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在研究《自动控制原理》课题特点和CAI教育理论的基础上,以微型计算机平台介绍了《控制原理虚拟实验室》仿真软件开发的步骤及方法,论述了实验仿真软件开发研究的指导思想,实验仿真软件要求,以及如何发挥计算机网络优势  相似文献   
《淮南子》是淮南王刘安集诸子之长编撰的一部重要典籍,但其国外传播相对滞后.近年来《淮南子》译介研究取得了一定成果,但均属传统定性研究范畴,故亟需开拓基于语料库技术的定量研究,从而全面推进《淮南子》译介研究.文章在详细梳理《淮南子》国外译介研究、国外英译本研究以及国内外英译本对比研究成果的基础上,进一步从版本选择、语料整...  相似文献   
中国共产党意识形态工作队伍,是开展意识形态工作的主要力量,加强队伍建设是党的意识形态工作发展的客观要求,其发展先后历经了起步与奠基、发展与曲折、调适与革新、巩固与开拓四个历史阶段。百年历程中,意识形态工作队伍建设总体上呈现出四个方面的鲜明特征,即以围绕中心与服务大局为战略出发点,以思想建设与理论武装为核心着力点,以党政主导与多方参与为重要切入点,以制度规范与作风建设为根本落脚点。新时代加强意识形态工作队伍建设,要坚持固本培元与创新发展相统一的建设理念、目标引领与问题导向相结合的实施方略、整体推进和重点突破相协同的总体思路、顶层设计与基层探索相贯通的工作机制。  相似文献   
本文根据地下裂缝的漏失特性,建立了地下裂缝漏失规律的数学模型,并导出了各种流体在裂缝中的流动挽律。根据流动规律可以定量分析和计算漏速或漏失量与压差、裂缝尺寸、钻井液流变性能等之间的关系,这时优选优配堵漏荆的性能,选择合理的堵漏方法,提高防漏堵漏的成功率具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   
按照可持续发展思想的基本内涵,土地资源的生产能力和景观环境必须满足人口日益增长和生活水平不断提高的要求,这在客观上要求土地开发利用必须立足于人类持续生存这个核心基础上,保持和提高土地的持续生产能力.本文拟在分析可持续发展思想基本内涵的基础上,对农用土地开发的生态要求进行分析.  相似文献   
本文应用灰色系统理论和方法,以历年度中国女子中长跑运动各项前10名成绩为数据数列,对中国女子中长跑运动成绩增长规律进行了分析,并对到2000年中国女子中长跑运动成绩的发展趋势进行了预测.  相似文献   
The author would like to thank Mike Lynch, Eric Livingston, Shelley Schweizer-Bjelic, and the anonymous reviewers of this text for their comments.  相似文献   
We consider the k-level capacitated facility location problem (k-CFLP), which is a natural variant of the classical facility location problem and has applications in supply chain management. We obtain the first (combinatorial) approximation algorithm with a performance factor of \(k+2+\sqrt{k^{2}+2k+5}+\varepsilon\) (ε>0) for this problem.  相似文献   
M-estimation is a widely used technique for robust statistical inference. In this paper, we study model selection and model averaging for M-estimation to simultaneously improve the coverage probability of confidence intervals of the parameters of interest and reduce the impact of heavy-tailed errors or outliers in the response. Under general conditions, we develop robust versions of the focused information criterion and a frequentist model average estimator for M-estimation, and we examine their theoretical properties. In addition, we carry out extensive simulation studies as well as two real examples to assess the performance of our new procedure, and find that the proposed method produces satisfactory results.  相似文献   
The objective of this paper is to construct covariance matrix functions whose entries are compactly supported, and to use them as building blocks to formulate other covariance matrix functions for second-order vector stochastic processes or random fields. In terms of the scale mixture of compactly supported covariance matrix functions, we derive a class of second-order vector stochastic processes on the real line whose direct and cross covariance functions are of Pólya type. Then some second-order vector random fields in RdRd whose direct and cross covariance functions are compactly supported are constructed by using a convolution approach and a mixture approach.  相似文献   
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