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This bibiliography (completing the previous one, JILEK 1981a) contains about 130 references dealing with statistical tolerance regions. References are classified according to the type of probability distribution concerned and according to some other criteria as well  相似文献   
The paper investigates random processes of geometrical objects in Euclidean spaces. General properties of the measure of total projections are derived by means of Palm distribution. Explicit formulas for variances of the projection measure are obtained for Poisson point processes of compact sets.

Intensity estimators of fibre (surface) processes are then studied by means of projection measures. Classification of direct and indirect probes is introduced. The indirect sampling design of vertical sections and projections is generalized and its statistical properties derived.  相似文献   
In this article, the approaches for exploiting mixtures of mixtures are expanded by using the Multiresolution family of probability density functions (MR pdf). The flexibility and the properties of local analysis of the MR pdf facilitate the location of subpopulations into a given population. In order to do this, two algorithms are provided.

The MR model is more flexible in adapting to the different subpopulations than the traditional mixtures. In addition, the problems of identification of mixtures distributions and the label-switching do not appear in the MR pdf context.  相似文献   

In this article, we develop a new method, called regenerative randomization, for the transient analysis of continuous time Markov models with absorbing states. The method has the same good properties as standard randomization: numerical stability, well-controlled computation error, and ability to specify the computation error in advance. The method has a benign behavior for large t and is significantly less costly than standard randomization for large enough models and large enough t. For a class of models, class C, including typical failure/repair reliability models with exponential failure and repair time distributions and repair in every state with failed components, stronger theoretical results are available assessing the efficiency of the method in terms of “visible” model characteristics. A large example belonging to that class is used to illustrate the performance of the method and to show that it can indeed be much faster than standard randomization.  相似文献   

We propose an extension of parametric product partition models. We name our proposal nonparametric product partition models because we associate a random measure instead of a parametric kernel to each set within a random partition. Our methodology does not impose any specific form on the marginal distribution of the observations, allowing us to detect shifts of behaviour even when dealing with heavy-tailed or skewed distributions. We propose a suitable loss function and find the partition of the data having minimum expected loss. We then apply our nonparametric procedure to multiple change-point analysis and compare it with PPMs and with other methodologies that have recently appeared in the literature. Also, in the context of missing data, we exploit the product partition structure in order to estimate the distribution function of each missing value, allowing us to detect change points using the loss function mentioned above. Finally, we present applications to financial as well as genetic data.  相似文献   
In this paper we obtain several influence measures for the multivariate linear general model through the approach proposed by Muñoz-Pichardo et al. (1995), which is based on the concept of conditional bias. An interesting charasteristic of this approach is that it does not require any distributional hypothesis. Appling the obtained results to the multivariate regression model, we obtain some measures proposed by other authors. Nevertheless, on the results obtained in this paper, we emphasize two aspects. First, they provide a theoretical foundation for measures proposed by other authors for the mul¬tivariate regression model. Second, they can be applied to any linear model that can be formulated as a particular case of the multivariate linear general model. In particular, we carry out an application to the multivariate analysis of covariance.  相似文献   

Random vectors with positive components are common in many applied fields, for example, in meteorology, when daily precipitation is measured through a region Marchenko and Genton (2010 Marchenko, Y., Genton, M. (2010). Multivariate log-skew-elliptical distributions with applications to precipitation data. Environmetrics 21:318340.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Frequently, the log-normal multivariate distribution is used for modeling this type of data. This modeling approach is not appropriate for data with high asymmetry or kurtosis. Consequently, more flexible multivariate distributions than the log-normal multivariate are required. As an alternative to this distribution, we propose the log-alpha-power multivariate and log-skew-normal multivariate models. The first model is an extension for positive data of the fractional order statistics model Durrans (1992 Durrans, S. (1992). Distributions of fractional order statistics in hydrology. Water Resour. Res. 28:16491655.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). The second one is an extension of the log-skew-normal model studied by Mateu-Figueras and Pawlowsky-Glahn (2007 Mateu-Figueras, G., Pawlowsky-Glahn, V. (2007). The skew-normal distribution on the simplex. Commun. Stat.-Theory Methods 36:17871802.[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). We study parameter estimation for these models by means of pseudo-likelihood and maximum likelihood methods. We illustrate the proposal analyzing a real dataset.  相似文献   

In this paper we establish Kolmogrov–Feller weak law of large numbers for maximal weighted sums of i.i.d. random variables.  相似文献   
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