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This article revisits Goffman's stigma theory from the perspective of housing studies. We elaborate on Goffman's approach by exploring how housing tenure can work as a proxy for moral character. We interviewed twenty‐seven people who are excluded from access to homeownership in two cities in Norway, which is a “homeowner nation.” These individuals are unable to enter the dominant “homeowner class” for different reasons, including drug‐dependency, mental illness, refugee background, low socioeconomic status; thus, they must access housing through other tenures; private renting or social housing. To many of them, housing becomes a stigma, in Goffman terms, an “undesired differentness.” Social housing is known to carry stigma in Norway. It was thus a paradox, that those with the softest differentness—private rental—were most likely to practice (Goffman:) “information control” over their housing situation. Goffman's theoretical apparatus, and his distinction between the discreditable and the discredited in particular, helped us make this paradox comprehensible. Through this analysis, refinements to Goffman's theory were discovered. We suggest that “multiple stigmas,” which was not seen clearly by Goffman himself, should be a key notion in stigma studies. We use this notion to distinguish between possible sub‐types to the discredited‐discreditable distinction.  相似文献   
分析天平是一种常用的分析仪器,使用频率高,出现的问题多.本文就不易被发现而又是最常见最棘手的故障──停点慢,作一分析,并提出一些相应解决的措施.  相似文献   
The possible protective effect of family and activity (including work and employment training) on posttraumatic reactions in traumatized refugees living in a host society was explored. A total of 966 refugees participated in the study, the majority of whom had been exposed to war and/or torture trauma prior to arrival in Norway. The study sample consisted of two groups: one had been referred to a psychiatric outpatient clinic for evaluation or treatment, the other consisted of refugees interviewed in connection with a health examination upon arrival in the municipalities to which they were allocated. The study showed that presence of family and employment/training had positive effects on posttraumatic symptoms regardless of level of traumatic exposure. But the results also showed that the higher the level of exposure to traumatic events, the stronger the effect of family (spouse and/or children) seemed to be. The study illustrates the importance of implementing psychosocial measures with special emphasis on activity and strengthening of family systems, in the integration of traumatized refugees in a host community. El artículo explora los posibles efectos protectivos que tienen las redes de apoyo familiares y el empleo/entrenamiento en las reacciones post-traumáticas de refugiados traumatizados residentes en una sociedad receptora. Participaron en el estudio un total de 966 refugiados de los cuales la mayoria fueron víctimas de varios eventos traumáticos previo a su llegada a Noruega. La muestra consiste en dos grupos: el primer grupo habia sido referido previamente a una clinica psiquiátrica para evaluación y tratamiento; el segundo grupo consiste en refugiados que habian sido sometidos a una examinación clínica llevada a cabo en las municipalidades que les fueron asignadas a su llegada a Noruega. El estudio muestra que la presencia familiar y los actividodos laborales/entrenamiento tiene efectos positivos en síntomas post-traumáticos, sin importar el nivel de exposición traumática. Los resultados también demuestran que los efectos de la presencia familiar en los síntomas son todavía más evidentes en personas que han sufrido experiencias traumáticas más fuertes. El estudio ilustra la importancia de implementar medidas psicosociales con especial énfasis en la actividad y el fortalecimento de los sistemas familiares para la integración de refugiados traumatizados en sociedades receptoras.  相似文献   
20世纪初叶的中国,翻译文学被当作启蒙和教诲的工具而得到大力提倡,与此同时,女性也被推向中国历史的前台.在这一特定历史时期,翻译文学出现了"写情"和"女性"题旨作品的广泛流行.翻译文学作为当时输入西方文化和思想的一个重要介质,引进了许多栩栩如生的异国人物形象,其中各种西方女性形象的输入激发了国人对新型性别秩序的想象和重构,翻译文学成为性别话语交锋的斗争之场.  相似文献   
许多学者认为 ,国际仲裁制度的发展主要是 19世纪以后英美等国实践的产物 ,与近代以前的活动没有太多的联系 ,而实际情况并不完全如此。通过本文的考察可以看到 ,中世纪的仲裁实践是非常丰富的 ,它从教会法和在中世纪复兴的罗马法当中汲取了大量形式上特别是概念框架和诉讼程序等方面的要素 ,这为近代国际仲裁制度的出现准备了条件  相似文献   
听写训练是一种传统的教学手段,但在目前的听力教学中却没有得到足够的重视.听写训练能够培养听音主体的自主学习能力,在具体操作上具有灵活性与自主性,因而可以帮助他们有针对性地控制听力过程中的信息传输负载量,有目的、有步骤地拓宽信道容量,提高解码和编码能力.采用实证研究的方法,利用信息论的成果,改进听写策略可以有效提高英语听力.  相似文献   
考察从公元前 4 0 0 0年到公元 4 76年之间几个主要文明地区的情况 ,从古代苏美尔国家、印度、中国以及希腊、罗马的历史资料中可以看到 ,这些古文明地区在历史上都曾存在过列国体制 ,这为它们丰富的解纷实践提供了社会基础 ,这些实践提供了与近现代制度进行比照的条件  相似文献   
多民族杂居的滇南龙村是中国多民族杂居村落中较为常见的普通村落,其文化形态具有共性的现象:就是多民族杂居村落文化形态“再民间化”的过程不是简单的恢复被中断或退隐出生活场域以前的表现形态,而是作为村落自组织的综合系统,渗透于自然资源、经济手段、民间文学艺术、宗教信仰、行为模式、思维方式、语言交际等方面,并且在自组织的村落文化场域内有序地调适着各种文化相互适应的生存空间,随着村落的发展而不断变化。  相似文献   
作为交叉学科的图像学,强调对分析对象所呈现的图像世界的隐含内容和象征意义的研究。论文借用图像学的基本视角,在描述彝族宗教世界神鬼图像、祭祀图像、毕摩苏尼图像的基础上,观照彝族生活的基本形式和思维方式,表达一种观点:在彝族生活世界里,宗教规界生活,生活汇融宗教,神权人权混杂,是一个人神互动的世界。  相似文献   
用多元统计分析及脉冲响应函数分析方法,对我国人力资本结构与经济结构的互动过程进行实证研究。结果表明,人力资本结构对经济产业发展的拉动效应显著,城市化水平、人均收入、外商投资等对人力资本尤其是高级人力资本冲击的反应显著且持续时期长;进一步研究表明,人力资本对第三产业发展贡献率较小,但其在发挥效力空间大,农业生产的稳定需稳定的人力资本作为支撑。据此,提出了相应政策建议。  相似文献   
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