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This article conceptualizes the case of Jessica Chang from a cross-cultural perspective. The article also suggests additional readings in cross-cultural counseling, and specifically focuses on cross-cultural career counseling The case is examined from the viewpoint of Jessica Chang, her supervisor, and the that of her organization as a whole. Practical implications for each participant are discussed.  相似文献   
Y Tang 《人口研究》1989,(5):24-29
An important cause of resistance to China's family planning (FP) program in rural areas is the need to have children to support parents in their old age. Provision of insurance for old age support will facilitate the implementation of the FP program among the rural population. A trial project was initiated in five cities and counties in Fujian province i 1986. The program included schemes for both eligible couples and for single children. The township or the village pays a lump sum or monthly premium to the insurance company for each couple, which enables them to collect 30-35 Yuan/month after they reach 55 years of age. To further expand the insurance program, a survey was conducted in 1987 to determine whether rural farmers would be willing and able to pay the insurance premium themselves. 77% of the respondents reported that they could afford to pay 60% of the premium. Among them, 59% were willing to pay. It was suggested that besides individual purchase of the insurance plan, the rural communities could contribute to the payment of the premium from the fines for unplanned births, from the local tax, and from the country government budget. Preferential treatment should be given to the couples of two daughters who receives sterilization; the communities should pay for a larger share of their premium. The current insurance scheme needs to be reformed so that the plan can offer more than the individual's bank savings. To do so, the insurance company needs to be able to invest their premium income and obtain higher returns. The employees of the insurance company need to improve their work efficiency to win the trust of the people in the program.  相似文献   
伊拉克战争后出现了有利于中国与中东国家发展经贸关系的一些全新因素,双方经贸合作也得到了快速发展,但仍有相当的发展潜力.本文从战略的高度提出中方应加以改进的四个方面和紧紧抓住经贸合作机遇、推动向中东出口高技术含量和高附加值产品、加强在科技领域合作、挖掘承包劳务工作潜力、积极开拓旅游市场、多为中东培训人才、加强投资合作和与区域性组织合作等八项建议.  相似文献   
2002年11月19日台湾地区通过《环境基本法》。大陆在1979年9月13日颁行《环境保护法(试行)》,1989年12月26日又颁行《环境保护法》,目前正拟议修订或制订新的环境基本法。因此,本文所作的研究具有积极的现实意义。一方面,可作双重借鉴。台湾起草环境基本法,  相似文献   
鲍德里亚等西方马克思主义社会学家在建构其消费社会批判理论时,只把消费社会当作一个客观的事实来看待,在方法论上拘泥于非历史性的社会学方法,无法进入马克思意义上的历史唯物主义的方法论视域。这直接导致了他们不能准确地把握批判和超越消费社会的路径。马克思在《巴黎手稿》时期由于撇开了对生产过程的正面分析而直接进入到对财富分配领域的批判性研究,因而还不具备历史地分析消费过程的思想基础。在《德意志意识形态》中,马克思界定了生产过程对消费过程的决定性,但对消费过程本身有可能产生的社会效应还没有引起足够的重视。经过19世纪50年代初期的思想过渡,马克思在《1857—1858年经济学手稿》和《1861—1863年经济学手稿》中,不仅从资本统治模式的复杂性的角度,深刻地指出了消费过程对整个社会经济形态的重要性,而且最终还从资本主义生产过程的发展性的角度,阐释了由消费过程所滋生的观念拜物教的消解路径。  相似文献   
