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法国对十九至二十世纪中国的研究,直到五十年代才成为一种专业学术活动。自1975年以来,在法国出版了越来越多的介绍中国的书籍。其中大部分是有关中国现代发展的,其中属于科学探讨的较少,属于新闻报导的较多。在这些报导中,欧洲人民描述的多半是关于自己的事,而不是关于中国的事。但是,这些报导却激起了研究中国“现实”的兴趣。过去4年来的大部分研究都是有关1949年后的中国情况。这一方面的研究所能分配到的物资与拨款要比其他任何一方面的都多。专职研究人员已经从1974年的15人左右发展  相似文献   
当今,经济学家是十分走红的人物,有人甚至称他们为"当代皇室的智囊".近几年来,经济学家充斥宣传机构、各级政府和议会.在各个领域内,经济学家们都在进行着激烈的斗争.甚至两伊战争也不是将军们的意见,而是经济学家们对关闭霍尔木兹海峡所造成的后果的预测占了压倒的地位.他们似乎扮演了这场战争的主要角色.但是,如果我们注意观察一下世界经济的发展情况就会发现:经济学家们当前在经济问题面前却是一筹莫展.在如何使经济重新繁荣起来这个问题面前,市场经济的调节者们从来没有象今天这样显得无能."新经济主义者"们则表现得更加"本分",他们主张"让市场自己  相似文献   
政治哲学中新的着重点假如说六十年代,西方社会学界最有影响的是资产阶级自由主义观点的话,那末,到七十年代,保守派和新保守派的思想势力显著上升.尤其在美国,这一趋势显而易见.苏联学者认为,资产阶级思想家的社会政治观点,由自由主义和新自由主义向新保守主义的转变,是资产阶级大肆宣扬的"全民福利国家"、"富裕社会"等理论彻底失败的一种反映.因为这些理论主要是根据具有新自由主义色彩的原则建立起来的.它们的失败岂能不归咎于形形色色的自由主义.值得注意的是,这里把自由主义与"怀疑论"和"唯理论"相提并论.后两者是资产阶级世界观中最重要的组成部分,曾在摧毁中世纪封建宗教思想体系中起  相似文献   
回答"个人主义还是集体主义"这一问题对于马克思主义者来说并无困难,如果仅仅按照大多数马克思主义者所接受的意义来使用这些概念的话.然而,生活并非如此简单."个人主义"和"集体主义"这两个词在哲学和政治思想史上早已存在,所以,时至今日这两个词已具有多种多样的、有时甚至相互矛盾的含义,也是不足为怪的.因此,就集体主义和个人主义而进行的争论不能局限于当代马克思主义所使用的词义范围.  相似文献   
探讨拉丁美洲的发达与欠发达问题有三种理论方法: 新古典发展主义理论这是一套传统的保守理论,其渊源可追溯到十八世纪和十九世纪的古典自由理论家。后来刘易斯等人对此理论作了修正,使其“现代化”。这一理论长期以来一直是美国对外经济政策的核心,也是世界银行、国际货币基金组织和美洲开发银行等国际组织中经济学家的理论基础。这些经济学家和组织将自由资本主义视作第三世界发展战略的最有效的、从长远来说最为公正的基础。  相似文献   
战略决策过程:批判性回顾与未来研究展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在对以往文献进行回顾的基础上,构建了一个战略决策过程的整合框架。该框架将决策过程特征的前置因素(环境因素、组织因素和决策专有因素)及其过程结果和经济结果整合在一起。依据该框架,本文对重要的实证研究文献进行了综述,指出了主要的研究模式以及研究成果中的矛盾之处。在综述的基础上,文章还探讨了本研究对于理论构建、研究方法和管理实践的启示,并指出了未来研究的一些方向。  相似文献   
Siegrist M  Connor M  Keller C 《Risk analysis》2012,32(8):1394-1403
In 2005, Swiss citizens endorsed a moratorium on gene technology, resulting in the prohibition of the commercial cultivation of genetically modified crops and the growth of genetically modified animals until 2013. However, scientific research was not affected by this moratorium, and in 2008, GMO field experiments were conducted that allowed us to examine the factors that influence their acceptance by the public. In this study, trust and confidence items were analyzed using principal component analysis. The analysis revealed the following three factors: "economy/health and environment" (value similarity based trust), "trust and honesty of industry and scientists" (value similarity based trust), and "competence" (confidence). The results of a regression analysis showed that all the three factors significantly influenced the acceptance of GM field experiments. Furthermore, risk communication scholars have suggested that fairness also plays an important role in the acceptance of environmental hazards. We, therefore, included measures for outcome fairness and procedural fairness in our model. However, the impact of fairness may be moderated by moral conviction. That is, fairness may be significant for people for whom GMO is not an important issue, but not for people for whom GMO is an important issue. The regression analysis showed that, in addition to the trust and confidence factors, moral conviction, outcome fairness, and procedural fairness were significant predictors. The results suggest that the influence of procedural fairness is even stronger for persons having high moral convictions compared with persons having low moral convictions.  相似文献   
When physicians, hospitals, and allied health professionals bill for services they render, their information processing requirements are relatively simple, at least compared to those of capitated organizations. When payers (insurers or employers) accept financial risk for the health care services of beneficiaries, they have usually invested in claims processing, membership tracking, and, under managed care, utilization review and provider profiling systems. But payers, for the most part, have not invested in electronic collection of clinical information about beneficiaries, nor have they tended to keep all claims they have processed in electronic form for study after accounts are settled and payments disbursed. In this article, we will explore why informatics is so important to capitated organizations and why payers that have traditionally taken financial risk for insuring the health care costs of populations are also learning about the importance of informatics.  相似文献   
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