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Nowadays, it is popular that the dealer makes profits by selling a kind of discount coupons, which can be used as money to purchase commodities with total cost less than or equal to the face value of the coupon. We can purchase a coupon at a price of 0<s≤1 times its face value and the number of potential purchasable coupons is a given integer l. The customer has the option to buy the goods by cash completely or by a discount coupon. However, each piece of goods can only use one coupon and the coupon used must have enough balance for the goods. The objective is to minimize the total cost for purchasing all the goods. In this paper, we reduce the problem to a special bin packing model. We consider the online problems for all 0<s≤1 and 1≤l≤∞. We present optimal online algorithms for all 0<s≤1 when l=∞ and l=1. For 2≤l<∞, we give both a lower bound and an algorithm, and show the algorithm is optimal for l=2. A preliminary version of this paper appeared in the proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Combinatorics, Algorithms, Probabilistic and Experimental Methodologies, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Y. Jiang supported by Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province (Y605316). Z. Tan supported by Natural Science Foundation of China (10671177, 60021201).  相似文献   
设计了水下高围压射流模拟装置的主体部分和辅助部分。结合对模拟装置的理论模型分析。实验测试了水下高围压射流模拟装置伴随射流时内部的压力变化过程,并验证了理论模型。  相似文献   
西方人类学电影史述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
鲍江 《民族研究》2001,(2):86-96
在人类学理论史和纪录电影史背景下,本文对西方人类学电影的历史作了梳理。着重评价自活动摄影机诞生以来出现的人类学电影主要潮流及其代表性人物和作品,并且对摄影机技术的发展对影片制作和作品风格的影响给予关注。  相似文献   
博纳兼容:浙东文化的恢宏品格   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
浙东文化虽衍展于浙东地域,却并非是高纯度的本土文化,原因何在?文章从浙东文化的主体结构,浙东学人的知识结构与浙东学术的独特风格三个方面作了剖析,认为主要是在开放性的运作机制中形成的博纳兼容的恢宏品格驱使它多元并茂,五彩缤纷并不断走向辉煌的顶点。  相似文献   
应用秩次变量nij 和nij',非参数统计量Pi、Pi'、Si 和Dj 描述 1999年长江上游油菜品种区域试验资料。结果表明 :94 0 7N丰产性、稳产性最好 ,94杂 - 3、黔杂 97- 2次之。油 2 71丰产性最差 ,绵阳92 - 4 592稳产性最差。除曲靖、昆明点之外 ,其余试验点具有较好的代表性  相似文献   
江君清 《中国劳动》2007,(11):54-55
案情简介■2003年11月30日晚,某电机公司职工隋某在租住的房屋内因煤气中毒死亡。隋某的家属要求公司按照有关规定支付其生活补助费2.1万元、一次性供养直系亲属救济费1.08万元、丧葬费2400多元。在此之前,隋某的家属已将房东宫某诉至法院。  相似文献   
文章从古典文学研究的"失语"与转换,宏观与微观,现状与历史三对问题入手,提出了独特见解。  相似文献   
技工学校经济管理类课程教学改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文针对技工学校经济管理类课程教学的现状,探讨几种新的教学方法,并从教学理论与实践有机结合方面加以论述分析。  相似文献   

We study single machine scheduling problems with general truncated sum-of-actual-processing-time-based learning effect. In the general truncated learning model, the actual processing time of a job is affected by the sum of actual processing times of previous jobs and by a job-dependent truncation parameter. We show that the single machine problems to minimize makespan and to minimize the sum of weighted completion times are both at least ordinary NP-hard and the single machine problem to minimize maximum lateness is strongly NP-hard. We then show polynomial solvable cases and approximation algorithms for these problems. Computational experiments are also conducted to show the effectiveness of our approximation algorithms.

中亚国家独立不久,青海与中亚国家的贸易关系就已展开,然而,至今双方之间的贸易关系仍然在低水平徘徊。分析青海与中亚国家发展贸易的条件,进而积极寻求拓展二者之间贸易关系的对策具有重要意义。  相似文献   
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