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  国内外学者对我国GDP数据质量的质疑重点已从年度数据转到季度数据,从全国数据转向地方数据。本文通过设计一套较为系统且可操作性强的季度GDP评估指标体系,运用空间面板数据模型对各省区的季度GDP数据质量进行了实证检验。结果表明,整体来看,中国各省区季度GDP同各经济指标的匹配性较好,数据质量较高,并不存在明显的失真现象;从时间上来看,每年一、二季度的GDP存在一定程度的高估,而每年三、四季度的GDP则存在一定程度的低估,但是这种偏差在统计上不显著;分地区来看,尽管一半省区的季度GDP存在一定程度的高估,另一半省区存在一定程度的低估,但大部分省区高估或低估的程度在统计上不显著。文章进一步分析了其中的原因。  相似文献   
有些学者认为,北方和西方的邻族和邻国称"中国人"为"秦人"的做法一直沿用到晋时.该观点以《辞海》为代表,它的例证是<法显传>.这个问题连研究《法显传》的章巽先生也没有细究.但是,仔细研读《法显传》后发现,法显在称中国(或中国的一部分,因为当时的中国存在多个政权)时,概念使用极其严谨: (1) 称北部中国为"秦"(源于十六国的"前秦"后秦",而非"秦国"秦朝");(2) 称南部中国为"晋"(源于"东晋");(3) 泛称全中国则为"汉"(源于该时期以前的统一王朝),在个别情况下为"中国".在第三种情况下并不使用"秦"的概念.由此可见,在汉语典籍中,当时并没有以"秦"来称"中国"的用法.《辞海》等的观点是没有仔细研读原著造成的.  相似文献   
本文结合当前实际,充分论述了加强党风建设对高校校风建设的重要性和紧迫性,建议采取切实有效的措施,切实加强校党风建设,营造以党风促教风,以教风带学风的良好氛围。  相似文献   
郎维伟  周勇军 《民族学刊》2015,6(2):34-39,99-102
藏区的宗教文化既独特,又多元。在嘉绒藏族的村落社会中呈现出两种传统宗教,二者并不排斥,村民都接受和认同。从人类学的角度分析,两种宗教同时存在是一种大小传统的关系,它们互为补充,在互动中共存。通过村落社会的微观场景来观察村民的信仰文化,有助于对嘉绒藏族底层社会宗教文化的理解。  相似文献   
解决国有股流通的问题 (实际上包括不能流通的国有股和企业法人股两部分 ,以下同 )必将引发我国证券市场上一次深刻的变革 ,将对证券市场产生极其深远影响。我们本着公平公正的原则提出了同股同权同价的定价模式 ,选取了几个典型的样本进行了处理 ,计算了全面流通对整个市场的影响 ,并与净资产的定价模式进行了比较分析。  相似文献   
本文基于2019年北京师范大学劳动力市场研究中心开展的2139家返乡创业企业的调查数据,采用多重中介效应模型,研究创业者外出创业经历对其返乡创业企业经营绩效的影响及其微观作用机制。研究发现,创业者外出创业经历能够显著提升返乡创业企业的经营绩效;外出创业经历能够提升创业者的管理经验,扩大创业者的社会关系网络,有利于创业者获得更多的政策扶持,间接提升返乡创业企业的经营绩效。基于上述结论,建议地方政府积极吸引具有外地创业经历的企业家返乡创业,加大对返乡创业者的创业培训,提高返乡创业者的管理能力,支持创业者培育社会关系网络,加大返乡创业扶持政策的宣传,提升小微企业的经营绩效,助力乡村振兴。  相似文献   

This paper considers the optimization problems for a consecutive-2-out-of-n:G system where n is considered to be fixed or random. When the number of components is constant, the optimal number of components and the optimal replacement time are discussed by minimizing the expected cost rates. Furthermore, we focus on the above discussions again when n is a random variable. We give an approximate value of MTTF and propose the preventive replacement policy, respectively.  相似文献   
Recent publications have described the problem of testing for the “significance” of large sample (empirical) matrix eigenvalues in the presence of modest variation of underlying true eigenvalues. This modest variation often can be ascribed to endemic dependence in one matrix dimension (e.g., rows), whereas the null hypothesis concerns the other dimension (columns). The need for such testing frequently arises in genomics, time‐series analysis, and a variety of other fields. However, the tools available for testing are underdeveloped, with statistical properties that may be sensitive to the true eigenvalues. The purpose of this note is to point the reader to this emerging literature and to suggest that the tool of cyclic shift permutation may be well‐suited to the problem.  相似文献   
A biomaterials surface enabling the induction of tumor cell death is particularly desirable for implantable biomedical devices that directly contact tumor tissues. However, this specific antitumor feature is rarely found. Consequently, an antitumor‐cell nanocoating comprised of vanadium dioxide (VO2) prepared by customized reactive magnetron sputtering has been proposed, and its antitumor‐growth capability has been demonstrated using human cholangiocarcinoma cells. The results reveal that the VO2 nanocoating is able to interrupt the mitochondrial electron transport chain and then elevate the intracellular reactive oxygen species levels, leading to the collapse of the mitochondrial membrane potential and the destruction of cell redox homeostasis. Indeed, this chain reaction can effectively trigger oxidative damage in the cholangiocarcinoma cells. Additionally, this study has provided new insights into designing a tumor‐cell‐inhibited biomaterial surface, which is modulated by the mechanism of mitochondria‐targeting tumor cell death.  相似文献   
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