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Using the Integrated Mission System of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the employment discrimination experience of Americans with disfigurement is documented. Key dimensions of workplace discrimination involving Americans with disfigurement and persons with missing limbs are compared and contrasted. Specifically, the researchers examine demographic characteristics of Charging Parties; the industry designation, location and size of Respondents/employers; the discrimination Issue (i.e., type of adverse action) alleged to occur; and the legal outcome or Resolution of these allegations. Charging Parties with disfigurement who are female or between 30 and 39 years of age are more likely to encounter employment discrimination than their counterparts with missing limbs. Harassment and Non-wage Benefits are the Issues that emerge in higher proportion. Allegations derived from persons with disfigurement are more common in among mid-size employers, those located in the South, or those in Retail or Service industries. Following investigation, allegations derived from persons with disfigurement are less likely to have Merit Resolutions than those brought by Charging Parties with missing limbs.  相似文献   
This exploratory study used qualitative methodology to examine what pedophiles think about treatment, as well as their daily experience of a treatment program. To this end, twenty-three offenders receiving treatment from the La Macaza federal penitentiary clinic were interviewed using non-directive semi-structured interviews. Comparative analysis was used to analyze the resulting material. The following themes are discussed based on the results of this analysis: (a) the participants' past experience of therapy; (b) motivations for choosing the La Macaza clinic for treatment; (c) the structure of the program; (d) the group dynamics; (e) the therapists; and (f) the hardships and difficulties of treatment. Results suggest that the therapists and the program may have a function of containment or holding. Although part of the therapeutic process involves a focus on identifying and reducing cognitive distortions, results also warn therapists against misusing this concept by applying it to legitimately different opinions. Findings are discussed in terms of possible program improvements. The authors conclude that greater attention must be given to process research.  相似文献   
Using data from in-depth interviews with 24 community-dwelling women aged 52-90, this paper analyzes the remarriage experiences of older women in contrast to their first marital relationships. The women's accounts of their experiences in their first and later life marriages are examined in terms of the negotiation of power, resources, and domestic labor. While first marriages were frequently characterized by incompatibility, alcoholism, abuse, and infidelity, second marriages were viewed as the marriages the women wished they had had in the first place or as relationships that met their later life needs. The women's lived experiences are discussed in terms of the changing cultural norms pertaining to gender roles, marriage, and divorce.  相似文献   
当代世界政治中两大主要方面的斗争正在加剧:一方面是遏制军备竞赛、巩固和平与缓和、保卫各国人民主权与自由的方针,另一方面是破坏缓和、加紧军备竞赛的方针,恫吓与干涉别国内政、镇压解放斗争的政策。1977年苏联宪法中阐述的发达社会主义这一概念,对于深入研究近几十年来的苏联外交史具有重大的意义。1977年苏联宪法专门增加了“外交”  相似文献   
伦理学的结构、伦理学同其他科学的相互关系、伦理学研究的方法以及实现伦理理论同实践联系的方法,讨论这些问题的时机确实是完全成熟了。原因可以归结为以下三点:1.现在马克思主义伦理学的对象已经有了重大变化。而且它从来也不是一成不变的,始终都受到时代的实际需要和伦理理论本身发展逻辑的影响。2.今天社会实践向马克思主义伦理学提  相似文献   
一科学知识数学化举例所谓科学知识数学化就是数学思维的方法越来越广泛地成为一般科学的思维方法。在科学技术革命的条件下,数学在科学技术思想发展中的作用决不止于数学是科学上记录、加工和掌握实验事实的语言,是科学思想的速记术,是从基本科学原理演绎出结论的工具。二十世纪的数学是实验设计的最有效手段,是各种工艺过程的管理、调整和控制实现算法化的有  相似文献   
现代民主是形式的,这是最一般的理解。但是我们往往从不同的角度解释这个“形式的”。右派和一部分反对现代民主的左派人士,把“形式的”含义跟“不真实”、“只是表面的”、“假的”等同起来。他们常常不切实际地怀念古代的民主,认为那才是“真实的”、“有内容的”,因而是“真正的”民主。这样的罗曼蒂克怀古病者应该正视历史事实。首先要看到,非形式民主的有效范围已经被大大地限制  相似文献   
一些时候以来,西欧的几个共产党被统称为欧洲共产主义。这几个共产党的共同特点在于:他们争取民主和社会主义的方式与其他的共产党不同。西欧国家的许多共产党也都宣称民主和社会主义是他们的奋斗目标,但是他们都是以“现存的社会主义”为背景的。而这几个共产党的理论家们则对现存的社会主义国家中缺乏民主的状况进行了批评,认为这些国家不足以作为楷模。他们要在这些国家的正统的马克思列宁主义学说与西方的社会民主制度之间寻找第三条道路,目的是重新给工人运动与民主之间的关系下一个新的定义。其根据是以下  相似文献   
在社会主义运动史上,有关马克思主义和道德理论的最持久、最详尽的讨论——可能除二十世纪六十年代有关社会主义人道主义的讨论外——发生在从大约1895年至第一次世界大战开始的这个期间。德国社会民主主义运动为那次辩论提供了主要讲坛,虽然法、俄、奥、意等国的参与者也都作出了相当大的贡献。社会民主党不少富有才智的领导人最后也卷入这场辩论;梅林和考茨基就曾定期在《新时代》专页中讨论这个题目。很多自认为是新康德主义者的马克思主义者和某些自认为是马克思主义者的新康德主义哲学家也都卷了进去。  相似文献   
众所周知,管理首先就意味着预见。随着社会中管理作用的迅速增长,作为“提前的现实”的预见问题被提到了科学的前沿。阿诺兴所使用的术语“提前反映”常常引起人们的疑问。反映对其原型来说永远应是第二性的。怎么能够“反映”尚不存在的事物呢?以下试图说明在何种意义上这是可能的。“提前反映”的形成。过去的反映可以超越现在植物及动物只能够“反映”在周围环境中已经出现了的事物。正是这个环境是动、植物所必须去适应的,那里有它们生存所必须的资源以及它们必须克服的障碍或是必须躲避的危险。环境中所存在的一切不是静止不变的。机体本身也是变化的,它们积极地或消极地在环境中移动并有意无意地时常陷入各种条件之中。  相似文献   
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