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We consider a number of estimators of regression coefficients, all of generalized ridge, or 'shrinkage' type. Results of a simulation study indicate that with respect to two commonly used mean square error criteria, two ordinary ridge estimators, one proposed by Hoerl, Kennard and Baldwin, and the other introduced here, perform substantially better than both least squares and the other estimators discussed here  相似文献   
We consider the estimation of a change point or discontinuity in a regression function for random design model with long memory errors. We provide several change-point estimators and investigate the consistency of the estimators. Using the fractional ARIMA process as an example of long memory process, we report a small Monte Carlo experiment to compare the performance of the estimators in finite samples. We finish by applying the method to a climatological data example.  相似文献   

In high-dimensional regression, the presence of influential observations may lead to inaccurate analysis results so that it is a prime and important issue to detect these unusual points before statistical regression analysis. Most of the traditional approaches are, however, based on single-case diagnostics, and they may fail due to the presence of multiple influential observations that suffer from masking effects. In this paper, an adaptive multiple-case deletion approach is proposed for detecting multiple influential observations in the presence of masking effects in high-dimensional regression. The procedure contains two stages. Firstly, we propose a multiple-case deletion technique, and obtain an approximate clean subset of the data that is presumably free of influential observations. To enhance efficiency, in the second stage, we refine the detection rule. Monte Carlo simulation studies and a real-life data analysis investigate the effective performance of the proposed procedure.  相似文献   
The joint effect of the deletion of the ith and jih cases is given by Gray and Ling (1984), they discussed the influence measures for influential subsets in linear regression analysis. The present paper is concerned with multiple sets of deletion measures in the linear regression model. In particular we are interested in the effects of the jointly and conditional influence analysis for the detection of two influential subsets.  相似文献   

Non parametric regression estimation with measurement errors data has received great attention, and deconvolution local polynomial estimators can be used to deal with the problem that the errors are independent of other variables in the literature. In this article, the copula method is applied to tackle the case that the errors may depend on covariates, and the asymptotic properties of the resulting estimators are derived. Two simulations are conducted to illustrate the performance of the proposed estimators.  相似文献   
In recent years the analysis of interval-censored failure time data has attracted a great deal of attention and such data arise in many fields including demographical studies, economic and financial studies, epidemiological studies, social sciences, and tumorigenicity experiments. This is especially the case in medical studies such as clinical trials. In this article, we discuss regression analysis of one type of such data, Case I interval-censored data, in the presence of left-truncation. For the problem, the additive hazards model is employed and the maximum likelihood method is applied for estimations of unknown parameters. In particular, we adopt the sieve estimation approach that approximates the baseline cumulative hazard function by linear functions. The resulting estimates of regression parameters are shown to be consistent and efficient and have an asymptotic normal distribution. An illustrative example is provided.  相似文献   

This paper presents a closed-form likelihood approximation for one type of affine point processes widely used in financial credit risk models. We proceed by first conjecturing the concrete series form of the transition density, verifying our postulation and then establishing the related coefficients by means of Kolmogorov equations. The asymptotic properties of the maximum-likelihood estimators (MLEs) are given in the end.  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to the study of a risk-based optimal investment and proportional reinsurance problem. The surplus process of the insurer and the risky asset process in the financial market are assumed to be general jump-diffusion processes. We use a convex risk measure generated by g-expectation to describe the risk of the terminal wealth with investment and reinsurance. Under the aim of minimizing the risk, the problem is solved by using techniques of stochastic maximum principles. Two interesting special cases are studied and the explicit expressions for optimal strategies and corresponding minimal risks are derived.  相似文献   
We propose a new weighting (WT) method to handle missing categorical outcomes in longitudinal data analysis using generalized estimating equations (GEE). The proposed WT provides a valid GEE estimator when the data are missing at random (MAR), and has more stable weights and shows advantage in efficiency compared to the inverse probability weighing method in the presence of small observation probabilities. The WT estimator is similar to the stabilized weighting (SWT) estimator under mild conditions, but it is more stable and efficient than SWT when the associations of the outcome with the observation probabilities and the covariate are strong.  相似文献   
Three parameters—sample size, sampling intervals, and the control limits—must be determined when the x bar chart to monitor a manufacturing process. The constant sampling intervals were widely employed because of its administrative simplicity. However, the variable sampling interval (VSI) has recently been shown to give substantially faster detection of most process shifts than fixed-sampling-interval (FSI) for x-bar charts. In addition, these measurements in the subgroup are assumed to be normally distributed. That assumption may not be tenable. This investigation compares the economic design of x-bar control charts for non normal data under Weibull shock models with various sampling avenues.  相似文献   
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