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海河图书馆应用地下储能技术的可行性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
任毅 《城市》2007,(9):69-70
海河图书馆是天津市海河开发规划确定的公建项目.按照天津市政府提出的建筑应达到"三步节能"的要求,该项目已被列入天津市节能建筑示范工程.  相似文献   
The ongoing project of citizenship construction in societies receiving international immigration demands a perspective that takes into account the interests, views and needs of all socio-demographic groups, including those of newcomers as potential new citizens. We interviewed representatives of 16 immigrant associations operating in the Spanish autonomous community of Galicia, reviewed immigration policy in 13 Spanish (Galician) municipalities, and interviewed 20 municipal government staff members who put these into practice. With this research, we aim to explore the perspectives of immigrants with respect to their own integration and to examine how these compare with local policies designed to facilitate these processes. By comparing the immigrant representatives' perceptions with local policy discourses and practice, our study reveals how local integration practice is not only inconsistent with its own policy discourse but also fails to consider and include immigrants' own understandings of what integration means and how it can be achieved.  相似文献   
山区人口分布受多种经济、社会等非空间因素的影响外,还与不同区域的地理分布有密切关系。文章以贵州省毕节地区为例,以乡镇区域为研究单元,运用地理加权回归(GWR)分析方法,兼与全局普通二乘法(OLS)方法进行比较,研究人口密度和经济、社会、自然等因素的空间相关关系。研究表明,社会经济因素对毕节山区人口分布的影响大于自然环境因素的影响;海拔对毕节山区人口分布的影响不如坡度的影响显著;综合经济实力、城镇化水平、交通条件和地形条件的好坏与其对人口分布的影响大小呈反相关,而医疗条件的好坏与其对人口分布的影响大小呈正相关。因此,"加强城镇建设、鼓励人口聚集,加强生态移民工作、保护资源环境"是未来毕节地区相关政策的基础。  相似文献   
任海 《中国劳动》2008,(4):54-55
案情简介齐某为某国企工伤职工,与该国企签有劳动合同。2005年某国企开始准备进行国有企业改制,制定了《某国企职工分流安置实施方案》,该方案中解除劳动关系支付职工的经济补偿金标准是某国企所在市2004年度社会平均工资。同年10月26日某国企召开职工大会全体通过该方案,并获得了上级主管部门及国资委批准。2006年某国企正式启动改制方案,4月29日某国企更名为某股份公司,该公司为非国有控股公司,某国企上级主管单位某集团公司持有某股份公司20%的股份。6月29日某股份公司召开职  相似文献   
制度认同在社会政治生活中占有十分重要的地位,它可以坚定人们的社会主义价值理念,唤起人们积极的制度化参与,增强人们对制度的自信心,进而增强全社会的向心力和凝聚力,巩固党执政的社会基础。制度认同与制度自信互为条件,互相促进,相辅相成。当前大学生制度认同存在问题,主要体现为对分配制度的公正性和对政治制度的规范性缺乏认同。培养大学生的制度认同与制度自信,要不断推进社会主义制度的改革和完善,要加强社会主义文化建设,要切实提高大学生马克思主义理论素养。这对于保证国家长远持续稳定发展,构建社会主义和谐社会,具有重大和深远的现实意义。  相似文献   
逻辑机器哲学是由美国当代哲学家、计算机科学家勃克斯提出的一种哲学思想,它是在信息时代计算机和网络技术迅猛发展的背景下提出的哲学新思维,又是对哲学史上的朴素唯物论、机械唯物论的继承与发展。在逻辑机器哲学中,拉美特利"人是机器"这个受尽奚落的命题成了其哲学思想的基本假定。它使得"人是机器"的哲学意蕴在计算机科学和信息技术蓬勃发展的今天可以得到新的阐释。尽管面临着许多挑战,但它为计算机科学哲学和信息技术哲学的诞生铺平了道路。近年来认知科学哲学的发展,把逻辑机器哲学研究推向了一个新的阶段,其标志是人工生命哲学的诞生。逻辑机器哲学研究为复杂系统科学视野下的人工生命及其哲学的新发展奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   
文章基于贝叶斯学习,将正则化方法从贝叶斯分析的角度展开,在响应变量服从正态分布、回归系数服从指数型先验分布族的条件下,用贝叶斯准则给出了惩罚因子的取值与响应变量、系数的方差之间的关系,并将这一结果应用到岭回归和lasso回归中惩罚因子的选择.实例检验结果表明,当响应变量和系数服从正态分布,惩罚因子的值取二者方差商的方法比岭迹法和广义交叉验证法(GCV)拟合效果更优.  相似文献   
农村外出劳动力回流迁移的影响因素和回流效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
任远  施闻 《人口研究》2017,(2):71-83
文章分析农村外出劳动力回流迁移的影响因素.农村外出劳动力在城市就业、经济收入和社会保障的排斥影响他们的回流,同时回流迁移也受到家庭生活、家庭劳动力状况、家庭农业活动和农地状况等因素的影响.外出劳动力的回流迁移是“被动回流”和“主动回流”相结合的过程、是个体决策和家庭决策的综合过程.文章提出劳动力回流迁移具有“回流效应”,回流带来人力资本的补偿、促进流出地非农经济的发展和带来创业的增长.劳动力回流作为城镇化过程中内生的逆迁移流,构成乡城迁移和劳动力市场平衡的补充机制,与乡城迁移一起促进城镇化和城乡平衡发展.文章提出在城镇化过程中需要支持“迁移效应”和“回流效应”机制共同发挥作用.  相似文献   
In both adolescents and adults, gambling problems and depressive symptoms co-occur and share some common risk factors (e.g., impulsivity and socio-family risk). However, little is known about (1) the developmental course of the co-morbidity of these problems; (2) variables that may moderate the effect of these common risk factors on gambling problems and depressive symptoms. Of specific interest could be individuals’ social relationships with significant others such as parents and friends, because research shows that they moderate the effect of other risk factors on gambling problems and depressive symptoms. The goals of this study were to: (a) identify developmental pathways for gambling problems and depressive symptoms, with a focus on co-morbidity; (b) assess the moderating effect of relationship quality with parents and friends on the link between common risk factors and the trajectories of gambling problems and depressive symptoms. Study participants were 878 males. Predictors were assessed during childhood and adolescence and gambling problems and depressive symptoms were assessed in late adolescence and young adulthood. Latent class analysis revealed four distinct joint trajectories of gambling problems and depressive symptoms. Subsequent logistic regression revealed that impulsivity predicted membership in all pathogenic trajectories, and quality of the relationship with parents predicted membership in depressogenic trajectories. In addition, we found that the membership in the comorbid trajectory can be predicted by an interaction between friendship quality and socio-family risk.  相似文献   
We investigate the implications of balanced consistency and balanced cost reduction in the context of sequencing problems. Balanced consistency requires that the effect on the payoff from the departure of one agent to another agent should be equal between any two agents. On the other hand, balanced cost reduction requires that if one agent leaves a problem, then the total payoffs of the remaining agents should be affected by the amount previously assigned to the leaving agent. We show that the minimal transfer rule is the only rule satisfying efficiency and Pareto indifference together with either one of our two main axioms, balanced consistency and balanced cost reduction.  相似文献   
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