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When simulating a dynamical system, the computation is actually of a spatially discretized system, because finite machine arithmetic replaces continuum state space. For chaotic dynamical systems, the discretized simulations often have collapsing effects, to a fixed point or to short cycles. Statistical properties of these phenomena can be modelled with random mappings with an absorbing centre. The model gives results which are very much in line with computational experiments. The effects are discussed with special reference to the family of mappings f (x)=1-|1-2x|,x [0,1],1,<,,<,. Computer experiments show close agreement with predictions of the model.  相似文献   
Numerical stability is but one of many desirable properties which should be considered when designing statistical software. However, rigorous roundoff analysis is rarely done because it seems not worth the price; the influence of rounding error is usually of secondary importance, and the analysis is thought to be beyond the reach of all but a few specialists. This note discusses the role of roundoff analysis in the design of a statistical program and shows that new techniques sometimes make assessment of the effect of rounding errors no more difficult than the verification of other program properties.  相似文献   
We consider the specific transformation of a Wiener process {X(t), t ≥ 0} in the presence of an absorbing barrier a that results when this process is “time-locked” with respect to its first passage time T a through a criterion level a, and the evolution of X(t) is considered backwards (retrospectively) from T a . Formally, we study the random variables defined by Y(t) ≡ X(T a  ? t) and derive explicit results for their density and mean, and also for their asymptotic forms. We discuss how our results can aid interpretations of time series “response-locked” to their times of crossing a criterion level.  相似文献   
This article provides new tools for the evaluation of dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models and applies them to a large-scale new Keynesian model. We approximate the DSGE model by a vector autoregression, and then systematically relax the implied cross-equation restrictions and document how the model fit changes. We also compare the DSGE model's impulse responses to structural shocks with those obtained after relaxing its restrictions. We find that the degree of misspecification in this large-scale DSGE model is no longer so large as to prevent its use in day-to-day policy analysis, yet is not small enough to be ignored.  相似文献   
This article presents the results of a simulation study investigating the performance of an approach developed by Miller and Landis (1991) for the analysis of clustered categorical responses. Evaluation of this “two-step” approach, which utilizes the method of moments to estimate the extra-variation pardmeters and subsequently incorporates these parameters into estimating equations for modelling the marginal expectations, is carried out in an experimental setting involving a comparison between two groups of observations. We assume that data for both groups are collected from each cluster and responses are measured on a three-point ordinal scale. The performance of the estimators used in both “steps” of the analysisis investigated and comparisons are made to an alternative analysismethod that ignores the clustering. The results indicate that in the chosen setting the test for a difference between groups generally operatbs at the nominal α=0.05 for 10 or more clusters and hasincreasing power with both an increasing number of clusters and an inrreasing treatment effect. These results provide a striking contrasc to those obtained from an improper analysis that ignores clustering.  相似文献   
文章通过阐发德里达对所谓"主权"和"无条件性"所作的区分,探讨了德里达的"整体性他者"观念,指出理解这一观念是赞同德里达的信仰表白的基础。作者指出,德里达的演现性言语行为是对其所谓的"整体性他者"之呼唤的一种回应。  相似文献   
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