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本组讨论以越文化研究为例,探索地域文化研究的方法与视角。朱文斌一文检讨了当前越文化研究范式的局限,提出了范式转换的问题;陈越、梁涌两文分别从空间与时间的存在与发展上对越文化作了动态描述。其中,陈文从文化模式的角度,把越文化概括为“剑—书”文化;梁文则从交流与传播的角度,揭示了越文化的形成与发展。  相似文献   
作者运用理论分析和实证分析相结合的方法对佛山市经济发展的实践予以深刻剖视后指出:佛山市经济建设处在从物质投入主导型向科技进步主导塑转变的转折点上,在跨世纪的经济发展与经济竞争中,佛山市必须实行科技兴市的新发展战略,作者对佛山市科技兴市战略的涵义,目标,条件作了深入分析,并进而设计了科技兴市战略的运行机制和政策落点。  相似文献   
Recent studies demonstrating a concentration dependence of elimination of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) suggest that previous estimates of exposure for occupationally exposed cohorts may have underestimated actual exposure, resulting in a potential overestimate of the carcinogenic potency of TCDD in humans based on the mortality data for these cohorts. Using a database on U.S. chemical manufacturing workers potentially exposed to TCDD compiled by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), we evaluated the impact of using a concentration- and age-dependent elimination model (CADM) (Aylward et al., 2005) on estimates of serum lipid area under the curve (AUC) for the NIOSH cohort. These data were used previously by Steenland et al. (2001) in combination with a first-order elimination model with an 8.7-year half-life to estimate cumulative serum lipid concentration (equivalent to AUC) for these workers for use in cancer dose-response assessment. Serum lipid TCDD measurements taken in 1988 for a subset of the cohort were combined with the NIOSH job exposure matrix and work histories to estimate dose rates per unit of exposure score. We evaluated the effect of choices in regression model (regression on untransformed vs. ln-transformed data and inclusion of a nonzero regression intercept) as well as the impact of choices of elimination models and parameters on estimated AUCs for the cohort. Central estimates for dose rate parameters derived from the serum-sampled subcohort were applied with the elimination models to time-specific exposure scores for the entire cohort to generate AUC estimates for all cohort members. Use of the CADM resulted in improved model fits to the serum sampling data compared to the first-order models. Dose rates varied by a factor of 50 among different combinations of elimination model, parameter sets, and regression models. Use of a CADM results in increases of up to five-fold in AUC estimates for the more highly exposed members of the cohort compared to estimates obtained using the first-order model with 8.7-year half-life. This degree of variation in the AUC estimates for this cohort would affect substantially the cancer potency estimates derived from the mortality data from this cohort. Such variability and uncertainty in the reconstructed serum lipid AUC estimates for this cohort, depending on elimination model, parameter set, and regression model, have not been described previously and are critical components in evaluating the dose-response data from the occupationally exposed populations.  相似文献   
为了提升城市户外广告环境品质,改进规划工作的不足,提出以公共政策为导向的户外广告规划研究方法。在《深圳市户外广告设置指引》的编制实践中,通过多视角的目标建构、"规范"加"规划"的导控策略以及"手册式"的成果表达手段,取得了良好的实践效果。因此提出:为了提高户外广告规划成果的可操作性,增强实施实效性,必须正确认识户外广告的双重属性,将规划工作从传统的技术导向转变为以公共政策导向,做到导控中的因势"利导"与"力导"。  相似文献   
以2007-2008年非金融类上市公司为样本,研究了债权治理与盈余质量之间的关系,得到以下研究结论:资产负债率与盈余质量显著负相关,短期资产负债率与盈余质量显著负相关,长期资产负债率与盈余质量呈现出不显著的正相关关系。进一步研究后发现,短期债务融资是引发盈余质量恶化的主要原因,而长期债务融资虽然一定程度上改善了上市公司的盈余质量,但这种效果总的来说并不显著。此外,最终控制人的国有性质加剧了债务契约引发的盈余管理动机,恶化了盈余质量。  相似文献   
汪玲萍  苏红 《社会》2007,27(5):162-162
本文以改革后的苏北的一所县级重点中学为个案,以围绕高三教师名单公布的升级事件为切入点,从组织的微观视角出发,描述在升级事件中的教师在各种情境下如何利用手头的已有资源来展开行动的策略,并在游戏各方的行动中构建出一个特有的组织权力结构。  相似文献   
从动态顺应看《李尔王》的三种译本   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Jef Verschueren的语用综论观下的顺应论的动态性认为,语言选择过程的动态顺应可以从三个方面得到体现:时间顺应、语境的顺应和语言线性结构的灵活变化。以该理论对《李尔王》三个不同时期的译本进行分析,指出翻译标准应该被不断地重新阐释以顺应不同时间、不同语境和不同交际目的。  相似文献   
司马迁与班固历史观的异同   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
比较司马迁与班固在历史观上的差异,对于研究《史记》、《汉书》乃至两汉历史有重要意义。以天人关系、封建正统史观、历史进化、经济观点为着眼点,并分析原因,力图找到学习两汉历史的门径。  相似文献   
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