源这个纲,才能有效地推进县域经济尽快进入高速发展的快车道.怎样充分利用土地资源,发展县域经济,本文提出几点探讨性意见.  相似文献   
春回大地,万物复苏.祖国处处充满着生机与活力. 2002年是继续深化改革、加快对外开放的重要之年,是中国以世贸组织正式成员身分融入经济全球化之中的一年.我们将面临着机遇与挑战.  相似文献   
西部经济发展的生态学模式构建   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
面对世界经济绿化与软化发展趋势等四大背景,西部经济发展必须立足于生态学视野,实现以绿色产业为支柱、以知识经济为核心、以制度创新为突破口、以观念转变为动力,形成推动西部经济发展的生态学模式。  相似文献   
The relationship between family support systems and female mortality in Chinese and American cultures is studied using 1980 official data from Taiwan and the United States. The differences in female mortality by marital status support the hypotheses that Chinese families provide greater support for older than younger females, and that the emphasis on filial piety in Chinese society provides more support for the elderly by Chinese than American children.  相似文献   
The total fertility rate of women of childbearing age of Dongguan County in China has been decreasing gradually from 5.9 during the period following the liberation in 1949 to 2.05 in 1982. In order to encourage young couples to implement the policy of family planning consciously, the people's government of Dongguan county decided in July 1980 that all cadres and employees in county towns who received 1-child certificates would be exempted from house rent of 45 square meters from the time they get their certificates and would be allocated a living space of a 2-children family until their children reached age 16. It also stipulated that every couple could enjoy 1 month's holiday every year for 3 years and during the holiday, their salary, bonus and rate of attendance would not be affected. Because women bear less children today, they are relieved from heavy household chores and become the main working force in collective production. As a result, the development of town-run enterprises was stimulated and the total industrial output value of these enterprises increased. The average monthly salary of each female worker is about 100 yuan. In 1984, the average income per capita of the country rose to 649.2 yuan. The implementation of family planning work has eased the tension in the education field. Previously, because of the large number of school-age children in rural areas, teachers had to teach 2 classes. In the past 4 years, great emphasis was laid on intellectual investment. During this period, 2351 schools were built and several fundraising projects were implemented. Since 1981, more than 200 new running water projects were built, and new public services have been developed, including old age homes.  相似文献   
"In this paper, we use simulation models to demonstrate the complexity of the relationship between the marriage selection process and the resulting RMRs [relative mortality ratios]. In particular, we show that marriage selection alone can produce a relative mortality ratio which remains large and relatively constant at ages far beyond the marriage span....Our general objective...is to determine the range of age patterns of relative mortality which could, in theory, result from marriage selection on the basis of health characteristics. We also evaluate the effects of variations in the marriage selection mechanisms on the resulting mortality patterns....We develop and apply several simple mathematical models of the marriage selection process. In order to distinguish the potential consequences of marriage selection from marriage protection, we consider hypothetical populations in which causal effects are absent....We begin by considering an extremely simple marriage selection process and subsequently explore a more realistic selection model based on recent death and marriage rates for Japan."  相似文献   
甘肃藏族地区学龄女童辍学、流失现象比较严重,本文通过对甘南藏族自治州三县18个藏族聚居区村庄的实地走访调研,在充分掌握藏族地区女童教育实际的基础上,针对女童教育中存在的问题探求发生问题的原因,并提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   
《晋书》卷101《刘元海载记》云:“豹(刘渊之父)妻呼延氏,魏嘉平中祈子于龙门,俄而有一大鱼,顶有二角,轩鬐跃鳞而至祭所,久之乃去。巫觋皆异之,曰:‘此嘉祥也。’其夜梦旦所见鱼变为人,左手把一物,大如半鸡子,光景非常,授呼延氏,曰:‘此是日精,服之生贵子。’寤而告豹,豹曰:‘吉征也。吾昔从邯郸张冏母司徒氏相,云吾当有贵子孙,三世必大昌。仿像相符矣。’自是十三月而生元海,左手文有其名,遂以名焉。”该神话以神秘主义的方式对后汉建立者刘渊(即刘元海)的出生进行了详尽生动的表述,堪称古代政治感生神话的一个典型例子。《晋书》为唐初史…  相似文献   
日本过疏地区开发方式及政策的演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡霞 《日本学刊》2007,(5):82-95
战后日本区域经济发展呈明显的两极分化态势。一方面是大量的经济功能和财富聚集在以东京为首的三大城市经济圈,另一方面是边远过疏地区的人口急剧减少和经济衰退。日本纠正地区差距对策的重点是扶持和援助过疏地区的发展。本文重点论述过疏地区治理政策中以基础设施建设和公共投资为特征的开发方式的局限性,同时对20世纪90年代学术界提出的以过疏地区为主体的内生式发展方式进行分析,最后梳理近年日本政府新实施的且对过疏地区影响很大的农业收入直接补贴政策。  相似文献   
供应链系统是一个复杂的系统,一方面由于时间延迟、信息不对称及反馈机制等,会产生牛鞭效应,另一方面供应链具有需求突增或骤减的脉冲特点,上述现象都可能导致供应链系统混沌,而现有的供应链模型仅考虑了“牛鞭效应”,并未考虑脉冲现象对供应链系统的影响。文章建立了考虑脉冲现象的供应链模型,分析了脉冲现象对供应链系统的影响,并给出了使供应链系统稳定的策略,讨论了参数扰动对该模型的影响,通过数值算例验证了稳定策略的有效性。研究发现:脉冲现象对供应链系统有着显著影响,但只要选取恰当的脉冲强度和脉冲时间间隔,供应链系统是可以稳定的。  相似文献   
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