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Although much has been written about Frank Parsons, the founder of the vocational guidance movement, little is known about the 1st counseling staff of the Vocation Bureau. Lucinda Wyman Prince, Ralph Albertson, and Philip Davis each deserve recognition for their role in founding vocation guidance as well as their civic contributions. This article describes the roles and contribution of the profession's 1st counselors.  相似文献   
水墨动画是中国传统水墨画与动画技术相结合的颇具民族特色的一种动画片种.它将中国传统水墨画的题材、笔墨节奏、审美空间意识引入到动画制作中,呈现"动画化"的水墨艺术.本文首先分析了传统水墨画所表现的节奏化自然、"阴阳"、"有无"的空间意识,再从属于电影范畴的水墨动画片的视听语言角度来阐述水墨艺术仅仅"动起来"还不够,还要达到真正意义上的"动画化",才能表现出比传统水墨画更有意蕴的空间意识.  相似文献   
We set out to explore the meaning of the attachment categories in the Cassidy/Marvin strange situation procedure, as employed in the home, using data from a longitudinal study of children adopted into UK families up to the age of 42 months from Romanian institutions, and of adopted children without the experience of institutional care––both groups being assessed at 4 and 6 years of age. Inter‐rater reliability was found to be good. Security (meaning the use of the parent as a secure base and no negative behavior on reunion) was the modal categorical rating in both the institution‐reared and comparison groups, but the category of anomalous non‐normative behavior (meaning a lack of any ordered attachment behavior as covered by the standard ratings), previously labeled ‘insecure‐other’, was more common in the institution‐reared children. Because this was unassociated with the usual manifestations of insecurity (such as avoidance or resistance) and because it was largely evident in interactions with the stranger, it is concluded that the adjective ‘insecure’ was not appropriate. Although this ‘insecure‐other’ category was associated with disinhibited attachment as reported by parents (meaning a lack of differentiation among adults, a willingness to go off with strangers and a lack of checking back with parents in anxiety‐provoking situations), it did not prove to be a good index of disinhibited attachment because changes over time in the ‘insecure‐other’ category were not associated with changes in the rate of disinhibited attachment. Also, whereas the rate of ‘insecure‐other’ fell markedly in the institution‐reared group between 4 and 6 years of age, it rose in the comparison group, raising queries over its meaning.  相似文献   
The paper provides an overview of the poverty situation in the Philippines, followed by a brief profile and assessment of two anti‐poverty programs: the Kapit‐Bisig Laban sa Kahirapan‐Comprehensive and Integrated Delivery of Social Services (KALAHI‐CIDSS) program and the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps). Official statistics disclose that the global economic crisis in 2008 adversely affected Filipino households, leading to higher levels of poverty especially in rural areas. In response, government introduced an Economic Resiliency Program with social protection as one component. Sixty‐six social protection programs were launched, including the two under review. KALAHI‐CIDSS and the 4Ps apply poverty reduction strategies that focus on the development of human and social capital, rather than economic capital. They involve processes and relationships that aim to improve the other dimensions of poverty, such as lack of access to opportunities or deprivation of basic human necessities. Qualitative and quantitative reports describe generally favorable outcomes from both programs. However, these gains at the household level need to be supported by relevant policy, enhanced public services and badly‐needed infrastructure programs from government, in order to sustain achievements culled from social protection programs and attain broader developmental impacts.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate the unique and combined role of friendship quality and friends' aggression in regard to the persistence of young children's physical aggression from kindergarten to grade 2. The sample included 1555 children (808 girls) assessed annually using teacher ratings. Two theoretical perspectives (i.e., the social learning and the social bonding perspectives) served as frameworks to guide the analyses and interpret the results. In line with the social learning perspective, friends' aggression was related to a significant increase in children's physical aggression. However, in line with the social bonding perspective, good friendship quality played both a compensatory and a protective role, by, respectively, reducing children's initial level of physical aggression and by mitigating, albeit marginally, the associations between friends' and children's physical aggression. These results suggest that fostering a positive relationship between friends in the early school years may decrease physical aggression even if the friends are aggressive.  相似文献   
本文从族群概念的争鸣入手,以两岸客家和台湾族群的建构为实例,阐释了族群——族群认同——族群建构论这一组密切相关的概念的内涵,在肯定族群建构论合理性的同时,也指出了在台湾族群建构过程中建构论被过分夸大的负面影响。  相似文献   
宋、金时期安多藏族部落包家族考述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋、金时期,安多藏族中有一支著名的吐蕃汉姓部落“包家族”,其来源是吐蕃化的汉姓丁家,最初居地在秦州宁远砦北,后迁徙于熙、河、洮、岷等地,并从此世居此地,其家族成员有宋代的包约、包顺、包诚及金朝的包长寿、包世显等。包家族归附宋、金王朝后,始终效力于宋、金王朝,与宋、金王朝保持着密切的关系。  相似文献   
20世纪80年代以来,不少海外人类学家对中国社会研究的兴趣逐渐转移到了西南少数民族地区,一些学者甚至从汉人社会的研究转到西南少数民族的研究与探讨上来.近二十年来,在国外人类学家对中国西南的研究中,不仅涌现了大量的作品,且关注的问题也十分广泛,从民族认同到历史记忆、文化展示等问题都有涉及.  相似文献   
试论城市化进程中的民族关系--以对临夏市的调查为视点   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
临夏市作为西北民族地区的一个小城市,在城市化进程中,其民族关系也会受到影响.针对临夏市的实际情况及学术界的研究现状,我们选取临夏市城市化进程中变化较大的几个变量,即民族居住格局的变迁、人口流动的影响、民族通婚的增减以及宗教因素,作为研究重点来衡量城市化进程中的民族关系.在此基础上得出临夏市各民族之间的关系总体上是平等、团结、互助、合作的社会主义新型民族关系,和谐平等的民族关系占据了主导地位的结论,并归纳出城市化进程中临夏市的民族关系具有主从性、敏感性、易发性、历史性、隐蔽性、复杂性等特点,最后提出临夏市各族群众必须解决自身的定位问题,建立临夏市和谐民族关系的良性运转机制.  相似文献   
宋金时期,今青海、甘肃及四川西北部的安多地区,是藏族居住的一个重要区域,分布着大量藏族人口。本文拟对宋金文献中出现的安多藏族人口数据进行深入细致的分析,力求对当时安多藏族人口数据及人口发展的原因得出与史实相符的认识。  相似文献   
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