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In this paper, we analytically derive the exact formula for the mean squared error (MSE) of two weighted average (WA) estimators for each individual regression coefficient. Further, we execute numerical evaluations to investigate small sample properties of the WA estimators, and compare the MSE performance of the WA estimators with the other shrinkage estimators and the usual OLS estimator. Our numerical results show that (1) the WA estimators have smaller MSE than the other shrinkage estimators and the OLS estimator over a wide region of parameter space; (2) the range where the relative MSE of the WA estimator is smaller than that of the OLS estimator gets narrower as the number of explanatory variables k increases.  相似文献   

We present a theoretical model of Rabin’s famous calibration paradox that resolves confusions in the literature and that makes it possible to identify the causes of the paradox. Using suitable experimental stimuli, we show that the paradox truly violates expected utility and that it is caused by reference dependence. Rabin already showed that utility curvature alone cannot explain his paradox. We, more strongly, do not find any contribution of utility curvature to the explanation of the paradox. We find no contribution of probability weighting either. We conclude that Rabin’s paradox underscores the importance of reference dependence.

在需求分布规律变化情况下,报童在进行订货决策时会因为错误判断需求分布规律而导致期望库存成本增加。为了解决这一问题,本文集成传统历史需求信息和非传统需求信息以正确地认知需求分布规律,在此基础上决策订货量。假设需求服从均值不同、方差相同的两种类型的正态分布,每一种正态分布的概率已知。利用信号检测理论构建基于历史需求信息与需求分布概率的报童最优订货策略,并与只基于需求分布概率的直觉规则订货策略进行对比。结果表明:只要排除需求分布概率很大或很小两种极端情况,最优订货策略比直觉规则订货策略在控制期望库存成本方面的作用更明显,即利用历史需求信息可以有效修正报童对实际需求分布的检测结果,从而提高实际订货决策的准确性。研究结果对传统历史需求信息和非传统需求信息的集成以及需求信息交换等有一定的管理学启示和应用价值。  相似文献   
近年来,中国高等教育国际化的脚步越来越快,出国留学和留学归国人数逐年增长。基于一手访谈数据,探究海外博士教育是否能带给海归博士带来预期的职业发展和社会流动,并分析出海归博士归国工作后的社会流动到底呈现出什么样的特征。深入地研究了海归博士的社会流动的影响因素以及国家留学基金委奖学金在其中的作用。研究发现,海归博士的社会流动性比较小,大部分的海归博士都守住了原有的中产阶级社会地位,并没有取得很明显的向上流动;关于社会流动的影响因素,奖学金和家庭背景在博士海归归国后的社会流动中扮演重要角色。  相似文献   

The present study examined the influence of acculturation level and family relationships (i.e., positive family support and negative family strain) on quality of life (QOL), using the data from the Population Study of ChINese Elderly (PINE) in Chicago (= 3159). Controlling for sociodemographic variables and health status, it was found that individuals’ acculturation level and positive family support were positively related to QOL, whereas negative family strain was negatively associated with QOL. More importantly, higher acculturation levels were associated with increased protective effects of positive family support and reduced risk effects of negative family strain on QOL among U.S. Chinese older adults.  相似文献   

Using latent class analysis, this study examined the overall patterns of multifaceted intergenerational relationships of 604 parent-child dyads in 292 transnational families in Beijing, China. Three family relation types emerged: local obligatory (27%, with reciprocal support and ambivalent feelings), distant discordant (27%, with weak associations and high conflict), and distant intimate (46%, with highest filial ratings and emotional quality). Parents’ health and children’s marital status, socioeconomic status, childcare responsibilities, and sibling numbers were associated with different relation types. The findings are helpful for social workers to identify subgroups of older adults in transnational families who are at risk of having inadequate support.  相似文献   
基于资源和动态能力等企业战略管理视角,对产业集群持续竞争优势的构建进行分析,并建立相关概念模型,提出了本土组织机构、集体声誉、共享知识、竞合互动氛围等共享性资源本身及通过吸收能力和创新能力中介作用对集群持续竞争优势的影响机理,集体学习机制为资源的合理利用提供路径和渠道。  相似文献   
探究明朝中期王阳明心学思想的成因,是宋明理学研究的重要议题。阳明心学之源既有远承孟子和陆九渊的心学因素,也有同时代周边学者的商讨切磋之功。而作为王阳明的座主,程敏政以"道具于心"的"道一"思想,曾深刻地影响了王阳明学术的致思趋向,为心学的兴起导引先路,提供了契机。可以说,程敏政"道一"论是阳明心学形成的源头之一。  相似文献   
张立辉  徐学初 《民族学刊》2013,4(4):80-89,128-131
本文从"中华民族多元一体格局"理论视阈,论述了和谐民族关系的必要性与实现途径,要旨在于说明:古往今来,我国就是统一的多民族国家,构建和谐民族关系,始终是祖国统一、民族团结和国家安全的重要保障,也是增强中华民族凝聚力和当前实现民族复兴大业的关键所在;费孝通先生所提倡的"中华民族多元一体格局"理论,不仅是对中华各民族关系之历史与现状的精辟的理论概括和真实写照,而且对于我们正确认识中国国情,做好民族工作,构建社会主义和谐民族关系,亦有着非常重要的理论价值和现实意义。  相似文献   
梁启超的典型思想主要包括文学与生活的关系、文学形象、个别与一般的关系、典型化手法等四方面的内容,其发展以1917年的欧洲游历为界分前后两个阶段。前期阶段(1896—1917),其立足于救亡图存的民族视野,注重向西方学习,以培养新国民为宗旨;后期阶段(1918—1928),其立足于文明比较的世界视野,重评中国文化传统的价值与意义,以培育美术人为目标。梁启超前后两个阶段的典型思想虽具体内容与侧重点有所不同,但启蒙理想、人格培养始终是其核心要素,发展脉络具有内在连续性,呈现出“变而非变”的演进特征。其典型思想奠定了20世纪中国现代典型理论的思想基础。  相似文献   
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