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在岭南社会历史文化条件下和经济活动中粤商形成了讲求实际、敢想敢干、灵活善变、迷信及淡泊政治的人格特征。  相似文献   
高校财务风险的现状、成因及对策思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
任喜雨 《职业时空》2007,3(8):62-63
当前,上海大规模港口设施建设已基本告捷,主要工作精力应逐步转到建设国际航运中心所必需的便捷、高效的集疏运体系和相关配套软件设施上来。包括水路运输与道路运输产业在内的交通运输业在上海国际航运中心建设中发挥着极其重要的基础功能。应改变传统的水路、公路、铁路集疏运比例,灵活使用价格杠杆合理调节集装箱流量,彻底突破江浙沪跨区高速公路交通瓶颈,实现和完善上海港区与高速公路、内河和铁路网络的衔接,积极开展海铁联运,提高运营管理水平,以加快上海港集疏运系统的一体化进程。  相似文献   
文章首先对自主学习的概念进行了界定。然后从强化正确的学习观,提高医学生学习的主体意识;树立正确的教学观,培养医学生自主学习的技能;培育正确的职业观,满足医学生学习的情感需要;坚持科学的发展观,培育医学生自主创新的能力等四个方面论述了医学生自主学习能力培养的有效途径。  相似文献   
城以人为本,以精神为本上海学人张汝伦在《城市精神与人文精神》一文中曾说到:“只有伟大的人,才能创造伟大的城市。只有伟大的精神,才能造就伟大的人”。人创造了城市,创造了城市的文明,城以人为本。而创造“伟大的城市”的“伟大的人”又需有“伟大的精神”做支撑。  相似文献   
现实主义在国际关系理论界始终保持着其地位。但是 ,其理论贡献和缺失并存 ,给予其他学派生存的空间 ,并使国际关系理论走向新的综合成为可能和必要。  相似文献   
Using Census data covering the 1980–2000 period, this article examines what outcomes would be necessary for today's recent immigrant cohorts to achieve earnings parity with Canadian‐born workers. Our results show that today's recent immigrants would have to experience a drastic steepening of their relative age‐earnings profile in the near future for their earnings to converge with their Canadian‐born counterparts. The reason is simple: the greater relative earnings growth experienced by recent immigrant cohorts has only partially offset the drastic deterioration in their relative earnings at entry.  相似文献   
任为 《今日辽宁》2005,(1):9-11
李克强:1955年7月生,安徽定远人1974年参加工作,1976年加入中国共产党,北京大学经济学院在职研究生毕业,法学学士、经济学博士1993年5月至1998年6月任共青团第十三届中央委员会书记处第一书记1999年2月至2003年1月任九届河南省省长2002年12月任中共河南省委书记2003年1月当选为河南省人大常委会主任2004年12月任辽宁省委委员、常委、书记2005年3月当选辽宁省人大常委会主任2005年是辽宁省全面推进老工业基地振兴的关键一年,也是圆满完成“十五”计划目标的重要一年。辽宁省将以优化经济结构、深化体制改革、扩大对外开放、构建和谐辽宁为重点,建设“一个中心”、培育“两大基地”、发展”三大产业”,高起点、高标准、高水平做工作,保持经济平稳较快增长,促进经济社会协调发展,  相似文献   
合作原则之博弈论新解   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着经济学的语言转向,格拉斯一贯无法回答的人们在话语交际中为什么要遵循合作原则的问题终于有了新的解释。语言经济学家认为语言是人类特有的一种社会制序,伴随着经济交换而产生,受先天的自然规则的制约;合作原则反映了话语双方的一种二元线序关系,是话语双方博弈均衡的结果。  相似文献   
After initiation of treatment, HIV viral load has multiphasic changes, which indicates that the viral decay rate is a time-varying process. Mixed-effects models with different time-varying decay rate functions have been proposed in literature. However, there are two unresolved critical issues: (i) it is not clear which model is more appropriate for practical use, and (ii) the model random errors are commonly assumed to follow a normal distribution, which may be unrealistic and can obscure important features of within- and among-subject variations. Because asymmetry of HIV viral load data is still noticeable even after transformation, it is important to use a more general distribution family that enables the unrealistic normal assumption to be relaxed. We developed skew-elliptical (SE) Bayesian mixed-effects models by considering the model random errors to have an SE distribution. We compared the performance among five SE models that have different time-varying decay rate functions. For each model, we also contrasted the performance under different model random error assumptions such as normal, Student-t, skew-normal, or skew-t distribution. Two AIDS clinical trial datasets were used to illustrate the proposed models and methods. The results indicate that the model with a time-varying viral decay rate that has two exponential components is preferred. Among the four distribution assumptions, the skew-t and skew-normal models provided better fitting to the data than normal or Student-t model, suggesting that it is important to assume a model with a skewed distribution in order to achieve reasonable results when the data exhibit skewness.  相似文献   
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