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Developing a sense of purpose is both salient and desirable for adolescents, and purpose in people's lives and careers is associated with both general and work-related well-being. However, little is known about whether purpose can be encouraged through school-based interventions. This article reports the results of a quasi-experimental pilot study and follow-up focus group that evaluated Make Your Work Matter, a three-module, school-based intervention designed to help adolescent youth explore, discover, and enact a sense of purpose in their early career development. Participants were eighth-grade students. Compared to the control group, the intervention group reported increases in several outcomes related to purpose-centered career development, such as a clearer sense of career direction; a greater understanding of their interests, strengths, and weaknesses; and a greater sense of preparedness for the future. However, no significant differences were found on items directly related to purpose, calling, and prosocial attitudes. These results inform the ongoing development of Make Your Work Matter and other school-based career interventions and pave the way for larger-scale trials of such purpose-promoting intervention strategies.  相似文献   
Pharmacogenetics (PGx) – the study of DNA variation in the human genome and the way this impacts the efficacy and safety of medicines – is becoming an increasingly important research tool as physicians, patients, regulatory authorities and payers look for innovative ways to improve the risk:benefit ratio of medicines. While scientific knowledge about PGx is rapidly increasing, implementation of PGx findings to patient care has yet to be fully achieved. One area where significant progress has been made is in the identification of PGx markers associated with variable response to antiretroviral medicines. For example, the major histocompatibility complex HLA‐B*5701 allele has been associated with hypersensitivity to abacavir (ABC) by several independent researchers. While PGx associations have been identified largely through retrospective examination, the clinical utility of these PGx markers in patient care has not been prospectively determined in a randomized study. This paper outlines the design of a study to evaluate the utility of prospective screening for HLA‐B*5701 to reduce the incidence of ABC hypersensitivity in an ABC‐naïve population of HIV‐infected subjects. This represents the first fully powered, randomized, blinded, prospective study to determine the clinical utility of PGx screening to reduce drug‐associated adverse events in any patient population. This type of trial design may have utility for other important medicines which have treatment‐limiting side effects. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
按照人口学的分析 ,对于人口的最重要的分类就是按照年龄和性别分类 ,亦即人口结构。其原因在于 ,几乎所有的行为模式都是按照这两个方面分开的。这一方面是由于生理上的原因 ,另一方面则由于各地的男人和女人、儿童、成人和老人都有着不同的文化规范。如果在对统计数字进行解释时不考虑到年龄结构的因素 ,就会产生误导。例如 ,自 2 0世纪 2 0年代开始实施的限制移民法的鼓吹者们常说 ,移民的生育率和犯罪率要比本地人低得多。但这种比较忽略了这样一个问题 :移民正处在生育和犯罪的年龄。在 2 0世纪的前 1 0年 ,他们大多是年轻的男子。各地…  相似文献   
How does one fire a physician? In a word, carefully! Most of the legal protections for other employees apply just as well to physicians. And physicians have access to an expanded realm of protections because of the nature of their profession and because of its role in the health care delivery system. The ordinary employee cannot raise antitrust; the fired physician may very well raise just that issue. And yet the need to terminate a physician will sometimes, even though rarely, occur. How can the organization be certain that it has treated the physician fairly, has documented any and all offenses in a defensible fashion, and has generally followed accepted practices in all aspects of dealing with the physician? The author provides some guidelines for dealing with the problem or the incompetent physician.  相似文献   
结合代理理论和制度理论,运用倾向得分匹配法,研究国有控股和市场竞争这两种基本制度环境对股权激励与企业绩效相关关系的影响机制和作用效果发现:股权激励整体上存在激励效应,能显著提高企业绩效;国有控股削弱了股权激励的实施效果,相对于非国有企业,股权激励对国有企业的激励效应并不显著;产品市场竞争强化了股权激励与企业绩效的正向关系,竞争程度越高,股权激励效果越好;市场竞争一定程度上提高了国有企业股权激励的实施效果,在竞争程度高的国企样本中,股权激励显现出了显著的激励效应。研究结论表明,制度环境是股权激励发挥作用的重要前提,深化国有企业产权改革、完善产品市场竞争是提高股权激励效果的关键。  相似文献   
具有许多有源接收模件的相控阵天线在辐射器位置对电磁场采样。通过对阵列上接收到的波前图型的严格分析,可以从目标和干扰中提取大量的信息。例如,具有N个单元的天线阵原则上可以形成N个同时波束,因而可以区分出来自所有方向的信号.这种多波束  相似文献   
人类学往往被那些对它所知甚少的人说成是一门回顾往事的学科。然而,即便是最常回顾往事的考古学者和人类学者,都不会把自己局限于过去,同样,民族学者对人类文化的未来也并非不感兴趣。不仅如此,人类学者还特别关注人类未来及其可能带来的变化。与西方工业化社会的所有公民一样,他们也想知道将来将给西方文化带来什么样的变化。不管人类在生理方面将会产生什么变化,在将来,人类文化无疑仍将是人们赖以解决生存问题的机制。可是,有一些人类学家担心人类的生存问题会越来越多,以致于文化不能解  相似文献   
1.作者、书名与年代2.编年史的诗文特点3.阿拉坦汗传的内容4.1602—1607年的甘珠尔经译文自从蒙古历史学家、蒙古人民共和国科学院院士舍·纳楚克道尔吉1963年在乌兰巴托出版的名为《喀尔喀史》的书中提出这一问题以来,土默特部阿拉坦汗的蒙文传记的存在在南部蒙古的学术界得以公开。纳楚克道尔吉在讲到下面的情况时提到了这部传  相似文献   
三、《阿拉坦汗传》的内容《阿拉坦汗传》全书共分六部分,第一部分是引言和成吉思汗以来佛教的传播(珠荣嘎影印本1r-2v);第二部分是达延汗以及他祖辈和儿子们的简单介绍(2v-4r);第三部分是阿拉坦汗的传记(4r  相似文献   
人类、社会、文化及环境等这些预测学组成部分的重要性日益增长,因此,未来学研究需要新的起点。本文提出,当代变化本身的各种因素(人、知识的增长、环境的压力)即是一个研究的新起点。这种理论符合若干众所周知的问题的新定义,并有助于增加未来学和预测学研究的新技术。  相似文献   
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