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Person-centeredness may suffer in nursing homes (NHs) with recent ownership changes. This study identifies associations between ownership change and reported care experiences, important measures of person-centered care for long-term residents in Maryland NHs. Care experience measures and ownership change data were collected from Maryland Health Care Commission reports, which reported data on 220 Maryland NHs from 2011 and 2012. Facility and market covariates were obtained from 2011 NH Compare and Area Health Resource Files. Linear regression was used to examine whether ownership change in 2011 was associated with lower care experience ratings reported during April to June 2012. Dependent variables were overall care rating (scale 1–10), percentage of respondents answering that they would recommend the NH, and assessments of five care and resident life domains (scale 1–4). Care experiences reported in 2012 were high; however, after controlling for covariates, ownership change was associated with significant decreases in 6 out of 7 measures, including a 0.39-point decrease in overall care rating (p = .001). NH managers and policy makers should consider strategies to improve patient-centeredness after ownership change.  相似文献   
改革开放后,壮族农村社会卷入了外出务工的浪潮中,大量青壮年人口从农村流向城市,成为一种特定的文化现象.这一现象的产生,直接影响了壮族农村的社会文化和生产生活,尤其体现在壮乡传统农业耕作实践与耕种文化诸多方面的变迁上,包括农业内卷化状态的改善,劳动工具使用的变革,及以耕作歌消逝、农业祭祀仪式消亡和传统节庆习俗没落等为呈现的耕作文化变迁.  相似文献   
养老保险争议的分类及现行处理途径养老保险就其争议类型来看,可分为二类:一类是用人单位未依法给劳动者缴纳养老保险费而发生的劳动者与用人单位之间的争议;另一类是用人单位和劳动者虽依法缴纳了养老保险,  相似文献   
重大疫情带来人们接受知识和传播知识方式的变革,向智慧学习范式转变是新时代研究生教育改革的必然趋势,也是提升研究生创新能力的有效举措.研究发现:智慧学习理念认知偏差、研究生学习主体性弱化、智慧学习服务供给短板、智慧学习评价机制缺失是当前研究生智慧学习的现实困境,纾困之策在于矫正智慧学习理念的认知偏差,强化研究生学习主体性,提升研究生智慧学习服务供给水平,构建研究生智慧学习考评机制.  相似文献   
国际化双元是近年来国际化创新领域中出现的新概念,是企业动态能力的体现.通过对国际化双元的概念内涵、维度划分和测度方法进行梳理,分析其与企业绩效的路径关系,以及存在的调节机制或中介机制,可以发现现有研究中,无论是国际化双元的衡量标准还是情境机制都不够完善,仍存在很大的探索空间,需要进一步的完善和丰富.  相似文献   
马文武  李中秋 《创新》2016,(6):113-122
运用CHNS数据,采用实际匹配法,对我国过度教育进行了测度和分析。结果表明,我国存在过度教育现象,且从时间上有不断增加趋势,筛选理论能够更好地解释我国过度教育的发生。此外,不足教育相伴发生,但处于下降趋势;城市居民过度教育发生程度高于农村居民,且城市居民过度教育发生集中在社会地位较高的职业中,而农村居民过度教育发生集中在社会地位相对较低的职业,这一定程度反映了城乡居民教育机会和就业机会不均等,这是今后政策实施需要重点考虑的地方。  相似文献   
Based on data for 2005 to 2012, an analysis of the compensation gap between top executives at different Chinese listed companies reveals the following conclusions. (1) The large compensation gap existing among executives at listed Chinese companies—in some years even larger than that between rank-and-file employees—is mainly caused by the exorbitant executive compensation at a minority of companies. (2) Between 2005 and 2012, the compensation gap first widened dramatically and then diminished gradually. The leading factor in this fluctuation was the drastic rise and fall in the level of executive compensation at a handful of financial enterprises. The main reason for the narrowing of the compensation gap is central government regulation, which has helped to curb the excessive growth of executive compensation in society as a whole. (3) Even in the same round of fluctuation, state-owned listed companies differ markedly from non-state-owned listed companies in the way their executive compensation is decided. (4) State-owned listed companies’ executive compensation strategies and their internal governance structure have not played their due role in moderating the overly rapid growth of their executives’ compensation or in reducing the compensation gap.  相似文献   
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