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1944年,来自45个国家的代表齐聚在新罕布什尔州的布雷顿森林小镇,探讨导致当时正处于白热化的那场世界大战的经济原因。与1919年时在巴黎和会上的前辈们不同,他们的设想是不仅要取得军事上的胜利,而且要确保和平。  相似文献   
我们可以通过模仿成功创业家的五个核心态度来理解根本的企业问题,从而点亮创业之旅。  相似文献   
作者在文中对哈萨克语表达方面的正确性、词汇性、准确性、逻辑性等进行了研究,并总结出了形成语言表达能力的科学结论。  相似文献   
今年是俄罗斯的"中国年"。2007年6月1日-3日,由中国现代外国哲学学会俄罗斯专业委员会与苏州大学共同举办的"中国与俄罗斯:当代哲学的问题与反思——全国第十一届俄罗斯哲学研讨会"在苏州大学举行。俄罗斯科学院院士兼《哲学问题》主编列克托尔斯基、通讯院士兼哲学所副所长斯米尔洛夫教授、中国哲学专家布洛夫等俄方学者专程参加会议并发表了学术演讲。中国社会科学院贾泽林、中国人民大学安启念、南京大学张一兵、复旦大学吴晓明等30多人参加会议。研究前苏联哲学和当代俄罗斯哲学具有重大的学术价值和现实意义。前苏联哲学曾经是培育中国马克思主义理论家的主要思想源泉。苏东剧变、中国改革开放,在新的历史地平线上,中国化的马克思主义理论创新必须要"返本而开新",即全面地反思和梳理前苏联哲学的遗产,同时也要密切关注由原来"主流意识形态"消解后的"哲学转向"。会议集中讨论了三个问题:如何进一步深度反思前苏联哲学遗产,包括对列宁哲学、普列汉诺夫哲学、斯大林哲学及一大批前苏联时期学者的哲学遗产;如何评价当代俄罗斯对主流意识形态"真空"的"填补",如对东正教哲学思想的研究、对理性的研究、对西方哲学的研究等;如何进一步理性地反思全球化与本土化思想对话的关系,特别是俄罗斯本土文化与西方文明的关系。本专题推出几篇会议论文,以飨读者。  相似文献   
The health status of the population of Poland is analyzed for the postwar period, with emphasis on the 1980s. Trends in mortality, and particularly in excess male mortality, are described and compared with other European countries.  相似文献   
"In the first half of the article, a broad account of content and procedures is given. In conduct of individual surveys, the achievements of the World Fertility Survey were based on thoroughness rather than technical superiority. The later aspects of the program, including analysis, archiving, and data dissemination, were more innovative and represent models of excellence for similar future enquiries. In overall terms, the program is judged to be an expensive success. In the second half of the article, two methodological issues are discussed in more detail: the collection of retrospective birth histories and the translation of survey instruments into local languages." Comments by Anthony G. Turner (pp. 768-9), Kweku T. de Graft-Johnson (pp. 769-70), Burton Singer (pp. 771-2), and Joel E. Cohen (pp. 772-4) are appended.  相似文献   
基督教流动人口是基督教在全球传播过程中的关键因素。在基督教存在的前五个世纪,广泛的人口流动将基督教变成了全球化的信仰。广泛的人口流动在其它主要的世界宗教在世界各地的传播过程中也发挥了重要作用,但是,就基督教来说,流动可能是这种信仰固有的因素。基督教超越罗马帝国成为全球性信仰是个非常复杂的过程,包含许多不同类型的人口流动。跨国界的领袖们、俘虏、难民和流浪者、商人是人口流动的四种主要类型。虽然,东部教会传教的成功是短暂的,但是东部教会在第一个千年形成的移民传教模式无疑为21世纪的基督教提供了典范。基督教在过去的两三个世纪里再次全球化,基督信仰作为新的中心在非洲、拉丁美洲和亚洲的某些地区出现,表明"人口流动"在基督教全球传播过程中的作用比以前更加明显。当代基督教的全球化与早期基督教的全球化在发展道路上有很大不同,但有一点是不变的,即基督教的全球化仍将主要依靠流动者的行动和决策。  相似文献   
The civil war in the former Yugoslavia has taken a toll on the women's movement which has disintegrated across male-defined nationalist borders. The women's movement in this area got its start during the Second World War but was disbanded under communism until women's groups began to form in the 1970s. Today the women's movement has lost the power to oppose the war and has been unable to prevent widespread violence perpetuated against women. Some feminists who have refused to embrace nationalism and patriotism have been vilified and have had to seek refuge abroad. Recently, however, hundreds of nongovernmental organizations have been formed to provide support to women and children victimized by the war. Women have been raped and impregnated as a strategy of male warfare, and raped women who refused an abortion were ostracized. War-related rape has yet to be fully recognized as an international human rights violation, and the issue is being used as political propaganda in the former Yugoslavia while it is ignored elsewhere. Sensationalist reporting of these rapes has further victimized women and made them unable to give voice to their trauma. War also increases women's suffering by destroying economic and social welfare systems. Oxfam is helping women record their testimonies of war and reconstruct the fabric of their societies through programs which provide income-generation and training in micro-enterprises. In addition, Oxfam is strengthening electronic communication and networking among women's groups throughout the region.  相似文献   
The legalization of American Indian casino gaming in the late 1980s allows examination of the relationship between income and health in a quasi-experimental way. Revenue from gaming accrues to individual tribes and has been used both to supplement tribe members’ income and to finance tribal infrastructure. We assembled annual data from 1988–2003 on tribal gaming, health care access (from the Area Resource File), and individual health and socioeconomic characteristics data (from the Behavioral Risk Factors Surveillance System). We use this information within a structural, difference-in-differences framework to study the effect of casino gaming on tribal members’ income, health status, access to health care, and health-related behaviors. Our difference-in-differences framework relies on before-after comparisons among American Indians whose tribe has at some time operated a casino and with-without comparisons between American Indians whose tribe has and those whose tribe has not initiated gaming. Our results provide identified estimates of the positive effect of gaming on American Indian income and on several indicators of American Indian health, health-related behaviors, and access to health care.  相似文献   
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