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以“体、用、造、化”的“四字诀”所阐述的文化遗产“格致论”,包括“体”之“名、形、质、色、饰”,“用”之“人、地、事、用、价”,“造”之“材、具、序、诀、仪、艺”和“化”之“天、地、人、变、生”。“四字诀”是对“生生遗续”之概念体系所囊括的“生命礼仪、生态亲和、生计方式、生产技术、生业组织、生养制度”的“六生”体系的再阐释。“四字诀”和“六生体系”,是我们对中国传统智慧的发掘,也是我们对符合中国文化思维方式的文化遗产传承体系的一种探索,期许此文化遗产“格致论”,对文化遗产之“传家”方法论有所裨益。  相似文献   


Detrimental effects of women’s negative feelings during pregnancy have been extensively examined and documented, but research on the influence of positive feelings and protective factors on their prenatal mental health is scarce. Evidence from the positive psychology field has shown that practicing some brief positive exercises, called positive psychology interventions, can maximize well-being by increasing positive emotions, engagement, and meaning.


The aim of this study is to examine the effect of a positive psychology web-based intervention on indices of women’s prenatal well-being.


Specifically, a case series design was adopted, and data from six women are presented. Participants were involved in a 5-week online positive psychology intervention that includes a set of positive psychology interventions specifically adapted for pregnant women. Measures of women’s mental well-being, depression, pregnancy-related anxiety, life satisfaction, and social support were measured at pre- and post-intervention. Compliance with the intervention and exercise preferences were assessed at post-test. Single-item related well-being measures were assessed weekly.

