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公务员执行命令行为的刑法规制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
公务员在执行上级命令时可能会给社会或个人的合法权益造成严重损害,我国《公务员法》对此类行为的归责、免责原则和条件作了规定,但《刑法》却没有相应的衔接性规定.考察外国刑法的相关规定及违法性理论,公务员执行合法命令造成损害的,依法应认定其阻却违法性;执行违法命令且缺乏适法行为的期待可能性的,属于阻却责任;故意执行明显违法的命令的,可能属于犯罪行为.我国《刑法》应当将执行命令行为的非犯罪性明文化.  相似文献   
本文运用文献计量学方法,对《西藏民族学院学报》自创刊以来刊发的藏学类载文从数量及年代分布、载文被引、载文被转载、科研基金资助论文等数据进行定量分析,以不同主题对主要论文进行概要介绍,并通过引证指标数据进行分析研究,既是对《学报》28年来藏学研究成果的展示,也是有效地评介该刊的学术价值和刊物质量,旨在探索《学报》文献计量学特征及刊物特色,同时也为该刊在藏学研究领域里发挥更大的潜能,不断提高期刊质量提供参考依据。  相似文献   
Corruption is a social ill that involves public officials’ misuse of entrusted power, which is a function of sociocultural factors. Rarely, however, do researchers view corruption as a leadership-related problem. In the current research, we conceptualize corruption as a leadership-related problem, and propose three broad leadership prototypes based on social value orientation theory and research. We seek to examine (1) how cultural endorsement of self-serving, prosocial, and individualistic leadership prototypes is related to corruption at the societal level and (2) how wealth moderates the relationship between cultural endorsement of self-serving leadership and corruption. Using archival data of 53 societies, we found that cultural endorsement of self-serving leadership was positively related to corruption, strengthened by wealth. Cultural endorsement of prosocial leadership and individualistic leadership, however, was not significantly related to corruption, and wealth did not moderate either of the relationships. The implications of these findings for theory and future research are discussed.  相似文献   
在清初社会秩序的重建过程中,明遗民是一个举足轻重的政治异己力量。他们眷恋故国,心怀恢复理想,对新朝采取敌视和不合作态度。清圣祖亲政以后,有鉴于顺治和四大臣辅政时期激烈的民族矛盾,以及遗民与新朝的紧张关系,调整政策,其中在对明遗民的争取方面,采取和实施了一系列影响深远的遗民策略,这包括:营造相对宽松的政治生态,诏举“博学鸿儒科”,以及重开《明史》馆。在圣祖政策的感召下,明遗民整体上发生了深层蜕变,逐渐由敌视到认同,由反抗到亲附。  相似文献   
注重抒情的中国古代诗骚传统作为一种艺术精神影响了汪曾祺的诗化抒情体小说创作。本文从小说的结构、审美、语言以及抒情性四个方面来考察这种影响。  相似文献   
We extend four tests common in classical regression – Wald, score, likelihood ratio and F tests – to functional linear regression, for testing the null hypothesis, that there is no association between a scalar response and a functional covariate. Using functional principal component analysis, we re-express the functional linear model as a standard linear model, where the effect of the functional covariate can be approximated by a finite linear combination of the functional principal component scores. In this setting, we consider application of the four traditional tests. The proposed testing procedures are investigated theoretically for densely observed functional covariates when the number of principal components diverges. Using the theoretical distribution of the tests under the alternative hypothesis, we develop a procedure for sample size calculation in the context of functional linear regression. The four tests are further compared numerically for both densely and sparsely observed noisy functional data in simulation experiments and using two real data applications.  相似文献   
张载在中国古代思想史上有重要地位和巨大影响。其思想丰富深刻系统,涉及哲学思想、政治思想、教育思想等领域,其中影响最大的当属他的哲学思想。学习和研究张载哲学思想,具有树立正确世界观和方法论的价值;具有用辩证思维认识世界和促进社会和谐的价值;具有促进学习和提高道德修养的价值;具有培育知识分子崇高人格的价值;具有促进政治沟通和文化交流的价值。  相似文献   
京师白云观与晚清外交   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高仁峒是在晚清道教全真派总本山白云观长期担任过方丈的传奇性人物,与大内权贵太监李莲英等来往甚密,并和俄国驻华公使结交尤深,在晚清政坛曾发挥了举足轻重的作用.本文利用日本外交档案和白云观碑文等史料,对有关高道士行踪的传说故事甄别真伪,还其庐山真面目,并揭露他与俄国、日本密探私人交往之真相,从而展示晚清内政与外交鲜为人知的一个重要侧面.  相似文献   
Two families of processes: pure jump processes and jump-diffusion processes are widely used in literatures. Recently, empirical findings demonstrate that the underlying processes of high frequency data sets are pure-jump processes of infinite variation in many situations. Statistical tests are also proposed to make the empirical findings theoretically grounded. In this paper, we extend the work of Jing et al. (2012) in two aspects: (1) the jump process in the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis could be different; (2) the null hypothesis covers more flexible processes which are more relevant in finance when considering models for asset prices or nominal interest rates. Theoretically, the test is proven to be very powerful and can control the type I error probabilities well under the nominal level.  相似文献   
<往复文书目录>是日本外务省所存原始档册,由该国驻北京公使馆书记官中岛雄编成,其内容包括1874至1899年总理衙门与日本公使馆彼此通讯的目录.本文阐述了该档册编写缘起,揭示其史料价值在于:它提供了早期中日交涉的具体细节,澄清了晚清中日关系史上一些似是而非的问题,引审了对一些重要事件和人物的讨论,并指出利用该项档案应注意的问题.作者认为,中岛雄是一个善于观察现实、记录历史的有心人.在北京任职期间,他废寝忘食,孜孜不倦,写作了许多见闻与著作,编录了大量原始文件.中岛雄收集写作的目的,可以说完全是为当时的日本政府制定侵略中国政策提供参考的.而现在这些档案,却成了研究中日关系史的重要的第一手史料.  相似文献   
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