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白广明 《山西大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》1996,(3)
辞书的检索途径是否完备合理,直接影响它的使用价值。合理的检索途径,是衡量辞书编写质量的重要标准。编制合理检索途径,应从读者使用辞书的实际需要出发 相似文献
对于生产装配性产品的机械企业,由于产品与原材料种类繁多,将造成企业投入产出表的规模庞大,致使投入产出表的编制、计算和使用产生诸多问题,甚至难以实现。为了控制表的规模,常采用将消耗量相近、生产工艺相近的产品合并的做法。但这种做法严重影响了投入产出表的精度和应用效果。因此,本文讨论了更为有效的解决这类问题的思想和方法。 相似文献
推进农业产业化经营 ,要打“特色牌”、“市场牌”、“科技牌”。以笔者之见 ,还应重视“管理牌” ,要四张“王牌”形成体系一齐打。 相似文献
白·特木尔巴根 《内蒙古民族大学学报(社会科学版)》1992,(2)
本文结合乾隆时的社会现实,探讨了蒙古族诗人梦麟的《大谷山堂集》的思想内容,对贯穿于诗集中的人民性给予了充分的肯定。就其艺术成就主更着眼于作为北方少数民族诗人所特有的个性特点进行了分析。综合思想内容和艺术成就又进而论述了梦麟对于清代诗坛的贡献,提出在中国文学发展史上应给予诗人以一席之地的论点。 相似文献
我们国家和改革相适应,正在形成一个开放的、活跃的、探索的文化大环境。在文学方面总体的观照是:新时期文艺正在发生深刻的变革,从题材内容到表现手段,从文学观念到研究方法,一副“全方位跃动”的态势,呈现出前所未有的锐气和生机。新时期十年文学成绩巨大,观念的现代化与创作的繁荣,已经是不可置疑的一个巨大的时代事实,已成为改革时期的文化组成部分。本文考察的将是,也仅仅是我国新时期长篇小说在文学创作意义上的现代观念,这纯属艺术创作的、学术理论的范围。新时期长篇小说的文学特征,可以概括为意蕴的深化,形式的寻求。据现代文学理论,将小说的意蕴区分为五个层次:真实性层次;给真实以道德评价的道德评价层次;真美与道德评价发生矛盾的反映中趋于历史和社会必然性的层次;在更为普遍认同的意义上寻找人生价值体验的层次;企图从整体上把握世界和进行人的自我发现的哲理品格层次。不难看到, 相似文献
我国地区综合经济实力的评价与分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文以综合评价指标体系为基础 ,对影响地区综合经济实力的主要团素利用SPSS软件进行因子分析 ,以加权计算出综合值进行评价与分析 ,并结合西部大开发的背景给出自己的几点思考。 相似文献
白永中 《甘肃联合大学学报(社会科学版)》2001,(Z3)
美术风格同哲学、宗教等一样是文化的一个领域 ,是作为精神的存在 ,以一定理念为指导的精神价值创造的一种形式。因此 ,美术发展必然同文化的演进、发展存在着密不可分的联系。文化的演进和发展促使美术及其观念风格发生转变 ,美术的风格发展也正体现了文化的演进和发展。文化是一个民族在历史上所创造并渗透于一切行为系统里的观念体系和价值体系。它包括物质基础和精神文化两个方面。他们决定了文化的水准精神上包括道德、宗教和社会其他组织方式。种种知识结构以及经济以上的价值体系这些我们可以称为精神文化。人类的精神改变了物质世界… 相似文献
施工企业的多种经营是企业经营的重要组成部分,其经营效益的好坏影响着主业的发展,然而近些年来我国多数施工企业多种经营的改革,不但没有使其得到充分的发展,反而呈现整体滑坡的趋势。通过对某一施工企业多种经营的状况进行分析,指出其存在的问题、产生的原因及对策。 相似文献
从民族志材料看巫的起源与发展 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
白兴发 《青海民族学院学报(社会科学版)》2001,27(2):28-33
文章运用民族志调查材料,就巫的起源及巫师在民族地区的历史演变作了梳理,并对巫师在历史和现实生活中的影响进行了分析。认为女巫在历史上的出现早于男巫;巫师在历史上曾发挥重要作用,只是后来受外来文化的冲击影响,巫师的社会地位和职能被排斥、削弱。 相似文献
The Qiang are one of the most ancient ethnic groups in China, and their rich cul-ture is an important part of Chinese culture. Bei-chuan Qiang Autonomous County, in Sichuan province, is a unique Qiang Autonomous County in China, which has an exceptional foundation for transmitting Qiang ethnic culture through school education. However, the county’s transmission of Qiang ethnic culture through school education still faces some problems, such as lack of educational investment, poor teacher resources, lack of ethnic cultural inheritors, and students’ lack of ethnic self-confidence. In view of series dilemmas faced by Beichuan Qiang Autonomous County in trans-mitting Qiang ethnic culture through school educa-tion, this article proposes the following suggestions based on our investigations:1 . Increase the investment in school educa-tion In view of the lack of educational investment, we suggest the following measure be adopted: 1 ) increase educational investment from various levels of the government, especially increasing special in-vestment in transmitting Qiang ethnic culture through school education;2 ) raise funds from the public;3 ) have the schools engage in their own fundraising, and 5 ) make efforts to get foreign aid. 2 . Strengthen the investment in improving teacher resources In view of the problem of poor teacher re-sources, we suggest the following measures: 1 ) strengthen policy support from the national level, and solve the problem of poor teacher resources through training teachers in universities for nation-alities. 2 ) invite Qiang cultural inheritors to be teachers; 3 ) strengthen the technical training of the school teachers, and improve the teachers’ skills;4) add more teacher positions, and improve the treatment of teachers;5 ) encourage teachers to devote their life to the education and inheritance of Qiang culture. 3 . To promote the motivation for studying eth-nic culture In view of the students’ lack of motivation for studying ethnic culture, and the lack of people who go on to inherit the ethnic cultural heritage, we suggest the following: 1 ) Beichuan Autonomous County should help the young Qiang people to be locally employed through developing ethnic econo-mies, and to inherit ethnic culture via developing tourism with ethnic characteristics. 2) Family edu-cation should be closely connected with school edu-cation;3 ) to include an exam on Qiang ethic cul-ture in school entrance examinations in order to re-flect the importance of ethnic culture study;4 ) to add some ethnic culture courses in schools for na-tionalities. 4 . To strengthen the ethnic pride and confi-dence of Qiang students In view of the issue of Qiang students’ lack of ethnic confidence and pride, we suggest the follow-ing:1 ) open Qiang language courses in schools in Qiang areas; 2 ) enlarge the usage range of the Qiang language; 3 ) help students to understand the charm of Qiang culture, and let them feel eth-nic pride. 5 . To standardize and promote a common Qiang language In view of the issue that Qiang have no written language, their spoken language is too complicat-ed, and there are too many dialects, we suggest that the National Languages and Scripts Work Committee should work with Qiang scholars and ex-perts to create a basic dialect of the Qiang-a com-mon Qiang language, which should be promoted in school education, just like mandarin Chinese in school education. 相似文献