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随着可视化技术的逐步发展,企业领导者又多了一项提高员工问题解决能力的有效途径。可视化技术,即将电子数据用复杂的图形表示出来,达到直观可视的效果。研究发现,通过高级可视化技术将数据展现出来后,会引发出多得让人吃惊的、各种激情洋溢的讨论。面对数据,人们或提问,或评论,或讲理论,或摆事实。这儿为什么数据特别集中,那儿为什么出现下降趋势,等等,问题多样,且变化多端。这样程度高、范围广的全员参与是每位企业领导都梦寐以求的,要知道,很多创新往往就是来源于这些最原始的思维碰撞。  相似文献   
后贝加尔是前苏联一个非常美丽的地方。从远古时代起,在贝加尔这块土地上就居住过各种民族和部落,其中部分地已经从历史舞台上消失了。在石器时代,许多打猎的,捕鱼的和采集野生动、植物的人们在这一带定居下来。“板块石墓”文化的创始人在青铜器时代就已经出现了。逝者坟墓上宏伟的石头围墙,遍及草原的鹿状石雕,以及峭崖上和洞穴中的壁画,是留给后人的庞大古代丰碑。这些砌石板的工匠们会加工黄铜和青铜,用黄金和青铜制做精美的装饰品和日用品,他们在古老的种族制度的草原上,优先从事畜牧业生产。后贝加尔历史有趣的一页与匈奴联…  相似文献   
Prominent explanations of the overrepresentation of Black Americans in criminal justice statistics focus on the effects of neighborhood concentrated disadvantage, racial isolation, and social disorganization. We suggest that perceived personal discrimination is an important but frequently neglected complement to these factors. We test this hypothesis with longitudinal data on involvement in general and violent juvenile delinquency in a sample of Black youth from a variety of communities in 2 states. We examine the direct effects of concentrated disadvantage and racial isolation and the direct and mediating effects of social organization, support for violence, and personal discrimination. Consistent with our hypothesis, perceived personal discrimination has notable direct effects on both general and violent delinquency and is an important mediator between neighborhood structural conditions and offending; moreover, its effects exceed those associated with neighborhood conditions.  相似文献   
The April 1993 CPS differs from the March 1993 CPS in a number of respects. The April 1993 CPS supplement surveys only workers, whereas the March CPS examines the noncash benefits received by all Americans. The April CPS asks workers about health coverage in the week in which the questions were fielded, whereas the March CPS asks about coverage in the preceding year. In April 1993, there were 112.5 million civilian American workers between the ages of 18 and 64 with jobs. Eighty-two million (73 percent) of them worked for an employer that sponsored a health insurance plan, and 65 million (58 percent of all workers) participated in their employer's health plan. About one-third of workers at firms with fewer than 10 employees had employers who offer health benefits; about one-quarter of all of the workers in these firms participated in their employer's plan. Conversely, 94 percent of workers at firms with more than 1,000 employees had an employer who sponsored health benefits, and over 77 percent of these workers participated in their employer's plan. There are 16.5 million American workers whose employers sponsored health benefits but who did not participate in these benefits. Over one-half of these workers (8.5 million) chose not to be covered. Another 36 percent of these workers (5.9 million) did not participate because they were ineligible or denied coverage. Over 66 percent of the ineligible workers did not participate because they were part-time, contract, or temporary workers. Another 26 percent had not yet completed a probationary period. Among the reasons that those who chose not to participate in their employer's coverage, the vast majority (75 percent) stated they were covered by another health care plan. Twenty-nine percent stated that they chose not to purchase coverage because it was too costly or that they did not need or want the coverage. In 1993, there were 16.7 million workers with no health insurance coverage. The vast majority of these workers (95 percent) were employed by private employers. Sixty-six percent of the workers with no health insurance coverage were self-employed or worked for firms with fewer than 100 employees.  相似文献   
在社会科学发展的现阶段,它们的结论不仅具有一般理论意义,而且还具有越来越重大的实践意义。现在,国民经济管理问题,社会经济规划和预测、文化和教育工作、意识形态斗争诸方面的战略决策问题,都要根据社会科学的成就加以解决。这一情况既决定了社会科学领域情报活动的任务,也决定了这种活动的作用。以苏联科学院社会科学情报研究所为中心的全苏社会科学情报系统执行以下基本  相似文献   
爱尔兰人民有着两千多年的历史,在他们之中至今仍存在着一个名叫卡尔德拉伊人(Calderai)的少数民族。卡尔德拉伊人妇女长得很有特色,一眼就能识别出她们来,一般来说,她们身材较高,留着披肩发或剪成短发,很少梳理而不整洁,头上系着深色  相似文献   
关于缔结联盟条约的问题,在全国当今的政治生活中,可说是处于地震震中的地位。这是合乎规律的。我们的社会正处于深刻的危机之中,而这一危机在很大程度上是与国家体制、民族关系问题“缠绕”在一起的。如果不对苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟中所形成的多种关系结构作根本的改革,要想摆脱这一危机,实际上是不可能的。把这一问题撂在一边,以为随着政治和经济改革的进程它就会自行解决的想法,事实证明是不对的。而这并不仅仅是由于改革还远未完成的原故。特别是在我们这样的国家里,民族国家的问题自身起着极其重要的作用,对它的后果如果没有充分的估计,是很危险的。  相似文献   
一科技进步对经济发展有着全球性的影响,这种影响涉及所有国家,包括那些摆脱了殖民主义桎梏,走上独立发展道路的国家。在世界范围内展开的科技革命,也发生在工艺和经济落后的解放了的国家。在这种情况下,如何更广泛地利用科学技术的成就以加速发展中国家的经济和社会进步的问题就显得特别尖锐。  相似文献   
马克思主义者永不认为自己的经济理论是绝对真理,是在任何历史、民族及其他条件下永恒不变的原理。马克思本人把自己的经济学说首先看成是行动的指南,在其生前就反对人们把马克思主义看成教条。列宁明确指出:“我们决不把马克思的理论看做某种一成不变的和神圣不可侵犯的东西,恰恰相反,我们深信:它只是给一种科学奠定了基础;社会主义者如果不愿落后于实际生活,  相似文献   
生活的意义问题对于哲学来讲是一个基本的、综合的问题,一个“永恒的问题”。我们谈论生活的意义,所指的不是存在的东西而是应该的东西,不是人们怎样生活而是人们应该怎样生活。人不同于其他动物,具有自我确定和自觉选择生活道路的能力。那么,在这种选择中人们所遵循的是什么?人们应该遵循的又是什么? 哲学史上不同派别对生活意义的解释各不相同。宗教派别对生活的意义有以下三种说法:一、生活不具有意义,正如自然界不具有意义一样;二、生括的意义早已由上帝客观地规定好了,只需要理解它和信奉它;第三种说法认为生活的意义只在于人  相似文献   
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