This article provides a comparison of three West European countries with five Central East European countries in respect of working time and the integration of work and family life. The countries are the Netherlands, Sweden and the UK in West Europe and Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and Slovenia in Central East Europe. As well as providing an East–West comparison, the article also takes into account the differing institutional and policy contexts in the selected countries and the different routes to flexibility. A further aim of the article is to extend our understanding of the culture and values which underpin the organization of family and work in each country. Whilst there is a clear East–West divide, all eight countries demonstrate diverse routes to flexibility and different mixes of social policies and gender cultures which have lead to considerable differences in the integration of work and family life.  相似文献   
经济学和伦理学的关系问题是理论领域和实践领域的一个重大课题。随着经济学日益技术化、公理化和科学化,20世纪的主流经济学逐步丧失了道德伦理视野。然而,经济学要对现实问题真正作出思考和解释,依然不得不深入经济学公式背后的伦理问题。在经济学日益疏远伦理学的思潮下,1998年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者阿马蒂亚·森却掀起了一场复兴经济学与伦理学联盟、重建经济学伦理之维的“革命”。他强调经济学和伦理学之间关系的双向性,主张在重新宽泛理解经济学的基础上,“恢复”经济学内在拥有的“人的层面”和“社会层面”。  相似文献   
目的:研究丁酸钠(sodium butyrate,BTR)对大鼠肠缺血/再灌注(ischemia-reperfusion,I/R)后小肠损伤的保护作用.方法:♂SD大鼠50只,随机分为假手术组(sham组),肠I/R 1 h组和4 h组(I/R1组和I/R4组),BTR干预1 h组和4 h组(BTR1组和BTR4组),每组10只.丁酸钠组和肠I/R组夹闭大鼠肠系膜上动脉30 min,恢复灌流后观察4 h,制备肠I/R模型;假手术组仅开腹不夹闭动脉.BTR组于术后立即行皮下注射BTR(400mg/kg),假手术组和肠I/R组皮下注射等量生理盐水.于I/R 1 h和4 h后,测定小肠黏膜血流量,取血浆检测血浆肿瘤坏死因子(tumor necrosis factor-α,TNF-α)水平和二胺氧化酶(diamine oxidase,DAO)活性,取小肠组织检测髓过氧化物酶(myeloperoxidase,MPO)、脂质过氧化物丙二醛(malondialdehyde,M D A)活性和血管内皮生长因子(v a s c u l a r endothelial growth factor,VEGF)含量,检测小肠微血管通透性和含水率,HE染色观察小肠病理变化.结果:肠I/R致小肠损伤组血浆T N F-α、D A O及小肠组织含水率、微血管通透性、M D A、M P O、V E G F明显高于假手术组(P<0.05),小肠黏膜血流量明显降低(P<0.05),小肠损伤明显.与对应时间点I/R组相比,B T R治疗后血浆T N F-α、D A O及小肠组织含水率、微血管通透性、MDA、MPO、VEGF明显降低(P<0.05),小肠黏膜血流量升高(P<0.05),小肠损伤减轻.结论:BTR减轻大鼠肠I/R后小肠微血管通透性、组织水肿,增高小肠黏膜血流量,具有一定的小肠保护作用.其保护机制与清除氧自由基,减轻炎症反应和降低小肠VEGF表达有关.  相似文献   
本文首次将Elastic Net这种用于高度相关变量的惩罚方法用于面板数据的贝叶斯分位数回归,并基于非对称Laplace先验分布推导所有参数的后验分布,进而构建Gibbs抽样。为了验证模型的有效性,本文将面板数据的贝叶斯Elastic Net分位数回归方法(BQR. EN)与面板数据的贝叶斯分位数回归方法(BQR)、面板数据的贝叶斯Lasso分位数回归方法(BLQR)、面板数据的贝叶斯自适应Lasso分位数回归方法(BALQR)进行了多种情形下的全方位比较,结果表明BQR. EN方法适用于具有高度相关性、数据维度很高和尖峰厚尾分布特征的数据。进一步地,本文就BQR. EN方法在不同扰动项假设、不同样本量的情形展开模拟比较,验证了新方法的稳健性和小样本特性。最后,本文选取互联网金融类上市公司经济增加值(EVA)作为实证研究对象,检验新方法在实际问题中的参数估计与变量选择能力,实证结果符合预期。  相似文献   
This article uses Danish register data to explain the retirement decision of workers in 1990 and 1998. Many variables might be conjectured to influence this decision such as demographic, socioeconomic, financial, and health related variables as well as all the same factors for the spouse in case the individual is married. In total, we have access to 399 individual specific variables that all could potentially impact the retirement decision. We use variants of the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (Lasso) and the adaptive Lasso applied to logistic regression in order to uncover determinants of the retirement decision. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first application of these estimators in microeconometrics to a problem of this type and scale. Furthermore, we investigate whether the factors influencing the retirement decision are stable over time, gender, and marital status. It is found that this is the case for core variables such as age, income, wealth, and general health. We also point out the most important differences between these groups and explain why these might be present.  相似文献   
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