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Competency‐based Education: Evidence from Social Work Postgraduates from Five Universities in China
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Yu Guo Katie Findley Chien‐Chung Huang Shuang Lu Yuqi Wang 《Asian Social Work and Policy Review》2016,10(3):280-294
Social work education in China has undergone rapid development during last two decades. However, methods to define, measure, and evaluate social work students' competency remain largely unexplored. In this study, we evaluated competency in graduate social work students in China and examined factors that impacted competency, based on learning theory. Findings indicated that knowledge and skills learned in class, field placement, and social context all have effects on competency. How students think about individual development and the social work profession has the most significant effect. These findings carry implications for social work education in the Chinese context. The rapid development of social work education in China requires the effective measurement and evaluation of students' core competencies. 相似文献
农民工的“性”问题日益受到社会的关注。本文基于北京地区四个工地136位民工的访谈,以工地男民工“谈小姐”为切入点,将“谈小姐”视为男民工日常生活中的言说实践,以扎根理论的视角来探究“谈话”这种日常活动的建构意义。本文并不停留于男民工对“小姐”形象(谈论的客体)的构建,而是更进一步地探讨:(1)在“谈小姐”的言说实践过程中男民工如何构建出自身的阶层地位、社会性别与性文化;(2)分析阶层、社会性别、性这三者的关系。通过这种主体建构的呈现,本文试图揭示男民工如何寻找自己在这个社会中的定位,以及寻找现实生活中积极的生存策略。 相似文献
Using the 2008 Family Income and Expenditure Survey, this study examined the effectiveness of social welfare programmes in Taiwan. The empirical evidence shows that most types of social welfare spending were limited in 2008. However, the social welfare programmes that were in place substantially reduced income inequality in Taiwan. Using the Organisation for Economic Co‐operation and Development (OECD) poverty threshold, the results reveal that 14 per cent of the sample's families were poor in terms of market income, but this figure decreased to 7 per cent after government intervention. Income inequality in Taiwan was similar to that of other East Asian countries such as Japan and South Korea, but Taiwan spent much less money on social welfare programmes than OECD countries, and therefore Taiwan's reduction of poverty was much lower as well. 相似文献
欠发达地区是区域生态文明建设的难点,当前,国际社会的低碳发展转型趋势为欠发达地区的跨越式发展和生态文明建设带来了新的契机,发展低碳经济成为欠发达地区生态文明建设的突破口。但目前欠发达地区的低碳发展道路仍面临着诸多障碍:对脱贫路径的认识误区带来的观念障碍、后发性导致的选择障碍、创新能力不足构成的技术障碍、财政困难和市场需求惨淡招致的资金障碍、落后技术和低端产业造成的锁定障碍。及早采取措施和行动突破上述障碍,顺应低碳发展的潮流和趋势,走适合区域实际的低碳发展之路,是欠发达地区生态文明建设的有效路径,也是欠发达地区提升竞争力,加快发展和更好发展的有效路径。 相似文献
泮塘古村与荔湾湖公园一墙之隔,自古"湖——村"一体、相伴相融,现却沦为坐以待毙的"城中村"。荔湾湖公园实乃一座园林史迹悠久丰富的历史文化公园,现却"水———陆"比例失调、陆域面积不足,且面临游客容量严重超标的困境。建议将泮塘古村与荔湾湖公园有机整合、综合管理;既能用公园环境有效保护古村落特有的历史文化遗存,又能增扩公园陆地活动空间,使地域性乡土园林景观多样完美。 相似文献
作为世界第四大温室气体排放实体和主要的发展中国家,印度始终在气候变化问题上采取一种超脱于主流的立场,对发达国家要求其接受约束性排放限制嗤之以鼻。许多发达国家纷纷指责和抨击印度,称其拒绝承担温室气体主要排放国的应尽责任,在达成具有约束力的最终减排协议上设置障碍,以及反对以市场机制实现技术和资金支持的国际努力等。本文通过分析印度应对气候变化的政策,从气候变化对印度的影响、印度在气候变化问题上的原则、国家政策的实施等方面入手,探究印度坚持强硬态度的根源,寻找中印在该领域展开深入合作的可能。 相似文献
技术治理的运作机制研究——以上海市L街道一门式电子政务中心为案例 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
本文试图从信息技术与组织结构之间互动机制的角度,对中国政府改革进程中信息技术促进基层公共部门革 相似文献
Spatial autoregressive model (SAR) is found useful to estimate the social autocorrelation in social networks recently. However, the rapid development of information technology enables researchers to collect repeated measurements for a given social network. The SAR model for social networks is designed for cross-sectional data and is thus not feasible. In this article, we propose a new model which is referred to as SAR with random effects (SARRE) for social networks. It could be considered as a natural combination of two types of models, the SAR model for social networks and a particular type of mixed model. To solve the problem of high computational complexity in large social networks, a pseudo-maximum likelihood estimate (PMLE) is proposed. The asymptotic properties of the estimate are established. We demonstrate the performance of the proposed method by extensive numerical studies and a real data example. 相似文献
传统尾部相关系数用于刻画变量之间的极值相关性,但这种相关系数存在对相关性信息刻画不完全的问题。为能够捕获更多的非极值相关性信息,本文提出均值尾部相关系数的概念,研究了均值尾部系数同Copula理论之间的关系,并以t Copula为例分析了四种均值尾部相关系数的变化特征。通过将均值尾部相关系数和传统尾部相关系数分别应用于沪深股市的相关性研究,从实证角度验证了这种相关系数的实用价值。 相似文献
In life-testing and survival analysis, sometimes the components are arranged in series or parallel system and the number of components is initially unknown. Thus, the number of components, say Z, is considered as random with an appropriate probability mass function. In this paper, we model the survival data with baseline distribution as Weibull and the distribution of Z as generalized Poisson, giving rise to four parameters in the model: increasing, decreasing, bathtub and upside bathtub failure rates. Two examples are provided and the maximum-likelihood estimation of the parameters is studied. Rao's score test is developed to compare the results with the exponential Poisson model studied by Kus [17] and the exponential-generalized Poisson distribution with baseline distribution as exponential and the distribution of Z as generalized Poisson. Simulation studies are carried out to examine the performance of the estimates. 相似文献