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合作原则之博弈论新解 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
任荣 《绍兴文理学院学报》2006,26(3):71-73
随着经济学的语言转向,格拉斯一贯无法回答的人们在话语交际中为什么要遵循合作原则的问题终于有了新的解释。语言经济学家认为语言是人类特有的一种社会制序,伴随着经济交换而产生,受先天的自然规则的制约;合作原则反映了话语双方的一种二元线序关系,是话语双方博弈均衡的结果。 相似文献
After initiation of treatment, HIV viral load has multiphasic changes, which indicates that the viral decay rate is a time-varying process. Mixed-effects models with different time-varying decay rate functions have been proposed in literature. However, there are two unresolved critical issues: (i) it is not clear which model is more appropriate for practical use, and (ii) the model random errors are commonly assumed to follow a normal distribution, which may be unrealistic and can obscure important features of within- and among-subject variations. Because asymmetry of HIV viral load data is still noticeable even after transformation, it is important to use a more general distribution family that enables the unrealistic normal assumption to be relaxed. We developed skew-elliptical (SE) Bayesian mixed-effects models by considering the model random errors to have an SE distribution. We compared the performance among five SE models that have different time-varying decay rate functions. For each model, we also contrasted the performance under different model random error assumptions such as normal, Student-t, skew-normal, or skew-t distribution. Two AIDS clinical trial datasets were used to illustrate the proposed models and methods. The results indicate that the model with a time-varying viral decay rate that has two exponential components is preferred. Among the four distribution assumptions, the skew-t and skew-normal models provided better fitting to the data than normal or Student-t model, suggesting that it is important to assume a model with a skewed distribution in order to achieve reasonable results when the data exhibit skewness. 相似文献
任大鹏 《中国农业大学学报(社会科学版)》2018,35(6):34-43
改革开放 40 年来,我国农村法治建设取得了前所未有的成就,具有中国特色的农业农村法律体系基本成型,涉农法律实施机制日益完善,农村社会守法共荣的法治观念明显增强。 以促进农业产业发展、农村建设和农民权益保护为主要目标的农业农村法律体系,和以权利调整、农业补贴、农业市场准入为主要手段的农业农村法律调控机制,成为推进我国农村改革和农业产业调整的重要力量。 面向新时代,需充分发挥农村法治在乡村振兴中的保障作用,并从立法、执法、司法、守法各个环节全方位推进我国农业农村现代化建设。 相似文献
The facial expressions of emotion and the circumstances under which the expressions occurred in a sample of the most popular children's television programs were investigated in this study. Fifteen-second randomly selected intervals from episodes of five television programs were analyzed for displays of happiness, sadness, anger, fear, disgust, and surprise. In addition, the contexts in which the emotions occurred were examined. Results indicated that particular emotional expressions occurred at significantly different frequencies and that there was an association between emotional displays and emotion-contexts. The high rate of emotional displays found in television shows has implications for the development of knowledge regarding emotional display rules in viewers.We are grateful to Sharon Galligan for assistance in coding part of the data and to Carolyn Saarni and Amy Halberstadt for helpful comments on an earlier draft of this paper. This research was supported in part by a grant from the National Institute of Disabilities and Rehabilitation Research, #GOO85351. The opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the position or policy of the U.S. Department of Education. 相似文献
本文首先论述了艾滋病通过对个体、家庭、地区、产业影响宏观经济的机理,然后以马克思的劳动价值论理论为基础,借鉴伤残调整寿命年(DALY)的算法来估计艾滋病对人力资本的影响,并用投入产出法对艾滋病对农业和其它产业的间接经济效应作了理论探讨。经过测算,艾滋病将对我国宏观经济造成巨大的影响,而目前每年政府的投入尚不能满足防治艾滋病的需要。 相似文献
任洁 《中国海洋大学学报(社会科学版)》2014,(6):82-86
在交易过程中当有限理性和机会主义与交易环境因素相互作用时,市场失灵就可能发生,由此引发内部性问题。与外部性不同的是,内部性产生于交易内部的参与各方而不涉及外部第三方。交易成本既是内部性产生的直接原因也是消解内部性的关键考量因素,其高低程度决定了市场、法律和政府规制这三种解决途径的适用范围。现实中,市场和法律途径的不完善为政府规制提供了广阔的空间,然而,规制行为本身也具有交易成本。因此,在处理内部性问题时,如何降低双重交易成本且不损害效率是政府规制的基本逻辑所在。 相似文献
Jelena V. Vlajic Sander W.M. van Lokven René Haijema Jack G.A.J. van der Vorst 《生产规划与管理》2013,24(8-9):785-799
High effectiveness and leanness of modern supply chains (SCs) increase their vulnerability, i.e. susceptibility to disturbances reflected in non-robust SC performances. Both the SC management literature and SC professionals indicate the need for the development of SC vulnerability assessment tools. In this article, a new method for vulnerability assessment, the VULA method, is presented. The VULA method helps to identify how much a company would underperform on a specific Key Performance Indicator in the case of a disturbance, how often this would happen and how long it would last. It ultimately informs the decision about whether process redesign is appropriate and what kind of redesign strategies should be used in order to increase the SC's robustness. The applicability of the VULA method is demonstrated in the context of a meat SC using discrete-event simulation to conduct the performance analysis. 相似文献
任妍 《山西高等学校社会科学学报》2014,(5):63-65
思想政治教育是高校工作的一项重要内容,数字化媒体时代的到来,为高校思想政治教育带来了新的问题和挑战。面对新挑战,认清现状,把握时代特征,创新工作方式,掌握思想政治教育话语权,是高校思想政治教育的有效途径。 相似文献
中国传统历史与文化最宝贵的资产就是伦理道德的思维与主张。这是一套人本的价值思想,有其形上的道统 根源,形下的正统传承、法统规范与学统分流。它在地球上首先建立起了有系统的人伦思想。其特质之一,即是"五伦" 的亲疏远近与尊卑贵贱的行为规范,为世界上其他国家之所未有者,至今其精义仍具有超然的优越性。其另一特质,即 重视政治上之政道与治道的政治哲学和家庭的组织地位与功能价值,这体现在《大学》中主张格物、致知、诚意、正心、修 身之内圣推向齐家、治国、平天下之外王的政治哲学思想。此王道思想即是中国传统道德思想之内外与体用发挥的极 致。人伦、五伦、王道等思想都是以道德概念融汇贯通的一种政治伦理哲学,是社会和谐有序的行为准则。 相似文献