Findings and discussion

The findings of this case series study indicate potential effects of the intervention on supporting mental well-being and decreasing depressive symptomatology in these pregnant women. Furthermore, this study provides some suggestions for developing future online-based positive interventions addressed to pregnant women. However, these findings are preliminary, and future studies are needed in order to assess the effects of the intervention in a wider population of pregnant women.  相似文献   
传媒人类学作为一门人类学与传播学研究中正在兴起的分支学科,从学科名称的命名,到研究对象、研究方法和理论范式的确立,都还悬而未决。本研究从人类学、传播学的学术谱系中,梳理了学科交叉领域的研究成果,对传媒人类学的学科背景进行辨析,论述了人类学研究中的传播思想和传播学研究中的人类学思想,并对传媒人类学的学科概念、理论叙述和发展阶段进行讨论,以期对上述问题有所启示。  相似文献   
朱英  巴杰 《学术研究》2012,(1):98-104,160
店员是国民革命时期颇具影响的一类职业群体,其组织经历了公所—工会(公会)—同业公会的演变过程.其生存状态决定了店员运动的首要诉求在于提高工资待遇,改善工作环境,限制店主辞退店员等经济要求.制度化管理模式规范了店员的工作、生活,店员逐渐成为有纪律、有组织的社会群体,在此基础上构建自身的职业与身份认同,但制度管理中存在人情的余绪.店员属于工人还是商人,应组织工会还是加入同业公会,以及店员工会的隶属关系等问题,在国民革命运动时期一直争议不断,但争议主要出自政党的“革命”需要,而不是店员的自身诉求.  相似文献   
热贡“六月会”的宗教学解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
热贡“六月会”是青海同仁地区藏族、土族及部分汉族群众普遍参与的宗教性民间节日 ,关于其文化内涵 ,人们各抒己见 ,说法不一。文章运用宗教学理论就热贡“六月会”中的民间信仰作了阐述  相似文献   
The overall goal of the study reported herein was to use techniques in the field of risk assessment (specifically a state-space population dynamic model of disease transmission within recreational waters) to explore the relative significance of (1) active shedding of microorganisms from bathers themselves, and (2) the type and concentration of etiological agent on the observed heterogeneity of the incidence of illness in epidemiological studies that have been used to develop ambient water quality criteria. The etiological agent and corresponding dose ingested during recreational contact was found to significantly impact the observed incidence of illness in an epidemiological study conducted in recreational water. In addition, the observed incidence of illness was found not to necessarily reflect background concentrations of indicator organisms, but rather microorganisms shed during recreational contact. Future revisions to ambient water quality criteria should address the etiological agent, dose, and the significance of microbial shedding relative to background concentrations of pathogens and indicator organisms in addition to the incidence of illness and concentration of indicator organisms. Without a quantitative assessment of these additional variables, study findings may potentially be site specific and not representative of the health risks associated with specific indicator concentrations in all recreational waters.  相似文献   
This study investigates the strategic role of carbon disclosure in shaping firm performance and board heterogeneity among heavily polluting companies in Bangladesh from 2013 to 2023. Using empirical data from 150 companies listed on the Dhaka Stock Exchange, the research examines the impact of board diversity—specifically gender, tenure, and educational heterogeneity—on carbon disclosure practices. The findings reveal that board gender and tenure heterogeneity negatively affect carbon disclosure, whereas educational heterogeneity has a positive impact. Additionally, firm performance shows a negative effect on carbon disclosure but does not significantly moderate the influence of board heterogeneity. These results underscore the importance of board diversity in enhancing carbon disclosure practices, thereby contributing to improved environmental management and firm performance in heavily polluting industries in Bangladesh. This research, grounded in legitimacy theory, stakeholder theory, and corporate governance literature, provides valuable insights for academics, practitioners, and policymakers focused on business strategies for environmental sustainability.  相似文献   
生态学视阈中的藏族能源文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
能源是关乎社会进步和经济发展的重要资源,从世界各民族发展的历史来看,能源与火的利用关系极为密切。青藏高原特殊生态环境下形成的藏族传统能源文化,具有十分显著的民族特点和地域特点,其中蕴含的生态文化意义,对今天生态文化建构仍具有重要的启迪。  相似文献   
We discuss Bayesian inferential procedures within the family of instrumental variables regression models and focus on two issues: existence conditions for posterior moments of the parameters of interest under a flat prior and the potential of Direct Monte Carlo (DMC) approaches for efficient evaluation of such possibly highly non-elliptical posteriors. We show that, for the general case of m endogenous variables under a flat prior, posterior moments of order r exist for the coefficients reflecting the endogenous regressors’ effect on the dependent variable, if the number of instruments is greater than m +r, even though there is an issue of local non-identification that causes non-elliptical shapes of the posterior. This stresses the need for efficient Monte Carlo integration methods. We introduce an extension of DMC that incorporates an acceptance-rejection sampling step within DMC. This Acceptance-Rejection within Direct Monte Carlo (ARDMC) method has the attractive property that the generated random drawings are independent, which greatly helps the fast convergence of simulation results, and which facilitates the evaluation of the numerical accuracy. The speed of ARDMC can be easily further improved by making use of parallelized computation using multiple core machines or computer clusters. We note that ARDMC is an analogue to the well-known “Metropolis-Hastings within Gibbs” sampling in the sense that one ‘more difficult’ step is used within an ‘easier’ simulation method. We compare the ARDMC approach with the Gibbs sampler using simulated data and two empirical data sets, involving the settler mortality instrument of Acemoglu et al. (2001 Acemoglu , D. , Johnson , S. , Robinson , J. A. ( 2001 ). The colonial origins of comparative development: An empirical investigation . American Economic Review 91 ( 5 ): 13691401 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) and father's education's instrument used by Hoogerheide et al. (2012a Hoogerheide , L. F. , Block , J. H. , Thurik , A. R. (2012a). Family background variables as instruments for education in income regressions: A Bayesian analysis. Economics of Education Review 31(5):515523.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Even without making use of parallelized computation, an efficiency gain is observed both under strong and weak instruments, where the gain can be enormous in the latter case.  相似文献   
Interpersonal distress is a common feature in gambling disorder and adding a concerned significant other (CSO) to the recovery process could be an effective tool for improving treatment outcome. However, little empirical evidence is available regarding the effectiveness of including a CSO to interventions. We aimed to compare treatment outcomes (i.e. compliance with therapy guidelines, dropout from treatment, and relapse during treatment) in a CBT program involving a CSO to CBT treatment as usual (TAU) without a CSO. The sample comprised male gambling disorder patients (N = 675). The manualized CBT intervention consisted of 16 weekly outpatient group sessions and a 3-month follow-up period. Patient CSOs attended a predetermined number of sessions with the patient and were provided with resources to acquire a better understanding of the disorder, to manage risk situations, and to aid patients in adhering to treatment guidelines. Patients with a CSO had significant higher treatment attendance and reduced dropout compared to patients receiving TAU. Moreover, patients whose spouse was involved in the treatment program were less likely to relapse and adhered to the treatment guidelines more than those with a non-spousal CSO. Our results suggest that incorporating interpersonal support to gambling disorder interventions could potentially improve treatment outcomes.  相似文献   
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