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基于环境约束、科技创新和要素集聚三维因素,研究多家同类产品制造企业在完全信息条件下进行的非合作博弈,通过设定相应的利润函数和约束条件,建立此类博弈模型,分析每个企业如何制定合适的产品生产量、排污权购买量、科研投入资金和提高要素配置效率费用,使这类博弈达到Nash均衡状态。借助变分不等式的算法给出此类博弈的Nash均衡点计算方法,并通过计算结果分析环境约束、科研投入资金、提高要素配置效率费用对企业利润的综合影响。研究结果表明,当企业战略方案的可取范围是有界闭凸集,同时每个企业的边际利润随产品生产量、排污量、科研投入资金和提高要素配置效率费用呈负相关关系,这类博弈存在Nash均衡状态。通过将这类博弈问题转化成变分不等式问题,利用变分不等式投影收缩算法计算Nash均衡点的数值。数值分析表明,在环境约束下,科研投入资金和提高要素配置效率费用存在最优的投资组合,企业在Nash均衡状态时采取的方案虽然对博弈对手的方案做出了最优反应,但将博弈置于合作状态下能使整个行业获得更大利润。 相似文献
内部R&D投资和外部技术并购作为提升创新能力的重要源泉均受到学术界和实务界的关注。从内在机理和外部表现分析内外部R&D间存在的协同效应,并从正、反两个角度论述关联并购对协同效应的影响。基于医药企业技术含量高、R&D投入强度大、属于重点推进并购重组行业的特征,以2002年至2010年在沪、深证券交易所上市的A股医药行业公司为研究样本,构建OLS回归模型,通过LR检验进行实证研究。研究结果表明,内外部R&D的协同效应存在于医药行业企业,能够提升企业绩效,单纯的进行内部R&D投资或者只进行外部技术并购,都不是提升企业价值的最优技术创新模式;与大型企业和国有企业相比,该协同效应主要存在于小型企业和非国有企业中;不同于已有研究关注的控股股东利益驱动下的关联交易,关联并购作为一种特殊的关联交易,其具有的信息优势有利于企业内外部R&D协同效应的实现。 相似文献
Delayed differentiation or postponement is widely advocated to mitigate conflicts between product diversity and inventory cost savings. Manufacturers practicing postponement often suffer from severely constrained finishing capacities and noticeable finishing lead times. Therefore, inventories are still needed for finished products. Using the concept of inventory shortfall, this paper studies base-stock inventory models with and without demand forecasting and provides a computationally efficient method to set optimal inventory targets for finished products under capacitated postponement. Computations show inventory-saving benefit quickly vanishes after the capacity reaches a certain level. The value of forecasted advance-demand information (ADI) to postponement is justified, but can easily be overstated. Finishing capacities usually force manufacturers to build ahead according to demand forecast. When capacity limitation becomes severe, intuitions often guide producers to build to forecast even more than finishing lead times ahead. Results of this research indicate that these intuitions may be invalid and build to forecast more than finishing lead times ahead may not be a good practice. Further studies reveal that under capacitated postponement the forecasted advance-demand information is useful only when the variance of demand forecast errors is less than that of demands, and show that the optimal forecast lead time can be obtained in the same way as if the capacity is unlimited. 相似文献
积极情绪的社会功能及其对团队创造力的影响:隐性知识共享的中介作用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
情绪是创造力的重要前因变量。当前研究指出,情绪通过认知路径作用于个体创造力,情绪通过动机路径间接作用于创造力。但是很少有研究涉及情绪的社会功能通过人际互动路径作用于团队创造力,即情绪会影响团队成员的隐性知识共享从而作用于创造力。本文采用问卷调查法,通过对57个团队(包含538个团队成员)的调查,从团队层次探讨了个体积极情绪的社会功能通过隐性知识共享作用于团队创造力。研究结果表明:在团队层次,控制了团队成员积极情绪均值后,内在动机均值则不再对团队创造力有显著预测作用;在控制了内在动机均值的情况下,积极情绪均值还能显著影响团队创造力,而隐性知识共享完全中介了积极情绪均值与团队创造力之间的关系。本文的结论对研发团队的创造力管理有一定现实意义。 相似文献
This study explores the roles of transfer of training and job satisfaction in the relationship between training and customer service quality. The data were collected from 230 employees and their supervisors and analyzed using structural equation modeling. The results show that training indirectly influences customer service quality through the mediation of transfer of training and job satisfaction. Moreover, training directly and indirectly affects transfer of training through the mediation of job satisfaction, which in turn partially mediates the relationship between transfer of training and customer service quality. Furthermore, perceived organizational support (POS) moderates the relationship between training and transfer of training. This study extends social exchange theory, norm of reciprocity, and goal setting theory. Practical implications and future research directions are discussed. 相似文献
Drawing on social learning and self-determination theories, this study investigates the mediating effects of controlled motivation for knowledge sharing and moral identity in the relationship between ethical leadership and employee knowledge sharing. We conducted a field study with 337 full-time employees to test our hypotheses. Results supported the mediating effects of both controlled motivation and moral identity in accounting for the relationship between ethical leadership and employee knowledge sharing. Our study is among the first to examine whether and why ethical leadership predicts employee knowledge sharing. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed. 相似文献
团队心理安全、组织公民行为和团队创新--一个中介传导模型的实证分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
团队和创新已经成为新经济条件下企业所关心的重要问题,而团队如何创新的问题则更为理论界和实践界所关注.以往的研究认为团队心理安全(Team Psychological Safety)有助于团队创新的实现,而关于团队心理安全通过怎样的具体机制来影响团队创新则一直存在争议.本文认为,组织公民行为(OCB)能够充当这一过程的中介变量.团队心理安全影响团队创新的途径可能是团队心理安全能够导致组织公民行为,而组织公民行为则能够导致团队创新.本文采用实证分析方法,在Baron和Kennv中介变量判断原则的基础上验证了这一假设.文章还对本研究的局限性和进一步研究方向进行了讨论. 相似文献
In any business process reengineering (BPR) project, a thorough understanding of various tasks and activities of the organization is required. Very often this idea is captured using a simple flow chart or static representation diagram. The weakness here is that the process design complexity is not adequately represented by the use of flow charts, and this allows for limited human-computer interaction during the process design and analysis. In this paper, we propose an enhanced flow chart approach; the concept of activity-section flow chart to support BPR, which is a combination of the existing activity flow chart and section flow chart. Using this approach, a human-computer interactive model for BPR is developed. This model can identify the unreasonable activity loops and excessive business rounds between sections by the adjacent and reachable matrices. Via the human-computer interaction, the process can be revised by human experience. This approach provides an efficient tool for BPR of large-scale systems. It has been applied to the material supply management system of an iron and steel works, and satisfactory results have been achieved. 相似文献