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We discuss a general approach to dynamic sparsity modeling in multivariate time series analysis. Time-varying parameters are linked to latent processes that are thresholded to induce zero values adaptively, providing natural mechanisms for dynamic variable inclusion/selection. We discuss Bayesian model specification, analysis and prediction in dynamic regressions, time-varying vector autoregressions, and multivariate volatility models using latent thresholding. Application to a topical macroeconomic time series problem illustrates some of the benefits of the approach in terms of statistical and economic interpretations as well as improved predictions. Supplementary materials for this article are available online.  相似文献   
It has recently been suggested 1 that many clinical trials should have a data monitoring and ethics committee, and that on this committee should be a statistician. Such committees are attached to individual trials and are distinct from local ethics committees, which are not required to have a statistician and are not concerned solely with trials. Given the plethora of trials, there will be increasing demand for statisticians to sit on these committees. Although it is both an honour and a privilege, Mike Campbell warns that membership should not be undertaken lightly.  相似文献   
The Points to Consider Document on Missing Data was adopted by the Committee of Health and Medicinal Products (CHMP) in December 2001. In September 2007 the CHMP issued a recommendation to review the document, with particular emphasis on summarizing and critically appraising the pattern of drop‐outs, explaining the role and limitations of the ‘last observation carried forward’ method and describing the CHMP's cautionary stance on the use of mixed models. In preparation for the release of the updated guidance document, statisticians in the Pharmaceutical Industry held a one‐day expert group meeting in September 2008. Topics that were debated included minimizing the extent of missing data and understanding the missing data mechanism, defining the principles for handling missing data and understanding the assumptions underlying different analysis methods. A clear message from the meeting was that at present, biostatisticians tend only to react to missing data. Limited pro‐active planning is undertaken when designing clinical trials. Missing data mechanisms for a trial need to be considered during the planning phase and the impact on the objectives assessed. Another area for improvement is in the understanding of the pattern of missing data observed during a trial and thus the missing data mechanism via the plotting of data; for example, use of Kaplan–Meier curves looking at time to withdrawal. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In 2010, the Statisticians in the Pharmaceutical Industry (PSI) Toxicology Special Interest Group met to discuss the design and analysis of the Comet assay. The Comet assay is one potential component of the package of safety studies required by regulatory bodies. As these studies usually involve a three-way nested experimental design and as the distribution of the measured response is usually either lognormal or lognormal plus a point mass at zero, the analysis is not straightforward. This has led to many different types of analysis being proposed in the literature, with several different methods applied within the pharmaceutical industry itself. This article summarises the PSI Toxicology Group's discussions and recommendations around these issues.  相似文献   
This paper explains the surrogate Henderson filters that are used in the X-11 variant of the Census Method II seasonal adjustment program to obtain trends at the ends of time series. It describes a prediction interpretation for these surrogate filters, justifies an approximation to the filters, proposed by Kenny & Durbin (1982), and proposes a further interpretation of the results. The starting point for the paper is unpublished work by Musgrave (1964a, 1964b). His work has continuing relevance to current seasonal adjustment practice. This paper makes that work generally available for the first time, and reviews and extends it.  相似文献   
In this paper we investigate private equity firm perceptions of sellers’ affective deal commitment in buyout transactions. Using a sample of 174 buyouts, we test trust, goal congruence and private equity reputation as potential antecedents of perceived deal commitment. We also examine whether and how different types of sellers, family versus non‐family firms, moderate sources of perceived affective deal commitment. In sum, we find evidence that non‐financial factors play a role in buyouts, particularly for family firm sellers.  相似文献   
Drawing on the strategy tripod perspective, in this study we examine how the performance effect of knowledge creation capability is contingent on key industrial and institutional variables. We find that technological turbulence, competitive intensity and government support all positively moderate the relationship between knowledge creation capability and firm performance, while dysfunctional competition has a negative moderating impact. This study provides a more fine‐grained analysis on the performance implications of knowledge creation capability. Moreover, it represents one of the first attempts to empirically test the interactive effects of the three legs of the strategy tripod (the industry‐based, resource‐based and institution‐based views) in one study and supports the importance of integrating the three legs to better understand the complex phenomenon.  相似文献   
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