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在1870—1871年期间,法国资产阶级革命以推翻波拿巴主义结束,德国资产阶级革命是以建立新帝国而告终。巴黎公社的失败结束了革命时期。半个世纪以来,在中欧和西欧再看不到战争,也看不到革命,资产阶级革命时期的革命气势消散了,适合于发展和现代战争技术的国家政权的加强消除了采取暴力革命的任何意图和各种希望。总之,半个世纪来,无产阶级没有进行革命攻势的任何可能性。这是奥托·鲍威尔在1936年的《现在是处于两次大战之间吗?》这篇重要论文中对恩格斯在1895  相似文献   
马克思和恩格斯有一句众所周知的名言:“我们仅仅知道一门唯一的科学,即历史科学。”当然,不能单从字面上去理解这句话。这句话的真实含义是,马克思主义研究工作者对现象和进程进行研究时,必须遵循历史主义原则。换言之,即必须以发展的、运动的观点去观察任何进程和现象,阐明其起源及由某一客体的运动方向所决定的今后的演变。历史主义,这是用辩证的态度研究自然界和社会的一个基本原则。要理解某一现象,那就必须把这一现象同与其相互发生影响的其他现象联系起来,并分析它们所存在的那一具体状况。  相似文献   
一、9世纪中回鹘西迁以前西部回鹘居住新疆的历史 “维吾尔”(Uyqhur)一词初为回纥人的自称,其意为“联合”或“协助”①,后来汉人音译为回纥或回鹘。汉文史书中的同音异译较早,《魏书》最早提出了“袁纥”(意为十姓回纥);《隋书》写作“韦纥”、“乌护”或“乌纥”;新、旧《唐书》则写作“回纥”、“回鹘”。唐贞元四年(778年)以后,历经五代及宋、辽、金等朝代,都一直称为“回鹘”;元明两代写法较多,主要有“畏吾”、“畏兀”、“畏兀儿”等。至于民族文字,最早的突厥文碑铭,如8至9世纪中所立的记东突厥汗国的《暾欲谷碑》、《阙特勒碑》、《突厥毗伽可汗碑》和回纥汗国的《英武威远毗伽可汗碑》中,常有“乌护”或“回纥”与“乌护”并举之处。由于地域的不同和方言的差别,天山一带称乌护,阿尔泰山一带称乌纥,漠  相似文献   
作为一门公认的学科,社会学已存在了至少一个世纪,其发展经历了许多阶段。孔德、斯宾塞、迪尔凯姆等学者早期的著作具有真知灼见,至今仍受到关注。早期的学者抱着建立一门科学的动机去考察社会现象,我们有理由说,他们实现了这一目标。在社会学的形成时期,实证主义盛行,自觉地关注一些跟科学有关联的价值,特别是客观性的要求也很普遍。  相似文献   
“亚述人”是一个用于称呼起源于中东的100万人的术语。主要由于受到迫害,目前他们已分散于整个新旧世界。早先,亚述人属于中东当地的两个基督教会,即被蔑称为雅各和聂斯脱利的两个教派。在基督教早期,基督教正教徒视他们为异教徒,后来视他们为伊斯兰的二等公民。  相似文献   
Cocks E 《Population studies》1967,20(3):343-363
Abstract Malthusian pessimism was singled out as the most vulnerable expression of the dominant, classical school of economics. Boston idealists, who saw the Malthusian concept as 'a curb to all reform', searched for a rebuttal in the study of institutional economics. The Pennsylvania protectionists, centred about Henry C. Carey, attacked the Malthusian concept as a barrier to the proposed 'American system' which was designed to increase population densities by promoting industrial growth. The fusion of these two schools of thought with the Free Soil elements in the Republican party brought about what many at the time considered a decisive defeat of the Malthusian philosophy in America. Clearly this was not so, for Malthus was never more popular than in post-Civil War America. Why this was so is the subject of this paper. There are various possibilities: The growing influence of Spencer, Mill and Darwin was certainly a factor, and four years of civil bloodshed appear to have reconciled many to the tragic view of life found in the Malthusian concept. Also, the wagefund doctrine was widely accepted during this period of industrial growth. Whatever the reasons, Malthus again proved his curious vitality after being buried by his enemies.  相似文献   
Abstract The aim of the study is to examine the way in which the pattern of mortality in a pre-industrial society differed in catastrophic years from that in 'normal' years. Five Finnish parishes with a total population of 21,000 in 1850 were examined. The deaths were classified by season, age and cause. The results support the theory that epidemics not directly connected with starvation were the main causes of mortality peaks.  相似文献   
拥有六万居民的库亚巴是通往马托格罗索地区的必经之处,也是飞往圣保罗航线的终点和联系海岸的交通枢纽。在葡萄牙殖民统治时期库亚巴是黄金和钻石富饶产地的首府。今天巴西的钻石产量在全世界仍然是首屈一指的。不仅充分供应里斯本,而且也输往阿姆斯特丹和伦敦。若干年前每逢一场大暴风雨之后,甚至在村镇的道路上也能发现大块的生金。美丽的丛山座落在阿玛罗尼河流域和帕拉拉河流域的交界处。雨季山洪暴发后,绿色的山坡上留下了无穷无尽的冲刷遗痕。这里开始成为钻石猎取  相似文献   
The improved health conditions that are essential for development may depend more upon the self-help motivation of local people than upon the provision of Western-style health facilities. Such motivation can be created by the culturally-appropriate dissemination of health education at the community level. This article describes an effective health improvement strategy implemented in three villages in southern Malawi during the late 1980s. After an introduction, the paper presents an overview of current strategies used in Malawi for the dissemination of primary health care information and notes that these strategies have failed to reach the rural population. Next, the paper describes the health status of two of the villages, Mbela and Mwima, before the introduction of the Liwonde Agricultural Development Division Primary Health Care Program. None of the three village involved had access to modern health care facilities. This program involved the joint efforts of the community, a primary health care team, and the Chancellor College Theatre for Development. The paper continues by presenting a conceptual model of the process. Community involvement was assured by the election of the members of village health committees and the delivery of health training to two members of each committee. The Theatre for Development used interactive dramatic techniques and participatory research activities in Mwima and Mbela to help the communities assess their health needs and possible solutions in conjunction with the introduction of primary health care activities. The article also contrasts the Theatre for Development technique with the focus group approach and notes that the latter may not be successful in motivating self-help efforts. Finally, the relative success of the Theatre for Development methodology used in the two villages is described by comparing health indicators with those before the intervention and with those in the third village where this approach was not used in conjunction with introduction of primary health care services.  相似文献   
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