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This paper is the first paper in a three-part article series presenting an integrative theory of problem solving in groups on the basis of theory and research on group processes, problem solving and decision making. Group problem solving is differentiated into three main focuses of action, namely taskwork, group organisation and socio-emotional regulation. The present paper focuses on aspects of group organization. A theory of the structure of group mental models is developed. The mental model of problem solving groups is differentiated into a short-term and a long-term memory system. Under each memory system, several memory units are proposed containing declarative and procedural knowledge on aspects of the problem at hand and aspects of the group. Based on the assumption that success in problem solving results from the group’s success in solving various subproblems, recommendations for structuring the problem solving process are being drafted. It is suggested that during an initial orientation stage all occurring subproblems be rated according to their need for action and stored in the short term memory system. In the following action stage, the various subproblems stored in the short term memory system should be worked off in the order of their respective need for action. Based on characteristics of the subproblems at hand and on situative constraints, propositions concerning the resources needed for belabouring the various subproblems are established. Consequences with regard to the working mode of the group are derived.  相似文献   
In the first two sections of the paper, some basic terminological distinctions regarding freedom of the will as a philosophical problem are expounded and discussed. On this basis, the third section focuses on the examination of two neurophysiological experiments (one by Benjamin Libet and one by William Grey Walter), which in recent times are often interpreted as providing an empirical vindication of determinism and, accordingly, a refutation of positions maintaining freedom of the will. It will be argued that both experiments fall short in this respect, and that in general—for methodical reasons—the prospects of ever deciding the dispute about freedom of the will through empirical research are rather poor.
Zusammenfassung  In den ersten beiden Teilen dieses Beitrags werden einige grundlegende terminologische Unterscheidungen bezüglich Willensfreiheit als philosophisches Problem erläutert und diskutiert. Auf dieser Grundlage befasst sich der dritte Teil mit der Untersuchung zweier neurophysiologischer Experimente (eines von Benjamin Libet, das andere von William Grey Walter), die in jüngerer Zeit gern als empirische Bestätigung des Determinismus und damit als Widerlegung von Positionen interpretiert werden, die eine Freiheit des Willens behaupten. Wir argumentieren, dass beide Experimente in dieser Hinsicht mangelhaft sind und dass allgemein die Aussichten, den Disput über Willensfreiheit durch empirische Forschung zu lösen, aus methodischen Gründen eher gering sind.

Résumé  Les deux premières sections de larticle exposent et discutent certaines distinctions terminologiques concernant le « libre arbitre » en tant que problème philosophique. Sur cette base, la troisième section se concentre sur lexamen de deux expériences neurophysiologiques (lune par Benjamin Libet et lautre par William Grey Walter), souvent interprétées ces derniers temps comme fournissant une justification au déterminisme et, par conséquent, une réfutation des positions affirmant la liberté de la volonté. Largumentation fait ressortir que les deux expériences ne parviennent pas à leur but à cet égard et que de façon générale, pour des raisons méthodologiques, les perspectives de trancher la question du libre arbitre par la recherche empirique sont plutôt mauvaises.

Dirk HartmannEmail: Phone: +49-201-1834631
In evaluating family preservation services, it is important not only to study the service outcomes and the family characteristics, but also what actually happens during the treatment. This requires a program model. This article describes how a program model works, prescribes how workers should carry it out, and describes how researchers should measure the program's characteristics. The authors use data from Families First in The Netherlands to test the model. Results show that the method of the program meets the specified characteristics. The results are important for treatment, policy, education, and evaluation research.  相似文献   
This paper describes and evaluates “As luck would have it,” an awareness program completed by retailers in Quebec Province. This program, which is presented as a two-hour awareness promotion workshop, aimed to inform retailers about excessive gambling. More specifically, it provided answers to the following questions: (1) What is chance and randomness? (2) Is there a link between misunderstanding the concept of chance and excessive gambling? (3) How does one recognise the symptoms of this disorder? (4) How should retailers intervene if they decide to do so? Results showed that retailers developed a better understanding of problem gambling, could recognise its main symptoms, felt more capable of coping with excessive gamblers, and of choosing the most appropriate moment to do so. In the follow-up phase, retailers who had attended the workshop reported that they approached a problem gambler significantly more often than the retailers who had not attended the workshop, and had discussed how to help problem gamblers significantly more often. The practical implications of these results are briefly discussed.  相似文献   
Composition-consistent tournament solutions and social choice functions   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper introduces a new axiom for choice in preference profiles and tournaments, called composition-consistency. A social choice function is composition-consistent if it is non-sensitive to the cloning of one or several outcomes. The key feature of the composition consistency property is an operation concept called multiple composition product of profiles. The paper provides a brief overview of some social choice functions studied in the literature. Concerning the tournament solutions, it is proved that the Top Cycle, the Slater and the Copeland solutions are not composition-consistent, whereas the Banks, Uncovered Set, TEQ, Minimal Covering Set are composition-consistent. Moreover, we define the composition-consistent hull of a solution as the smallest composition-consistent solution containing . The composition-consistent hulls of the Top cycle and Copeland solutions are specified, and we give some hints about the location of the hull of the Slater set. Concerning social choice functions, it is shown that Kemeny, Borda and Minimax social choice functions are not composition-consistent, whereas the Paretian one is composition-consistent. Moreover, we prove that the latter is the composition-consistent hull of the Borda and Minimax functions.  相似文献   
:作为先进制造技术之一的高速切削技术是机械制造业发展的必然趋势 ,其应用将大幅度地提高加工效率和加工质量。高速切削技术不仅涉及到高速切削加工工艺及高速切削机理 ,而且包括高速切削所用的刀具、机床等诸多因素。本文着重介绍了高速切削各相关技术的研究动态 ,并对高速切削技术的应用前景进行了展望  相似文献   
This paper describes a support group for children, ages 9–13, whose mothers are living with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Beginning with identification of the need for, and purpose of the group, the paper describes the group recruitment, screening and intake process; group composition; group content and process; barriers to service and issues specific to facilitation of the group. The group provided support to children by increasing knowledge of HIV and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) issues, providing a forum for expression of feelings and concerns regarding their parent's HIV status, improving communication skills, identifying and expanding coping strategies, and facilitating peer support for normalization and validation of fears and concerns.  相似文献   
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