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林耀华的《凉山夷家》是早期人类学、民族志写作的代表作。这里以此为个案,研究了林先生与以往考察凉山的调查报告不同的特点,并将他本人和他的调查对象作为跨文化之间的学术旅行来进行论证,突显了彝汉之间作为旅行者关系的差异及其学者研究纵深的学术特征。在民族国家的建构及其政治背景下,林耀华关于"他者"的文化写作不是通过捕捉"他者"的奇异来肯定"我者",他既制作了差异又模糊了差异。凉山自身的经验所具有的价值,凉山所具有的"经验系统",需要我们以更加多维的视角和更加开阔的视野去阐释和言说。从这个历史和民族意义上说,《凉山夷家》的写作行为本身提供了一种民族志写作的范例。  相似文献   
20世纪60年代,中国建造了两台万吨级自由锻造水压机。几十年来,这两台水压机为中国的工业建设作出了巨大贡献。它们深刻地记录了在工业化进程中,中国重大装备制造业的发展历程。通过对两台万吨水压机研制与生产过程的回顾,论述这两台万吨水压机作为重要工业遗产的多重价值。制造业遗产保护的核心在于机器设备。保护中国重要的工业遗产具有世界意义。  相似文献   
理财目标是企业理财活动所希望实现的结果,是评价企业理财活动是否合理的基本标准.在现代企业制度下,要求理财目标的研究不应只考虑股东的利益,还应充分考虑债权人的利益及关注目标的实现主体经营者的利益.企业的最终目标在于用尽可能少的投入资本创造尽可能多的价值,只有将考虑股东和债权人共同利益的理财目标与经营者业绩考核相联系,企业价值最大化的目标才能更好地实现.EVA(经济附加值)正是基于这一理念的企业价值衡量指标,本文通过对EVA内涵的分析,可得出企业理财目标的合理选择是基于EVA最大化的企业价值最大化.  相似文献   
All organizations, including nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), need funding to survive and fulfill their mandates. What is the best strategy for securing that funding? Should groups work to attract government attention and be a focus of government debate or should they avoid this type of scrutiny? This article uses innovative data to systematically examine how being the subject of debate in parliament is related to NGO funding for Indigenous, women, and environmental groups. We also examine if the relationship between debate and funding is dependent on the political party in power. We use data collected from Canadian Public Accounts, which lists all grants to groups by the federal government, and the index of Hansard, a full record of parliamentary debates at the federal level in Canada. Our findings demonstrate that the relationship between debate and funding is dependent on the issue area. While debate is positively associated with funding in all areas, it is a stronger predictor of funding for environmental and Indigenous groups than for organizations focusing on women. In addition, the party in power is critical for shaping how debate is related to funding. Debate has a much stronger effect on environmental funding when Liberals are in power than it does when Conservatives control the Prime Minister's office. This research shows that NGOs must be strategic when garnering attention to their cause as more debate does not necessarily lead to more funding across issue areas and contexts.  相似文献   
马来西亚华文文学较为重视与强调“本土传统” ;其重视与强调的“本土的文学传统”有着独特的文化内涵。为了构建“本土的文学传统” ,其策略之一 ,即凸现“语言非本土性”的恶果、推进“语言本土性”的进程。  相似文献   
农民工定居城市倾向的经济学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨促进农民工定居城市成为市民和提高中国城市化水平的道路和途径,对比农民工的城乡生活成本和收入,从"经济人"假设出发对农民工选择移居城市的决定性因素进行了分析。研究表明,城乡生活成本的差距和城乡收入水平的高低决定着农民工定居城市成为市民的倾向;农村家庭的收入水平决定着返乡农民是否能够坚持已经形成的城市化的生活方式。分析结果表明,有效地控制城市生活成本的增长、提高农民工务工收入、促进返乡农民从事高附加值农业生产将决定未来中国城市化进程的速度和质量。  相似文献   
三峡茶文化研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
茶是人们日常生活的必需品 ,茶文化具有丰富的内涵。三峡茶文化源远流长 ,博大精深 ,是我国传统文化宝库中的一颗明珠。本文试图从宏观上分析三峡茶的历史发生、发展及其未来走向 ,从而为开发三峡茶文化 ,促使三峡地区茶事兴盛作贡献。  相似文献   
This study examined the relationship between attachment style, differentiation of self, and body dissatisfaction across culture and gender. The sample consisted of 115 Caucasians (85 females, 29 males) with a mean age of 22.2 years (SD = 5.81) and 119 Chinese individuals (93 females, 26 males) with a mean age of 22.8 years (SD = 2.35). Participants completed online self-report measures of body satisfaction, attachment style, and differentiation of self. Results indicated that high attachment anxiety and less differentiation of self were associated with lower body satisfaction for women but not for men of either cultural group. There were no significant cultural or gender differences in terms of overall body satisfaction; however, there were differences with regard to preoccupation with weight and self-perceived weight. It was concluded that culture had little impact on body dissatisfaction in the present sample but that the factors that shape body dissatisfaction differed by gender.  相似文献   
新知识经济时代,人力资本水平和结构已成为决定未来核心竞争力的关键,本文认为人力资源资本化和人力资本优化是实现我国经济进一步提升的有效途径,人力资本优化不仅是总量和纵向上的,更重要的是横向上即性别、产业、行业、区域间的优化。文章从以上几个方面对我国人力资本的优化空间进行分析,提出优化的维度分析框架,并指出我国人力资本优化的四条对策。  相似文献   
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