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20世纪70年代以来,多国公司寻求在世界范围内安排其生产经营活动,于是多国公司成为全球化的支持者和主体;而全球化的反对者认为在世界一体化迅速发展的同时,许多国家不再能够采取主权国家政策,尤其是在社会保障方面。不同国家对于全球化的态度不尽相同,但是某些国家却把其面临的经济困境归咎于全球化。相反,本文表明,国家对国际贸易的开放为国家经济的发展提供了更多选择,并且是解决许多国家在2 0世纪70~80年代遭遇的经济困难的良方。因此,许多发达国家和发展中国家不同程度地扩大了开放。文章指出了国家的公共政策是促进全球化的积极影响…  相似文献   
美国在制定“支持家庭”(family friendly)的社会政策方面要远远落后于欧洲发达的工业化民主国家,这是为人们所广泛公认的。即便如此,在2 0 0 0年,美国的人口出生率( 2 0 6‰)明显高于欧洲主要工业化国家的人口出生率(西班牙和意大利:1 2 2‰;英国:1 72‰;法国:1 74‰;德国:1 4 4‰;瑞典:1 5 4‰;荷兰:1 66‰)。1 996年,欧盟1 5国中平均每1 0 0 0人当中有5 1对男女结婚,明显低于美国每1 0 0 0人中8 8对的比例。就婚姻地位而言,欧洲国家有更多的人是采取自愿同居的方式生活,例如1 997年,在1 6~2 9岁的人群中,法国有48%的夫…  相似文献   
历史上城镇多建在水陆交通便利处。可惜城市普遍具有的这种宏观便利并未扩展到微观层面。本文认为 ,所谓交通可持续性 ,即可持续发展的城市向所有人提供去往不同目的地的手段 ,最好是低速移动或公共交通。私人小汽车的使用受到限制 ,没有交通堵塞 ,对噪音污染采取措施。从这个角度看 ,城市内便利通常很成问题 ,主要原因是交通规划与城市规划相分离。这一普遍模式在南非也存在 ,其原因当然是城市地区的不可持续性 ,而过去种族隔离的历史无异于雪上加霜。本文以开普敦为例 ,深入探讨这一问题。作者阐述了城市空间理论 ,例举了在一定程度上遵循这一理论的城市 ,为南非城市的建设提供参考。然而 ,欧洲的经验表明 ,仅有城市规划还不够 ,哪怕城市规划遵循的是一些成功的理论 ,如走廊型城市或整体型城市。城市规划应与交通规划相结合。南非应考虑实行整合城市与交通规划的政策 ,使城市变得更平等和可持续  相似文献   
1.斯坦因敦煌资料69卷84叶,为吐蕃与阿赀王国(吐谷浑)的研究者们所熟悉已五十年之久,但有关它固有的主题、体裁,特别是它的编年结构和记事年代,仍然众说纷纭。“资料”首先由陶玛士出版、翻译和注释。他判定是公元635—643年间阿赀宫庭生活的女性所激发而写的记述。然而人们一致认为他所提出的年代是难以令人满意的。李方桂认为“资料”中事件的断代定然被混淆了。佐滕长则怀疑“资料”的编年结构经陶玛士补订过。伯戴克对之作了新的阐明,他主张“资料”叙述的是706—716年间的事  相似文献   
This article presents an overview on the status of current knowledge concerning elder abuse and neglect, and to move to a consideration of factors from the field of domestic violence. For many years, attempts to understand the phenomenon of elder abuse remained a problem because of its complexity. This paper, however, discusses abuse and neglect at three levels--macro, mezzo, and micro: macro abuse refers to issues at a societal level; mezzo abuse refers to behaviors, attitudes, and policies inflicted on older people at the community level; micro abuse refers to issues in the domestic setting. All definitions of elderly abuse generally include physical, psychological and financial abuses and neglect. Added to these categories of abuse are sexual and social abuses. Attempts were also made to understand the dynamics of elderly abuse. Majority of the cases of abuse among elderly people happens among the females and is mostly inflicted by their spouses. Deteriorating health, thwarted hopes, expectations and plans; a diminution in capacities to function and manage; an increase in vulnerability and dependence all contribute to the development or continuation of abusive situations within intimate relationships in old age. Although gender played a major role in elderly abuse, attempts to consider it in relation to this issue remained limited. Based on the discussions presented, it was made clear that elderly abuse is comparable to domestic violence, although it is different from other forms of family violence.  相似文献   
In Ethiopia, the Italian Association for Women in Development (AIDOS) has been working with Ethiopia's National Committee on Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of Women and Children for 5 years. AIDOS began working on female genital mutilation in the early 1980s and rejects charges of cultural imperialism that are applied to Northern organizations attempting to help African organizations address this violation of universal human rights. In Ethiopia, 85% of women are mutilated, with most undergoing Sunna, or removal of the prepuce of the clitoris. The joint project seeks to increase awareness about the health consequences of female genital mutilation in the target group. The primary technique used is provision of training of trainers courses and presentation of four modular units and audiovisual materials specifically designed for use with socially influential women, male and female secondary school students, community leaders, and health workers. In addition, an information/education campaign uses videos and sound and slide shows with accompanying story books. A second category of communication tools was developed for a mass information campaign, including radio spots, posters, information leaflets, and a newsletter. When the project was ready for expansion into the southern region of the country, it became clear that a new participatory communication strategy was required to stimulate discussion, such as the use of role playing and theater. Working together, the two organizations have successfully confronted project constraints such as the difficulty in assessing project impact, scheduling problems, and gender-biased assess to information.  相似文献   
AIDS in China     
Although 10,676 people were officially reported to be infected with HIV on China's mainland by the end of June 1998, experts estimate that more than 300,000 Chinese are actually infected with HIV in China. They also believe HIV continues to spread in alarming fashion. Two thirds of reported HIV infection cases live in rural China, and nearly one third of the 301 people diagnosed as having AIDS have died. About 10% of all HIV infections occurred among teenagers under age 19 years old, with most infected through IV drug use. 60% of teens who responded to a survey in 1997 did not possess correct basic knowledge about AIDS, and 21% did not know how to protect themselves from contracting HIV.  相似文献   
拥挤的城市道路网络的建模工作一直是世界各国研究的课题.各种方法的准确程度也不相同,一个基本的方面就是在追求战略规划目的的同时取得成效,和在准确地表示地域范围内交通运转情况需要之间寻求一种平衡.在许多城市中,需要能够同时评价这两者的灵活的模型.OveArup&Partners最近已经开发并成功地运用了一个EMME/2模型对奥克兰市、新西兰市做了交通项目估计,同时具体表达了交汇处的延误.这部分的前期工作是由ROHill所承担的,此模型的研究和开发强调了模型中出现的许多重要问题.本文讨论了与拥挤分配模型开发有关的问题,阐述了建立城市范围内的模型的方法.内容包括:a.分配方法;b.稳定性和收敛性;c.城市范围模型的具体水平;d.联系和转弯惩罚函数;e.在没有信号灯的交叉口的延误函数.  相似文献   
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