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A very large number of skilled Africans are found to be operating in the developed industrialized countries of the West at a time when their national economies are crying out for their services. Ways must be found to return as many of these skilled Africans as possible to the African economy. This out-migration or brain drain has a number of causes, including: 1) real incomes in Africa have been on the decline in the past several years while prices were constantly rising. Professional and salaried workers seek employment in other countries that pay much higher salaries. 2) Promotion on criteria other than merit is common in Africa and diligence and high productivity are not often rewarded. 3) Political interference frustrates public services professionals; they are rendered unable to use their professional judgement in making decisions that affect the economic and social fabric. 4) The inadequacy of higher education facilities and opportunities in African countries encourages the brightest and best qualified Africans to go to Western Europe and North America for school; they tend not to return after graduation. 5) Political upheavals and general instability contribute to feelings of individual insecurity, sending Africans to seek sanctuary in more politically stable and less repressive environments. Actions needed to control this out-migration include: 1) incentive systems should be reviewed with a view to providing realistic levels of renumeration and working conditions should be made to promote job satisfaction and self-actualization. 2) Capacities and capabilities should be strengthened so as to ensure that production of goods and services becomes indigenized and that the development and operation of institutions emanates from within the continent. 3) Educational services should be expanded and improved to obviate the need for large numbers of Africans to seek educational opportunities abroad.  相似文献   
From August 1979 on, more than 30,000 refugees from South East Asia were accepted in the Federal Republic of Germany as quota refugees in a special program; among them were 1600 unaccompanied minor refugees. About 1500 were accompanied Vietnamese children and youths who had fled their home country as 'boat people' across the South China Sea. Unaccompanied minor refugees have, like all other recognized refugees, a legal claim to family reunion in the Federal Republic. Today, only parents can join their children and vice versa, and spouses their spouses. The 1st phase of socialization in the lives of the unaccompanied minor refugees evolved in the cultural traditions of their South East Asian country of origin up to the age of 10 to 15 years. In the 2nd phase of socialization--the enculturation--the child establishes its culturally specific emotionality, language, mentality, and patterns of behavior through interaction and verbal communication with the people nearest him. The 3rd phase of socialization begins at school age and reaches full significance at the age of starting to work, with the accompanying expectations of society. Most of the minor unaccompanied refugees from South Asia had already completed their enculturation--the establishment of their cultural identity. The realities of life the young single refugees as foreigners in German society are determined by 4 special factors: 1) the great cultural differences between their country of originin South East Asia and the resettlement country, 2) the young people left their homes as refugees and their resettlement in the Federal Repulic was determined by chance events, 3) they have to live there alone and without the emotional support of their families in a situation of cultural change, and 4) because of their Asian physiognomy they will always appear as foreigners even if they have integrated well. The future prospects of the young South East Asian refugees in German society will be determined primarily by to what extent they will be able to find a satisfactory place within both cultures.  相似文献   
一、哪些做法不对?社会学确实在许多大学生的心目中威信不高,他们时常认为:社会学令人厌烦地对一些明显的、过分抽象的和对生活用处不大的事理作过分冗长的讨论,是堪与经济学并列的最"乏味"的科学.我们的一些同行认为,产生这种看法的原因是社会学太专业化和科学化了.但我们认为原因远不止此.专业化的知识对于任何寻求更多地了解世界的科学来说,似乎是必不可少的和正当的目标.问题不在于教师对学生教授了什么,而在于哪些还没有传授给  相似文献   
分析和认识任何一门社会科学其主要任务和目标就在于使人更好地认识世界,以便有效地作用于世界.从方法论观点看,在国际关系学这门如此年轻而复杂的学科中具有首要意义的是重新合理组织有关论述这一学科科学原理的科研活动.特别是指那些"有助于建立这一学  相似文献   
技术,现在已渗透于一切领域,与每个人都有关系.新的"高技术"产业吸引了宣传界的广泛注意.高技术产业极为重要,在该领域中落后的国家将成为一个"落后国家".但同样重要的是,大批的更为平凡而重要的其他发明创造也在诞生.几乎没有一件产品、一次加工、一种材料、一台设备没有得到重新设计和重新制造.技术不是第一次,不是第二次,也不是第三次浪潮,而是永久的浪潮.  相似文献   
广为流传的政治小说和对它的理论研究之间存在着一种颇不协调的现象.近年来有关体裁方面的论著,大多对结构-类型体系、体裁-功能体系、体裁功能转换及分类这一类问题表现出浓厚的兴趣,而对政治小说则语焉不详.叶尔绍夫对苏联小说的分类最为全面,他把政治小说看作政论小说的一种.在人物描写、文体常项、文献利用诸手法上,两者确有相同的地方,但是,尽管"政论小说"的概念远比"政治小说"的概念宽,  相似文献   
In this one-page statistical summary, data are presented for the USSR as a whole on fertility, mortality, and natural increase. The data are for five-year intervals from 1940 to 1980 and for single years from 1980 and are presented in terms of both totals and rates.  相似文献   
一、森林之歌在扎伊尔的艾图瑞(Ituri)森林中,特恩布尔·科林(Coin Turnbull)和巴姆布蒂(Bambuti)人一起生活了一个阶段,他们属于矮种人.特恩布尔·科林把自己的感受写成《森林人》一书.这本书中,我最喜欢的一些事情,可能有助于阐述自己对无文字民族宗教象征艺术的性质的看法.这些事情,发生在要举行仪式之前的几个月中.每晚上,矮人燃起一堆专门的营火,他们集拢在火堆周围,且歌且宴.他们唱的歌直接与森林有关,把森林看作是他们的供养者,一种实体或特别是在这种场合存在于他们知觉中的神.森林以动听的歌回报他们,歌声从营地四周森林的各个位置发出,响彻夜空,终夜不绝入耳.森林之歌产生于熟练的喇叭筒游戏.这种仪式和吼声器,统称为"莫里莫"(Molimo).  相似文献   
自由主义理论将小说的发展归因于资产阶级和现代资本主义的兴起,以及随之而来的自由个人主义意识形态的增长.这一理论认为,"小说在其道德和心理的焦点上,在其生产与分配的工业技术上,在其所要求于读者的个人小天地、闲暇和阅读习惯上,正好同工商业资产阶级的伟大时代相适应."L.特里林与W.J.哈维的著作提出了自由主义哲学与小说形式之间存在着一种更为复杂的联系.按哈维的说法,小说有一种本能作为其支配中心,即"承认人们在社会中的丰富性、多样性和个别性,同时相信这些特征作为目的本身都是好的",而且它以生存的复杂性为乐,并容许有多种的信念和道德准则.在I.瓦特具有广泛影响的著作《小说的兴起》中,有着对自由主义理论的系统探索,它随意地将中产阶级的发展和18世纪的英国小说联系起来,使这两种看法相结合,表示这种阶级间的相互联系也体现在笛福·理查逊和菲尔丁的"形式现实主义"的作品中.瓦特从叙述技巧的角度对"形式现实主  相似文献   
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