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对于职工因病或非因公负伤请假休息期间的工资计算,最早见于1951年2月26日由政务院公布、1953年1月2日政务院修正颁布的《劳动保险条例》和与此相配套并同期颁布的《劳动保险条例实施细则修正草案》,该规定一直沿用至今。根据该条例及草案,连续医疗期间在6个月以内的用人单位支付病假工资;连续医疗期间超过6个月时,病伤假期工资停发,改由劳动保险基金按月付给疾病或非因工负伤救济费。各地关于病假工资的立法,主要有三种模式:模式一:根据职工的工龄和工资,按照一定的比例支付采用这一模式的,主要以上海的规定为代表。在这一模式下,有关病假… 相似文献
目前,学界认为北京版《甘珠尔》完成于1700年。始刻时间则有1683年、1684年两种说法,还认为存在多个复刻版;北京版《丹珠尔》始刻于1724年,完成于1738年。然而,根据原始文献,可考定北京版《甘珠尔》始刻于1683年,完成于1692年,1700年做了修订。所谓不同的北京版《甘珠尔》复刻版,实为在原版上进行修订,并非新刻。北京版《丹珠尔》的刊刻,可考定为1721年始刻,1724年完成。无论《甘珠尔》还是《丹珠尔》,都与其他版本有着复杂的源流关系,文中通过细致的目录、文字、函号、经序等方面的对比,做了详细的梳理。对于印本的特点,也作了描摹。《甘珠尔》《丹珠尔》都是康熙皇帝钦敕雕造的,雍正、乾隆皇帝及蒙古、西藏的政教领袖也厕身其中,共同缔造了文化,见证了历史。目前,北京版藏文大藏经的印本收藏于世界上不同的地方,散发着不朽的文化魅力。 相似文献
论蒙古族科尔沁文化 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
科尔沁文化是指蒙古族科尔沁地区的区域文化。“科尔沁”既是蒙古族古老部族的概念,又是地域地理概念。科尔沁文化作为蒙古族文化的重要组成部分和草原文化多元一体中的一个重要区系,有着自己独特的风韵,这主要取决于科尔沁的独特自然环境和地理位置。科尔沁文化内涵丰富,里面蕴含着“崇尚英雄”、“辅佐社稷”、“追求发展”、“热爱故乡”、“保护生态”、“坚忍不拔”等人文思想。特别是科尔沁文化所折射出的“坚毅、包容、创新、进取“的人文精神,为我们今天建设先进文化提供了坚实的基础,其优良传统应当很好地继承,并在新的实践基础上不断创新,为科尔沁地区的经济建设和社会全面进步提供智力支持。 相似文献
Michał Glądalski Mirosława Bańbura Adam Kaliński Marcin Markowski Joanna Skwarska Jarosław Wawrzyniak Piotr Zieliński Iwona Cyżewska Dorota Mańkowska Jerzy Bańbura 《Urban Ecosystems》2016,19(3):1325-1334
There is a need to study the effects of urbanization on wildlife in order to understand the ecological implications of increasing urbanization and find out how to reduce its threats to biodiversity. The blue tit evolved as a forest species and prefers deciduous and mixed forests, whereas its nesting in urban habitats is a more recent phenomenon. Our long-term study of blue tit populations has been conducted in two habitats: an urban parkland (frequently visited by people) and a deciduous forest outside of the city. Using linear mixed modeling, we revealed that a relationship of blue tit breeding success (and the number of fledglings) with thermal conditions in May differed between the urban parkland and the forest. While the relationship was positive in the forest, it was negative in the parkland. In addition, breeding success in the parkland increased with increasing number of rainy days in May. We argue that the main possible reason for such patterns is human activity in the parkland, which interferes with tit parental care, especially the regular feeding of nestlings, whereas it is evidently associated with weather conditions. Human disturbance in the forest is likely to be negligible. 相似文献
Núria Mallorquí-Bagué Iris Tolosa-Sola Fernándo Fernández-Aranda Roser Granero Ana Beatriz Fagundo María Lozano-Madrid Gemma Mestre-Bach Mónica Gómez-Peña Neus Aymamí Indira Borrás-González Jessica Sánchez-González Marta Baño Amparo Del Pino-Gutiérrez José M. Menchón Susana Jiménez-Murcia 《Journal of gambling studies / co-sponsored by the National Council on Problem Gambling and Institute for the Study of Gambling and Commercial Gaming》2018,34(1):209-223
To identify Gambling Disorder (GD) subtypes, in a population of men seeking treatment for GD, according to specific executive function domains (i.e., cognitive flexibility, inhibition and working memory as well as decision making) which are usually impaired in addictive behaviors. A total of 145 males ranging from 18 to 65 years diagnosed with GD were included in this study. All participants completed: (a) a set of questionnaires to assess psychopathological symptoms, personality and impulsivity traits, and (b) a battery of neuropsychological measures to test different executive functioning domains. Two clusters