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Relatively little is known about Asian American tobacco and alcohol use patterns. This is particularly true of Chinese living in the United States--either U.S.-born or non-U.S.-born Chinese. This article presents data from a research project studying tobacco and alcohol use patterns in San Francisco's Chinese community. Data were secured both from focus groups and a self-report telephone survey of a random sample of 1,808 Chinese residents in San Francisco. This results indicate that the prevalence of both tobacco and alcohol use is lower for San Francisco's Chinese population than for the general population. Moreover, those persons who report smoking tend to be different from those who report consuming alcohol. The study concludes that specific, culturally relevant tobacco and alcohol prevention programs should be designed to better reach this target population.  相似文献   
Virtually no managed care organization provides a comprehensive and integrated program for physician career development. That's the principal finding of a survey we carried out in Spring 1994 in which we interviewed several individuals who have proven instrumental in the creation of career development programs at their managed care organizations. We started our research with the hypothesis that career development programs for physicians--frequently the most highly paid category of employees and the ones often most directly involved in the delivery of health care--should parallel the mission of the organization. In many of the organizations we surveyed, the mission included clinical excellence, managerial competence, research, teaching, community service, and building shareholder equity. While each organization offered some component of career development--usually clinical improvement and management development--very few offered programs that fostered the continued professional development of physicians in other aspects of their missions. In most cases, even in organizations with stronger career development agendas, the programs were passive and were rarely linked to the overall "corporate" goal of the managed care institution. This critical disconnect makes it extremely difficult for health care organizations to develop a workable system of accountability for their career development programs.  相似文献   
L.A  华达尔  陈泉 《中国藏学》2004,(2):22-29
编者按:英国发动第二次侵藏战争期间,华达尔从我国西藏地区掠走大量藏文珍贵书籍和手抄本,数量之大,令人震惊.本文是这一事件的自供状,也是近代帝国主义列强对中国进行文化掠夺的最好诠释.需要说明的是,此译文原附有一份被华达尔掠去的藏文文献清单,共计464号.因数量较大,加之专有名词较多,需进一步校订,故未能同时刊登,请读者见谅.本刊将尽快予以刊发.至于作者在表述西藏与中国关系时使用的分裂主义语言,相信读者是会不言自明的.  相似文献   
这篇述评汇总了美国80年代发表的探讨有关离婚原因的文章。所有这些研究成果可归纳为三个方面:宏观结构,人口统计和生活经历,以及家庭过程。作者对研究方法、抽样调查和理论的发展趋势也作了回顾。  相似文献   
20世纪20年代末30年代初上海城市地价出现大幅度的上涨,远远超过工人阶层工资的增长幅度。工人阶层为了应付高额的地价以及随之而高的房租,一方面不得不压缩自己在其他领域的消费,导致工人的实际购买能力低下;另一方面则压缩自己的居住空间,导致生活质量不断下降。而这些反过来又影响了房地产市场的正常发展,房屋空置率提高,社会减租运动风起云涌,最终导致整个社会不满和敌对情绪高涨,不利于整个社会的和谐和稳定发展。  相似文献   
利用定义广义奇(偶)函数及其性质,给出了在各种边界条件下,定义在有限区间上的具有奇(偶)外部激励条件的波动方程的混合问题解的有限形式,并指出了在此条件下,与定义在无限区间上的初值问题一样具有行波解.  相似文献   
在《蒙古秘史》的研究中,完全撇开其中许多有关文体类型方面的疑点是不妥的,这些疑点大多与它的哲学思想、翻译方法及其成书经历有关,但有一个事实是显而易见的,即此书在内容上集历史事件与英雄传奇于一身。而关键的问题在于我们应分清哪些成分是历史事实,哪些成分才是传奇。在本文中,笔者即试图通过研究《秘史》的两个主要人物——成吉  相似文献   
要了解西方伦理学,特别是十九世纪以来英美伦理学的争论,首先要了解义务论与功利论的对立。这一对立在今天的西方伦理讨论中仍占据着中心位置。在富特选编的《伦理学理论》中,包含了对支持或反对功利主义的广泛的分析。其中包括罗尔斯早年的文章《关于规则的两个概念》。在这篇文章中罗尔斯宣称支持功利主义。以后,在《正义论》中,罗尔斯又反对功利主义的理论,而采取了一种非常接近于康德义务理论的立场。但在最近出版的论文集《政治自由主义》中,罗尔斯不再强调发展一种广泛的、普遍适用的伦理方法,而更强调政治本质的问题。从罗尔斯身上我们看到,义务论与功利论之间不断的  相似文献   
团队精神多么壮丽的场面!广阔无垠的旷野上,一群狼踏着积雪寻找猎物。它们最常用的一种行进方式是单列行进,一匹接一匹。领头狼的体力消耗最大,作为开路先锋,它在松软的雪地上率先冲出一条小路,以便让后边的狼保存体力。领头狼累了时,便会让到一边,让紧跟在身后的那匹狼接替它的位置。这样,它就可以跟在队尾,轻松一下,养精蓄锐,迎接新的挑战。  相似文献   
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