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1944年,来自45个国家的代表齐聚在新罕布什尔州的布雷顿森林小镇,探讨导致当时正处于白热化的那场世界大战的经济原因。与1919年时在巴黎和会上的前辈们不同,他们的设想是不仅要取得军事上的胜利,而且要确保和平。  相似文献   
【正】冯唐评论另一作家的书时说:码字是一种无用的手艺,在这个必须有用的时代。格非在自己刚出版的长篇里,借男主人公的嘴也说:竭尽全力的奋斗,不过是让自己成为一个无用的人。男主人公是诗人。当然,两位作家的意图都是先抑后扬,目的要反衬文字的魅力和魔力,甚至要强调文  相似文献   
“打死他!……枪毙他!……把这个坏蛋立刻枪毙!……打死他!……割断凶手的喉咙……打死他!……打死他!”人群人声叫嚷,有男人,有女人。  相似文献   
我很喜欢宋文京先生……每次青岛文化沙龙上和宋先生交流都带着愉悦、带着欣赏、苦涩地探究但是又渴望融入的交织心情。很简单地,他让我明白一件小事情,就是我自己在英译汉的学习中为什么有段时间感觉"译"的语感堵塞了,我无法痛快地把一个我内心很明白的东西说出来。  相似文献   
有许多办法可以将个人行为跟更高层业务单位及企业的目标相联系打造“战略中心型组织”不只是跟平衡计分卡项目相联系的一次性活动,而是对新管理方式的一种承诺,这种管理方式将战略置于管理流程的中心地位。战略中心型组织必须保持永续执行战略的能力。因此,战略中心型组织的第四条原则:通过激励,将战略落实到每个人,是围绕人力资源管理系统而建立的。这些人力资源系统用于塑造每位员工的目标、激励手段及资质特点。如果设计得当,人力资源系统可以将战略贯穿到每个人的工作中,从而创生自下而上的动力,将战略的执行变成核心资质。  相似文献   
衡量顾客看重什么,是解答“创新方程式”的第一步企业依靠创新以获取长期生存,但对许多企业来说,创新流程饱受不确定性和风险的折磨。然而,创新并不一定取决于运气。可以通过消除带来流程偏差的因素,优化创新流程,从而产生较高的成功率,并大幅减少开发费用的浪费。企业所犯的一个重大错误,是没有正确地利用关键“数据点”,即“顾客想要什么”。大多数企业拿出新产品或新服务,然后看顾客是否会购买。而他们本应当做的,是首先确定顾客欲求的结果,然后再利用这些结果来指导创新流程。以一家剃须刀制造商为例,在这个六步骤流程中,它应当首先确定顾客如何衡量价值。譬如,该公司发觉,用户希望减少  相似文献   
This table presents the population statistics of Thailand as of January 1, 2000. Thailand has a total population of 61,737,000; 30,726,000 are males and 31,011,000 are females. The urban areas have a population of 18,972,000, while the rural areas have a population of 42,765,000. The population numbers, by region, are the following: northern, 12,117,000; northeastern, 20,164,000; southern, 7,957,000; central (excluding Bangkok Metropolis), 13,654,000; Bangkok Metropolis, 7,845,000. Children (under age 15) numbered 14,764,000; labor force participants (ages 15-59), 41,647,000; the elderly (ages 60-79), 4,974,000; those aged 80 and above, 352,000; the school-age population (ages 6-21), 16,703,000; reproductive-age women (ages 15-44), 16,697,000; and the voting population (ages 18 and over), 43,691,000. The crude birth rate (per 1000 population) is 16.4, and the crude death rate is 6.5. Thailand has a natural growth rate of 1.0% and an infant mortality rate (per 1000 live births) of 22.4. Life expectancy at birth among males and females is 69.9 and 74.9, respectively. The total fertility rate is 1.9/woman, the contraceptive prevalence rate is 72.2%, and the ratio of females per 1 male is 1.0 for ages 0-59, 1.1 for ages 60-79, and 2.0 for ages 80 and over.  相似文献   
This article examines biomedical and psychosocial data on the first forty-seven cases of physician-assisted suicide (PAS) of Kevorkian as collected by means of both a physical autopsy and a preliminary psychological autopsy. The following patterns emerge: 1) The physical condition of these PAS patients was not typical of the conditions that lead to death in the United States. 2) Consistent with the above findings, our pilot data indicate that only 31.1 percent of these patients were terminal. While 73.9 percent were described as reporting pain, only 42.6 percent were revealed at autopsy to have a specific anatomical basis for their pain. However 36 percent were described as depressed, 66 percent as having some disability, and perhaps of key importance, 90 percent expressed a fear of dependency. Most important, our pilot data suggest the possibility of large gender differences, since 3) 68.1 percent of these forty-seven PAS's are women and only 31.9 percent are men. This represents the reverse of the gender pattern for completed suicides in the United States in 1995, resembling instead the approximate pattern for unsuccessful suicide attempts. 4) Approximately 75 percent of both men and women in the above sample were described as reporting pain. Men were almost twice as likely to have had an anatomical basis for the pain and three times as likely to be terminal. Our pilot data indicate PAS women are more likely to be described as depressed and twice as likely to have had a history of previous unsuccessful suicide attempts. 5) Kevorkian's patients were older than the typical unaided suicides in America. Reported pain decreases with age as does depression; however anatomical basis for pain increases slightly with age, and no age effect emerges for terminality. 6) Approximately two-thirds of those physician-assisted suicides were at middle SES levels. History of disability was the biggest risk factor for the low SES patients and fear of dependency for the high SES patients.  相似文献   
Borgan and Langholz (1997) describe a method for estimating the parameter functions in Aalen's linear hazard regression model from sampled risk set data. Using a counting process formulation and the martingale central limit theorem, we provide a study of the asymptotic distributional properties of the estimator. The results are applied to study the efficiencies of the nested case-control and counter-matched designs relative to a full cohort analysis.  相似文献   
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