were identified based on the individual performance on the neuropsychological assessment. Cluster 1 [n = 106; labeled as Low Impaired Executive Function (LIEF)] was composed by patients with poor results in the neuropsychological assessment; cluster 2 patients [n = 46; labeled as High Impaired Executive Function (HIEF)] presented significantly higher deficits on the assessed domains and performed worse than the ones of LIEF cluster. Regarding the characterization of these two clusters, patients in cluster 2 were significantly older, unemployed and registered higher mean age of GD onset than patients in cluster 1. Additionally, patients in cluster 2 also obtained higher psychopathological symptoms, impulsivity (in both positive and negative urgency as well as sensation seeking) and some specific personality traits (higher harm avoidance as well as lower self-directedness and cooperativeness) than patients in cluster 1. The results of this study describe two different GD subtypes based on different cognitive domains (i.e., executive function performance). These two GD subtypes display different impulsivity and personality traits as well as clinical symptoms. The results provide new insight into the etiology and characterization of GD and have the potential to help improving current treatments. 相似文献
Susana Jiménez-Murcia Fernando Fernández-Aranda Gemma Mestre-Bach Roser Granero Salomé Tárrega Rafael Torrubia Neus Aymamí Mónica Gómez-Peña Carles Soriano-Mas Trevor Steward Laura Moragas Marta Baño Amparo del Pino-Gutiérrez José M. Menchón 《Journal of gambling studies / co-sponsored by the National Council on Problem Gambling and Institute for the Study of Gambling and Commercial Gaming》2017,33(2):579-597
Most individuals will gamble during their lifetime, yet only a select few will develop gambling disorder. Gray’s Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory holds promise for providing insight into gambling disorder etiology and symptomatology as it ascertains that neurobiological differences in reward and punishment sensitivity play a crucial role in determining an individual’s affect and motives. The aim of the study was to assess a mediational pathway, which included patients’ sex, personality traits, reward and punishment sensitivity, and gambling-severity variables. The Sensitivity to Punishment and Sensitivity to Reward Questionnaire, the South Oaks Gambling Screen, the Symptom Checklist-Revised, and the Temperament and Character Inventory-Revised were administered to a sample of gambling disorder outpatients (N = 831), diagnosed according to DSM-5 criteria, attending a specialized outpatient unit. Sociodemographic variables were also recorded. A structural equation model found that both reward and punishment sensitivity were positively and directly associated with increased gambling severity, sociodemographic variables, and certain personality traits while also revealing a complex mediational role for these dimensions. To this end, our findings suggest that the Sensitivity to Punishment and Sensitivity to Reward Questionnaire could be a useful tool for gaining a better understanding of different gambling disorder phenotypes and developing tailored interventions. 相似文献
应用型本科《材料科学基础》课程建设与改革 总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11
从课程标准、课程体系与内容,教学理念更新,教学机制和教学方法及手段,教材建设,实践教学环节改革,考核方式与评价标准,师资队伍建设等方面探讨了《材料科学基础》课程建设与改革的主要思路并进行了实践,强调了在“大材料、大工程、大社会”观念指导下进行材料学教育的重要性。 相似文献
敖其尔马 《内蒙古工业大学学报》1995,14(1):72-77
本文对直列式多缸发动机气门调整方法进行探讨,推荐一种新的方法。与传统法相比具有简单、科学、准确、适用范围广等特性。 相似文献